
The taste is super delicious 34 private dishes, delicious and nutritious. Try to spend the weekend with the family colorful pepper fried tenderloin scented pepper fragrant ecological rabbit colorful sweet and sour fish beef potato pot pork ribs spicy beauty hoof tempeh fragrant crucian carp dried pot lettuce bacon Dutch beans scrambled egg meat stuffed tofu dry pot hand torn cabbage sweet and sour fried sea prawn loofah mushroom stir-fried fresh squid high liter pork bone flower open rich shrimp bubble pepper beef red three mint lamb winter melon scallop soup oven version sour spicy grilled fish garlic grilled oyster tofu sour spicy potato silk braised rhubarb stir-fried pork skin stir-fried yam broccoli off bone gao than chicken claw celery fried bean sprout shrimp stir-fried broccoli shrimp stir-fried broccoli roasted pork tail beer sauce fragrant chicken wing cucumber stir-fried beef fresh mushroom fried asparagus

author:Splendid v Shandong

Hello everyone, welcome to my food self-media, I am the creator of the food field Splendid V Shandong: "Focus on food, make life more flavorful." "Today I bring you a few home-cooked delicacies, which are also loved by everyone and are very common. Every day, we use ordinary ingredients to make the most delicious meals. I also hope that today's cuisine can bring you a whole day of happiness.

<h1 class="pgc-h-decimal" data-index="01" > fried tenderloin with bell peppers</h1>

The taste is super delicious 34 private dishes, delicious and nutritious. Try to spend the weekend with the family colorful pepper fried tenderloin scented pepper fragrant ecological rabbit colorful sweet and sour fish beef potato pot pork ribs spicy beauty hoof tempeh fragrant crucian carp dried pot lettuce bacon Dutch beans scrambled egg meat stuffed tofu dry pot hand torn cabbage sweet and sour fried sea prawn loofah mushroom stir-fried fresh squid high liter pork bone flower open rich shrimp bubble pepper beef red three mint lamb winter melon scallop soup oven version sour spicy grilled fish garlic grilled oyster tofu sour spicy potato silk braised rhubarb stir-fried pork skin stir-fried yam broccoli off bone gao than chicken claw celery fried bean sprout shrimp stir-fried broccoli shrimp stir-fried broccoli roasted pork tail beer sauce fragrant chicken wing cucumber stir-fried beef fresh mushroom fried asparagus

Ingredients: red, yellow and green bell peppers, pork tenderloin, salt, corn starch, chicken essence, cooking wine, sugar, egg white, garlic, ginger


1: Cut the tenderloin into strips and set aside. Add the tenderloin to the salt, corn starch, cooking wine, a little sugar and egg whites, grasp well with your hands, add a little vegetable oil, and then grasp well again and marinate for 15 to 20 minutes.

2: Heat the pan and add the oil to stir-fry the garlic slices and ginger slices, then add the marinated tenderloin and stir-fry.

3: Sauté the tenderloin until the color is white, then pour in the chopped diced bell pepper and stir-fry for 1 minute, add the appropriate amount of salt and chicken essence and stir-fry evenly.

<h1 class="pgc-h-decimal" data-index="02" > pepper ecological rabbit</h1>

The taste is super delicious 34 private dishes, delicious and nutritious. Try to spend the weekend with the family colorful pepper fried tenderloin scented pepper fragrant ecological rabbit colorful sweet and sour fish beef potato pot pork ribs spicy beauty hoof tempeh fragrant crucian carp dried pot lettuce bacon Dutch beans scrambled egg meat stuffed tofu dry pot hand torn cabbage sweet and sour fried sea prawn loofah mushroom stir-fried fresh squid high liter pork bone flower open rich shrimp bubble pepper beef red three mint lamb winter melon scallop soup oven version sour spicy grilled fish garlic grilled oyster tofu sour spicy potato silk braised rhubarb stir-fried pork skin stir-fried yam broccoli off bone gao than chicken claw celery fried bean sprout shrimp stir-fried broccoli shrimp stir-fried broccoli roasted pork tail beer sauce fragrant chicken wing cucumber stir-fried beef fresh mushroom fried asparagus

