
When he was a child, Wang Yangming learned small stories every day and understood the great wisdom of the ancients

author:Love the little white of the ancient text

Speaking of Wang Yangming, it can be said that he is a household name, his Longmen Enlightenment is a legend, and today Xiao Bai tells you a story of his childhood, which is enough to prove that some people's intelligence is innate.

It is said that when Wang Yangming was 12 years old, his father was an official in the Beijing Division, he himself lived with his stepmother, originally the family conditions were good, he should have a beautiful fairy tale, who knew that the stepmother's character was not good, often abused him, and his father could not know these things at all because he was far away in the Beijing Division.

One day Yang Ming really couldn't stand it, so he decided to find a way to cure his stepmother. How? After all, I was still young, I couldn't do things that hurt nature and reason, and I suddenly remembered that my stepmother believed in Buddhism, and it was almost superstitious, and my head turned and I thought of a way. At night, after waiting for her stepmother to fall asleep, she secretly put her stepmother's offering to the Buddha at the door of the Buddhist hall. After the stepmother got up in the morning, she looked at it and thought it was very strange and confused, but she couldn't find any reason, so she didn't care. However, this was the case for many consecutive days, and the stepmother was even more afraid in her heart, but she still abused Xiao Yangming as always.

Xiao Yangming saw that this method did not work, so he went to the suburbs to find a bird catcher, bought a very rare strange bird from him, and secretly put it in his stepmother's quilt when he returned. When the stepmother was making the bed, suddenly the bird flew out of the quilt and was frightened, so she quickly went to find a witch to divinate.

Who knew that Xiao Yangming intercepted the witch on the road and gave her some money to buy her. When the witch arrived, she said, "Wang Zhuangyuan's (Wang Yangming's father) ex-wife condemned her stepmother for abusing his children, and today she reported to heaven that heaven sent yin soldiers to collect your soul, and this sacred bird was the embodiment of yin soldiers." ”

After hearing this, her stepmother cried in fright, kneeling on the ground while prostrating her head and shouting "don't dare", and Xiao Yangming also cried and prayed for a long time. The witch pretended to be very angry, suddenly felt like she was about to fall, and then pretended to wake up. Since then, the stepmother's temperament has changed greatly, and she has taken good care of Xiao Yangming.

Comments: Courage and wisdom are indeed half a day old, half after learning! Since your stepfathers and stepmothers have chosen this family, please be kind to your children!

This story is from the fourth episode of the Complete Collection of Wisdom Tanks, "Wang Yangming Borrows Witches to Punish His Mother". Every day, with everyone to understand the wisdom of the ancients, improve their own realm!

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