
Chencang District Administrative Examination and Approval Service Bureau went to Taibai County for exchange and study

author:Chen Cang financial media

In order to further learn the advanced experience of administrative examination and approval service work in sister counties and districts, we will continue to promote the high-quality development of administrative examination and approval service work in Chencang District. On October 26, the Chencang District Administrative Examination and Approval Service Bureau went to the Taibai County Administrative Examination and Approval Service Bureau to learn and exchange information on the handling of qinling-related examination and approval matters and enterprise registration and other related businesses.

Chencang District Administrative Examination and Approval Service Bureau went to Taibai County for exchange and study

The study group visited the registration window, the comprehensive window and the special equipment use registration and industrial reform zone window of the Taibai County Government Affairs Hall, and learned about the work of each window. The person in charge of the relevant business of the Taibai County Administrative Examination and Approval Service Bureau focused on the examination and approval of Matters related to Qinling, enterprise registration, and registration and approval of the use of special equipment.

The Administrative Examination and Approval Bureau of Chencang District said that it will conscientiously summarize the results of this study and exchange, integrate the excellent practices and valuable experience learned into the work, strengthen communication and exchanges with the Taibai County Administrative Examination and Approval Service Bureau, promote mutual promotion and mutual progress, strive to achieve a higher level in various work, and jointly promote the high-quality and efficient development of administrative examination and approval services.

Source Chencang District Administrative Examination and Approval Service Bureau

Edited by Huang Wei

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