Ingredients: 500 grams of baby rabbit, 100 grams of vegetable oil, ginger slices, green onion sections, salt 5 grams, cooking wine, pepper each appropriate amount, green pepper festival 50 grams, dried green peppercorns 15 grams, monosodium glutamate 3 grams

1: Chop the rabbit into cubes, add ginger slices, green onion, salt, cooking wine and pepper into the pot and marinate until fragrant, pour out and drain and set aside.

2: Heat the oil in a net pot, stir-fry the green peppercorns and dried green peppercorns until fragrant, pour in the diced rabbit, add salt and MSG and sauté until the aroma is strong, then plate and serve.

<h1 class="pgc-h-decimal" data-index="03" > colorful sweet and sour fish</h1>

The taste is super delicious 34 private dishes, delicious and nutritious. Try to spend the weekend with the family colorful pepper fried tenderloin scented pepper fragrant ecological rabbit colorful sweet and sour fish beef potato pot pork ribs spicy beauty hoof tempeh fragrant crucian carp dried pot lettuce bacon Dutch beans scrambled egg meat stuffed tofu dry pot hand torn cabbage sweet and sour fried sea prawn loofah mushroom stir-fried fresh squid high liter pork bone flower open rich shrimp bubble pepper beef red three mint lamb winter melon scallop soup oven version sour spicy grilled fish garlic grilled oyster tofu sour spicy potato silk braised rhubarb stir-fried pork skin stir-fried yam broccoli off bone gao than chicken claw celery fried bean sprout shrimp stir-fried broccoli shrimp stir-fried broccoli roasted pork tail beer sauce fragrant chicken wing cucumber stir-fried beef fresh mushroom fried asparagus

Ingredients: 1 commercially available fried fish, 10 grams of ginger, 10 grams of green peppers, 10 grams of onions, 10 grams of red bell peppers, 10 grams of corn kernels, 10 grams of pineapple slices, 2 tbsp tomato sauce, 4 tbsp sugar, 4 tbsp white vinegar, 1/2 tsp salt, 1 tbsp rice wine

Detailed steps:

1. Dice ginger, green pepper, onion and red bell pepper; bromeliad slices into small pieces

2. Heat the pot, sauté the ginger, then cook the diced green pepper, diced onion, diced red bell pepper, corn kernels and pineapple pieces and all the seasonings over low heat to make the multi-color sweet and sour sauce

3. Place the commercially available fried fish on a large plate and drizzle with the multicolored sweet and sour sauce from Recipe 2

<h1 class="pgc-h-decimal" data-index="04" > beef potato pot</h1>

The taste is super delicious 34 private dishes, delicious and nutritious. Try to spend the weekend with the family colorful pepper fried tenderloin scented pepper fragrant ecological rabbit colorful sweet and sour fish beef potato pot pork ribs spicy beauty hoof tempeh fragrant crucian carp dried pot lettuce bacon Dutch beans scrambled egg meat stuffed tofu dry pot hand torn cabbage sweet and sour fried sea prawn loofah mushroom stir-fried fresh squid high liter pork bone flower open rich shrimp bubble pepper beef red three mint lamb winter melon scallop soup oven version sour spicy grilled fish garlic grilled oyster tofu sour spicy potato silk braised rhubarb stir-fried pork skin stir-fried yam broccoli off bone gao than chicken claw celery fried bean sprout shrimp stir-fried broccoli shrimp stir-fried broccoli roasted pork tail beer sauce fragrant chicken wing cucumber stir-fried beef fresh mushroom fried asparagus

Ingredients: 500g of beef, 1 potato, 1 carrot, 50g of onion, appropriate onion and ginger, 5g of cinnamon, 3 large ingredients, 10 peppercorns, 30ml of cooking wine, 10ml of dark soy sauce, 20ml of light soy sauce, 10g of sugar, appropriate salt, a small amount of chicken essence, appropriate water starch, appropriate coriander.

