
Another new drug for the treatment of resistant whitefly, aphids, whiteflies and ticks was launched with an effective period of 28 days

author:Suiyang Agricultural Sciences

Whiteflies, aphids, whitefly and shell insects have become the most troublesome pests for farmers, and these pests occur in a wide range, serious harm and difficult to control. Today Xiaobian recommends a new drug for the treatment of these pests.

Another new drug for the treatment of resistant whitefly, aphids, whiteflies and ticks was launched with an effective period of 28 days

Dipropyl cycloster ester is a propylene insecticide newly developed by BASF in Germany, which is a new insecticide for the control of stinging mouth organ pests, with the characteristics of fast onset, high efficiency and broad spectrum. The speed of knocking down pests is fast, the duration of the effect is more than 28 days, and there is no cross-resistance with existing insecticides. Therefore, the listing of dipropylcyclosate will provide new agent rotation and mixing tools; it is particularly suitable for the control of insect pests that are prone to drug resistance, such as whiteflies, tobacco whiteflies, peach tree aphids, cotton aphids, whiteflies, etc.; it has excellent preventive effects for the prevention and control of pests that are resistant to nicotinoids, organophosphorus, permethrins and prayzycles.

Product name: Inscalis®, Eiwei

Main dosage forms

At present, the main dosage forms registered are: 5% dipropyl cyclosome dispersible liquid, 7.5% Avi dipropyl cyclostate dispersible liquid agent.


Propyliconate is currently the safest compound available. It is lowly vexic to mammals, fish, birds, predatory insects, low to bees, and safe to non-target arthropods (such as predatory mites, parasitic wasps, grasshoppers, red-eyed bees, ladybirds, etc.).

Another new drug for the treatment of resistant whitefly, aphids, whiteflies and ticks was launched with an effective period of 28 days

Mechanism of action

Dipropyl cyclosomes interfere with the function of insect stringers, causing insects to lose sensitivity to gravity, balance, sound, position and movement, making insects deaf, losing coordination and sense of direction, and then unable to eat, losing water, and eventually causing insects to die of starvation.

Another new drug for the treatment of resistant whitefly, aphids, whiteflies and ticks was launched with an effective period of 28 days
Another new drug for the treatment of resistant whitefly, aphids, whiteflies and ticks was launched with an effective period of 28 days

Main features

Dipropyl cyclosome ester has its excellent transmembrane conduction activity, so that the agent is transmitted from the upper part to the bottom, and the pests in the upper and lower parts can be controlled, achieving the effect of "positive fight and reverse death"; and can conduct to the top, thereby preventing and controlling pests at the top of the leaf. The product has a fast onset of action, which can quickly stop the feeding of pests, thereby reducing crop loss and hindering the spread of viral pathogens, and the effectiveness period can reach more than 28 days, overcoming the slow effect of spirant ethyl ester. It is both quick-acting and long-acting. Dipropylcycloxate is environmentally friendly, has low acute toxicity to beneficial arthropods such as pollinators, and is less toxic to natural enemies of insects, and is suitable for pest resistance management and comprehensive management of pests. At present, it is the best new drug for the control of whitefly, aphids, whitefly, shellworms and other sucking insects.

Suitable for crops

It can be used to control brassica vegetables, celery, cotton, gourd, fruit vegetables (excluding gourds), ginger, leaf vegetables (including brassica leaf vegetables), parsley, potatoes, sweet potatoes, fruit trees, cotton, soybeans, citrus, ornamental plants, flowers and other crops.

Prevention and control objects

It mainly controls whitefly, aphids, whiteflies, shellfish, wood lice and other sucking pests.

Use technology

For the control of cotton aphids and peach aphids, in the early stage of occurrence, 5% dipropyl ringworm ester can disperse liquid agent 10-16 ml / mu, mixed with 30-50 kg of water to spray the whole plant evenly, can quickly control the continued spread of aphids.

For the control of citrus mesozoans and aphids, 5% dipropyl cyclosome ester dispersible liquid agent 12,000 times liquid can be sprayed uniformly, which can quickly control the harm of pests such as mealybugs and mesozoans, with a long effective period and good effect.