Directions: 1. Beef cut into pieces, potatoes peeled and cut into pieces, carrots and onions do not cut into pieces.

2. Blanch the blood foam in the pot with cold water on the beef.

3. In a wok, pour oil and sauté chives, ginger, garlic and spices. Pour in the beef and stir-fry. Stir-fry in cooking wine. Add sugar and stir-fry continuously.

4. Add the old soy sauce and the raw soy sauce. Stir-fried beef is colored and turned off the heat. Put the beef in a casserole dish and take in the appropriate boiling water.

5. Cook on high heat and simmer on low heat for 40 minutes.

6. Then add the potatoes and carrots to the continuous simmering. Soft potatoes add onions and then turn on high heat.

7. Add salt to taste. Drizzle a small amount of water starch to thin the mustard. Finally sprinkle with parsley and turn off the heat.

<h1 class="pgc-h-decimal" data-index="05" > back to the pot ribs</h1>

The taste is super delicious 34 private dishes, delicious and nutritious. Try to spend the weekend with the family colorful pepper fried tenderloin scented pepper fragrant ecological rabbit colorful sweet and sour fish beef potato pot pork ribs spicy beauty hoof tempeh fragrant crucian carp dried pot lettuce bacon Dutch beans scrambled egg meat stuffed tofu dry pot hand torn cabbage sweet and sour fried sea prawn loofah mushroom stir-fried fresh squid high liter pork bone flower open rich shrimp bubble pepper beef red three mint lamb winter melon scallop soup oven version sour spicy grilled fish garlic grilled oyster tofu sour spicy potato silk braised rhubarb stir-fried pork skin stir-fried yam broccoli off bone gao than chicken claw celery fried bean sprout shrimp stir-fried broccoli shrimp stir-fried broccoli roasted pork tail beer sauce fragrant chicken wing cucumber stir-fried beef fresh mushroom fried asparagus

Ingredients: 1 pound of ribs, 2 spoons of watercress paste, 1 spoonful of dark soy sauce, 1 section of lotus root, 2 green and red peppers, 1/2 garlic, 4 garlic sprouts, a small piece of ginger, and a suitable amount of sugar

1, first of all, we will buy the ribs clean, first set aside, the water control dry.

2: Wash and cut the green and red peppers into small pieces, slice the ginger, cut the garlic in two, and cut the garlic seedlings into segments.

3: Add the cleaned ribs in a cold pot, boil the water and cook for another 15 minutes to control the dry water.

4: Heat the oil, heat the oil for 7 minutes, pour the ribs, fry until the surface is golden and then fish out.

5: Stir in the frying pan again, add ginger slices, garlic slices and two spoonfuls of bean paste to stir-fry for half a minute.

6: Stir-fry the ribs and green and red peppers, remove the skin slightly, pour in the soy sauce and sugar and stir to taste evenly.

7, the appropriate can be slightly added to the water stir-frying

8, until the soup is viscous, you can pour in the garlic seedlings, and then stir-fry a few times to get out of the pot.

<h1 class="pgc-h-decimal" data-index="06" > spicy beauty hoof</h1>

The taste is super delicious 34 private dishes, delicious and nutritious. Try to spend the weekend with the family colorful pepper fried tenderloin scented pepper fragrant ecological rabbit colorful sweet and sour fish beef potato pot pork ribs spicy beauty hoof tempeh fragrant crucian carp dried pot lettuce bacon Dutch beans scrambled egg meat stuffed tofu dry pot hand torn cabbage sweet and sour fried sea prawn loofah mushroom stir-fried fresh squid high liter pork bone flower open rich shrimp bubble pepper beef red three mint lamb winter melon scallop soup oven version sour spicy grilled fish garlic grilled oyster tofu sour spicy potato silk braised rhubarb stir-fried pork skin stir-fried yam broccoli off bone gao than chicken claw celery fried bean sprout shrimp stir-fried broccoli shrimp stir-fried broccoli roasted pork tail beer sauce fragrant chicken wing cucumber stir-fried beef fresh mushroom fried asparagus

Ingredients: 1000 g of pig's front hoof

Accessories: 1/3 small bowl of cooking wine, 50 grams of rock sugar, half a bowl of light soy sauce

Ingredient A: 1 green onion (cut into sections), 5 slices of ginger, 4 garlic (sliced)

Ingredient B: Peppercorns, grass fruits, fragrant leaves, cloves, fennel, licorice, cinnamon, dried hawthorn

Ingredient C: Peppercorns, dried red peppers, sautéed white sesame seeds

1: Wash the pig's feet and chop them into small pieces. Bring warm water to a boil in the pan and boil it for about 10 minutes. Rinse the pig's feet with cold water and drain the water for later. Heat two tablespoons of oil in a pan, stir-fry the pork knuckles over low heat and slowly fry until the skin is slightly yellowish.

2: Put a spoonful of oil in a pot, add 1 green onion, 5 slices of ginger, 4 cloves of garlic, peppercorns, grass fruits, fragrant leaves, cloves, fennel, licorice, cinnamon, dried hawthorn, stir-fry over low heat until fragrant.

3: Start another pot, put in the pot to stir-fry the ingredients and pork feet in step 4, add cooking wine, soy sauce and water. After bringing to a boil, continue to cook for 15 minutes, turning the heat down until the soup is thick and only half the amount remains.

4: Add a tbsp oil in a pot, heat it up, add 50g of rock sugar and sauté the sugar color. Add a tablespoon of water halfway through. Fry until sugary and thick, dark in color.

5: Add the marinated pork knuckles and stir-fry until all are evenly coated with sugar. Pour in half of the marinade, collect the juice over high heat and turn it over. Sauté until the marinade is completely dry and set aside. In a pan of cold oil, add the peppercorns and stir the red peppercorns until fragrant.

6: Pour in the juiced pork knuckles into the pot. Add a tablespoon of water, stir-fry over low heat until the water is dry, sprinkle with white sesame seeds.

<h1 class="pgc-h-decimal" data-index="07" > tempeh crucian carp</h1>

The taste is super delicious 34 private dishes, delicious and nutritious. Try to spend the weekend with the family colorful pepper fried tenderloin scented pepper fragrant ecological rabbit colorful sweet and sour fish beef potato pot pork ribs spicy beauty hoof tempeh fragrant crucian carp dried pot lettuce bacon Dutch beans scrambled egg meat stuffed tofu dry pot hand torn cabbage sweet and sour fried sea prawn loofah mushroom stir-fried fresh squid high liter pork bone flower open rich shrimp bubble pepper beef red three mint lamb winter melon scallop soup oven version sour spicy grilled fish garlic grilled oyster tofu sour spicy potato silk braised rhubarb stir-fried pork skin stir-fried yam broccoli off bone gao than chicken claw celery fried bean sprout shrimp stir-fried broccoli shrimp stir-fried broccoli roasted pork tail beer sauce fragrant chicken wing cucumber stir-fried beef fresh mushroom fried asparagus

Ingredients: Crucian carp, garlic, millet pepper, ginger, tempeh, rice wine, garlic, salt, chicken essence, oyster sauce, soy sauce


1: Remove crucian carp and offal, wash it, marinate it with rice wine, salt and ginger for a while, and prepare the side dishes. Cut the garlic into sections, the rice pepper and ginger into small pieces, and the garlic into foam.

2: Heat the oil (hot pan cold oil), when the oil is 70% hot, turn off the low heat and fry the crucian carp until it is golden brown on both sides.

3: Scoop the fish to the side, stir-fry the garlic, rice pepper, garlic and ginger until fragrant, add a little water and cook slightly to taste, add tempeh.

4: Stir-fry evenly, add rice wine to remove fishiness, add salt, chicken essence, oil consumption seasoning and soy sauce to cook slightly, and put the pan on the plate.

<h1 class="pgc-h-decimal" data-index="08" > dry pot lettuce bacon</h1>

The taste is super delicious 34 private dishes, delicious and nutritious. Try to spend the weekend with the family colorful pepper fried tenderloin scented pepper fragrant ecological rabbit colorful sweet and sour fish beef potato pot pork ribs spicy beauty hoof tempeh fragrant crucian carp dried pot lettuce bacon Dutch beans scrambled egg meat stuffed tofu dry pot hand torn cabbage sweet and sour fried sea prawn loofah mushroom stir-fried fresh squid high liter pork bone flower open rich shrimp bubble pepper beef red three mint lamb winter melon scallop soup oven version sour spicy grilled fish garlic grilled oyster tofu sour spicy potato silk braised rhubarb stir-fried pork skin stir-fried yam broccoli off bone gao than chicken claw celery fried bean sprout shrimp stir-fried broccoli shrimp stir-fried broccoli roasted pork tail beer sauce fragrant chicken wing cucumber stir-fried beef fresh mushroom fried asparagus

Ingredients: Bacon, lettuce, oil, salt, chicken essence, dried chili pepper, garlic, ginger, garlic, sesame oil, red oil

1: Wash the bacon, cook in a pot for about 10 minutes, remove and let cool and cut into thin slices.

2: Peel the lettuce and cut into 1/2 cm thick diagonal slices; cut into dried chili peppers, garlic into slices, and slice ginger for later.

3: Put the pot on the high heat, put the oil, red oil and heat it, sauté the bacon slices until the oil comes out, then put it on the side of the pot, enlarge the garlic, dried peppers, ginger slices and sauté.

4: Stir-fry the lettuce for 1 minute, add water, add salt and chicken essence and stir-fry well.

5: Simmer for 2 minutes and then pour into a dry pot, then drizzle with sesame oil and sprinkle with garlic.

<h1 class="pgc-h-decimal" data-index="09" > scrambled eggs with Dutch beans</h1>

The taste is super delicious 34 private dishes, delicious and nutritious. Try to spend the weekend with the family colorful pepper fried tenderloin scented pepper fragrant ecological rabbit colorful sweet and sour fish beef potato pot pork ribs spicy beauty hoof tempeh fragrant crucian carp dried pot lettuce bacon Dutch beans scrambled egg meat stuffed tofu dry pot hand torn cabbage sweet and sour fried sea prawn loofah mushroom stir-fried fresh squid high liter pork bone flower open rich shrimp bubble pepper beef red three mint lamb winter melon scallop soup oven version sour spicy grilled fish garlic grilled oyster tofu sour spicy potato silk braised rhubarb stir-fried pork skin stir-fried yam broccoli off bone gao than chicken claw celery fried bean sprout shrimp stir-fried broccoli shrimp stir-fried broccoli roasted pork tail beer sauce fragrant chicken wing cucumber stir-fried beef fresh mushroom fried asparagus

Ingredients: 20 hollandaise beans, 3 eggs, salt soy sauce, cooking wine

1: First, put the egg into a bowl, add half a small spoon of salt and 1 large spoon of cooking wine, and stir well with chopsticks

2: Wash the beans and pinch off the two ends

3, wok oil poured, scrambled eggs of the same oil to pour more, such as the eggs will be fluffy. When the oil is hot enough to smoke, pour the stirred egg mixture into the pot, and when you can hear the "cheering" sound, clarify that the oil is hot to a suitable level

4, after the egg is poured into the pot, use chopsticks to quickly draw circles in the pot, mess up the egg liquid, such as Xu can make the egg agile and cooked, see the egg liquid solidified immediately after it will be put out

5, just the right to scramble eggs in the pot and then pour some oil, after the oil is hot, pour the hollandaise beans into the pot, stir-fry for 2 minutes on high heat, pour 1 large spoon of soy sauce, and then pour the previously scrambled eggs into the pot, if you feel light can add some salt, stir-fry a few times, you can get out of the pot

<h1 class="pgc-h-decimal" data-index="10" > meat stuffed tofu</h1>

The taste is super delicious 34 private dishes, delicious and nutritious. Try to spend the weekend with the family colorful pepper fried tenderloin scented pepper fragrant ecological rabbit colorful sweet and sour fish beef potato pot pork ribs spicy beauty hoof tempeh fragrant crucian carp dried pot lettuce bacon Dutch beans scrambled egg meat stuffed tofu dry pot hand torn cabbage sweet and sour fried sea prawn loofah mushroom stir-fried fresh squid high liter pork bone flower open rich shrimp bubble pepper beef red three mint lamb winter melon scallop soup oven version sour spicy grilled fish garlic grilled oyster tofu sour spicy potato silk braised rhubarb stir-fried pork skin stir-fried yam broccoli off bone gao than chicken claw celery fried bean sprout shrimp stir-fried broccoli shrimp stir-fried broccoli roasted pork tail beer sauce fragrant chicken wing cucumber stir-fried beef fresh mushroom fried asparagus

Ingredients: tofu, plum blossom meat (or three fat seven lean pork, shiitake mushrooms, green onion, oil), salt, starch, soy sauce, Bao Yuzhi;

1。 Soak the shiitake mushrooms in warm water, remove the stems and chop the pork chops into chopped onions, green onions, add abalone juice, salt, corn starch minced meat, add mushroom water bubble points and stir in the same direction until sticky, add mushrooms and fry green onions;

2。 Use chopsticks to insert a bite on top of the tofu and fill the meat filling with mushrooms;

3. Heat the oil pot, put the tofu and the meat filling face down into the pot, medium heat and low heat until golden brown;

4。 After turning the noodles, fry them until golden brown, turn the noodles 2 to 3 times, and try to fry the tofu until crisp;

5。 Add 2 tablespoons of abalone juice; a few drops of soy sauce; add water in the tofu;

6。 In the center of the fire, simmer for about 8 minutes, the high heat will thicken the sauce.

<h1 class="pgc-h-decimal" data-index="11" > dry pot rip cabbage</h1>

The taste is super delicious 34 private dishes, delicious and nutritious. Try to spend the weekend with the family colorful pepper fried tenderloin scented pepper fragrant ecological rabbit colorful sweet and sour fish beef potato pot pork ribs spicy beauty hoof tempeh fragrant crucian carp dried pot lettuce bacon Dutch beans scrambled egg meat stuffed tofu dry pot hand torn cabbage sweet and sour fried sea prawn loofah mushroom stir-fried fresh squid high liter pork bone flower open rich shrimp bubble pepper beef red three mint lamb winter melon scallop soup oven version sour spicy grilled fish garlic grilled oyster tofu sour spicy potato silk braised rhubarb stir-fried pork skin stir-fried yam broccoli off bone gao than chicken claw celery fried bean sprout shrimp stir-fried broccoli shrimp stir-fried broccoli roasted pork tail beer sauce fragrant chicken wing cucumber stir-fried beef fresh mushroom fried asparagus

Ingredients: 300g cabbage, 100g pork belly, 4 cloves of garlic, 5 dried chili peppers, 1 tsp sugar, 2 spoons of soy sauce, 1/2 tsp of chicken essence, 1 tsp of cooking wine, 1/2 tsp of salt, 1/2 tsp of balsamic vinegar.

1. Tear the cabbage in small pieces, soak and wash with light salt water.

2. Peel the pork belly and cut into thin slices, the garlic is also sliced, and the dried chili peppers are washed and cut in half with scissors.

3. Heat the pan with cold oil and simmer the pork belly over low heat until it is just transparent.

4. Add the garlic slices to continue simmering the aroma.

5. Add drained cabbage and dried chili peppers over high heat and continue to stir-fry.

6. Then add all the spices except balsamic vinegar and chicken essence, add a little water and stir-fry until cooked.

7. Add chicken essence before starting the pot, cook along the edge of the pot with balsamic vinegar and mix well out of the pot.

<h1 class="pgc-h-decimal" data-index="12" > fried shrimp with sweet and sour</h1>

The taste is super delicious 34 private dishes, delicious and nutritious. Try to spend the weekend with the family colorful pepper fried tenderloin scented pepper fragrant ecological rabbit colorful sweet and sour fish beef potato pot pork ribs spicy beauty hoof tempeh fragrant crucian carp dried pot lettuce bacon Dutch beans scrambled egg meat stuffed tofu dry pot hand torn cabbage sweet and sour fried sea prawn loofah mushroom stir-fried fresh squid high liter pork bone flower open rich shrimp bubble pepper beef red three mint lamb winter melon scallop soup oven version sour spicy grilled fish garlic grilled oyster tofu sour spicy potato silk braised rhubarb stir-fried pork skin stir-fried yam broccoli off bone gao than chicken claw celery fried bean sprout shrimp stir-fried broccoli shrimp stir-fried broccoli roasted pork tail beer sauce fragrant chicken wing cucumber stir-fried beef fresh mushroom fried asparagus

Ingredients: 600g live shrimp, 10g green onion, 10g ginger, 10g garlic, 3 tbsp sugar, 2 tbsp aged vinegar, 1 tsp dark soy sauce, 1 tbsp rice wine, 1 tsp salt, 1 tsp dry starch

1: Wash and control the dried water of the shrimp, and pick off the shrimp line. Slice the onion, ginger, garlic separately. Stir fry the oil in a frying pan and stir-fry the onion, ginger, garlic and garlic when the oil temperature rises to 50% heat. Add the shrimp.

2: Add salt, sugar, rice wine, soy sauce, 1 tbsp aged vinegar and stir-fry over high heat for 2 minutes. Add another 1 tablespoon of aged vinegar, mix the dry starch into starch water and stir-fry well.

<h1 class="pgc-h-decimal" data-index="13" > stir-fried fresh squid with loofah fungus</h1>

The taste is super delicious 34 private dishes, delicious and nutritious. Try to spend the weekend with the family colorful pepper fried tenderloin scented pepper fragrant ecological rabbit colorful sweet and sour fish beef potato pot pork ribs spicy beauty hoof tempeh fragrant crucian carp dried pot lettuce bacon Dutch beans scrambled egg meat stuffed tofu dry pot hand torn cabbage sweet and sour fried sea prawn loofah mushroom stir-fried fresh squid high liter pork bone flower open rich shrimp bubble pepper beef red three mint lamb winter melon scallop soup oven version sour spicy grilled fish garlic grilled oyster tofu sour spicy potato silk braised rhubarb stir-fried pork skin stir-fried yam broccoli off bone gao than chicken claw celery fried bean sprout shrimp stir-fried broccoli shrimp stir-fried broccoli roasted pork tail beer sauce fragrant chicken wing cucumber stir-fried beef fresh mushroom fried asparagus

Ingredients: fungus, squid, carrot, bell pepper, ginger, garlic

1. Soak the fungus with water in advance and wash it. The squid is eviscerated, washed, peeled off the surface skin, and cut the cross knife diagonally. Peel the carrots, wash and slice the bell peppers, ginger and garlic. Peel the loofah, wash it, cut it into thick slices, cut it and soak it in light salt water.

2: Boil the water, blanch the fresh squid in boiling water until it is curled, wash it with water and cut into thick slices. Heat the pot with an appropriate amount of oil, sauté the ginger slices, add the blanched squid, sprinkle a few times, scoop and set aside.

3: Leave the remaining oil in the pot, turn on the high heat, put the garlic slices, bell peppers, carrot slices, and wood ear fungus into the pot and stir-fry until fragrant, and scoop up.

4, add a little oil in the pot, heat on high heat, put the loofah into the pot and fry, and then return the other fried ingredients to the pot, pour a little rice wine quickly stir-fry, evenly, add the right amount of salt, chicken powder to taste, use corn starch to hook a thin mustard, put on the plate on the table.

<h1 class="pgc-h-decimal" data-index="14" > high-rise ribs</h1>

The taste is super delicious 34 private dishes, delicious and nutritious. Try to spend the weekend with the family colorful pepper fried tenderloin scented pepper fragrant ecological rabbit colorful sweet and sour fish beef potato pot pork ribs spicy beauty hoof tempeh fragrant crucian carp dried pot lettuce bacon Dutch beans scrambled egg meat stuffed tofu dry pot hand torn cabbage sweet and sour fried sea prawn loofah mushroom stir-fried fresh squid high liter pork bone flower open rich shrimp bubble pepper beef red three mint lamb winter melon scallop soup oven version sour spicy grilled fish garlic grilled oyster tofu sour spicy potato silk braised rhubarb stir-fried pork skin stir-fried yam broccoli off bone gao than chicken claw celery fried bean sprout shrimp stir-fried broccoli shrimp stir-fried broccoli roasted pork tail beer sauce fragrant chicken wing cucumber stir-fried beef fresh mushroom fried asparagus

1. First, chop the ribs into small pieces.

2. Sauce: 1 spoonful of cooking wine 2 spoons of sugar 3 spoons of vinegar 3 tablespoons of soy sauce Stir well with water.

3. Slice the ginger, cut the green onion into sections, and prepare the star anise (large ingredients).

4. Bring the ribs to a boil in cold water and drain.

5. Pour oil into a pan, heat the oil and add the drained ribs.

6. Stir-fry for a while over medium heat, add the green onion and ginger and star anise to continue sautéing.

7. Sauté until the surface of the ribs is slightly yellow.

8. Pour in the sauce, bring to a boil over high heat, reduce heat and simmer for 20 minutes.

9. When half of the soup is left, add the right amount of salt. Continue firing.

10. Cook until the soup is concentrated.

<h1 class="pgc-h-decimal" data-index="15" > blossom rich shrimp</h1>

The taste is super delicious 34 private dishes, delicious and nutritious. Try to spend the weekend with the family colorful pepper fried tenderloin scented pepper fragrant ecological rabbit colorful sweet and sour fish beef potato pot pork ribs spicy beauty hoof tempeh fragrant crucian carp dried pot lettuce bacon Dutch beans scrambled egg meat stuffed tofu dry pot hand torn cabbage sweet and sour fried sea prawn loofah mushroom stir-fried fresh squid high liter pork bone flower open rich shrimp bubble pepper beef red three mint lamb winter melon scallop soup oven version sour spicy grilled fish garlic grilled oyster tofu sour spicy potato silk braised rhubarb stir-fried pork skin stir-fried yam broccoli off bone gao than chicken claw celery fried bean sprout shrimp stir-fried broccoli shrimp stir-fried broccoli roasted pork tail beer sauce fragrant chicken wing cucumber stir-fried beef fresh mushroom fried asparagus

Ingredients: 10 shrimps, 1 head of garlic, vermicelli to taste, green onion to taste, red pepper to taste, cooking wine salt, sweet and sour steamed fish sauce sesame oil

1. Cut the shrimp line with the back of the shrimp, and then use the back of the knife to chop the shrimp back and forth a few times to break the shrimp tendons.

2. Soak the vermicelli in hot water to soften, then stack into the plate and place it in a circle with a lump of vermicelli in the center.

3 yards of good shrimp, the shrimp head leans vertically on the middle of the lump of fans.

4. Prepare to press into a puree with salt sugar, sesame oil and vinegar steamed fish soy sauce into a topping. The proportions are adjusted according to their own tastes, and you can taste them constantly.

5. Then drizzle the garlic paste on the shrimp.

6. Bring hot water to a boil in a pot and steam the shrimp on high heat for 6 minutes. Because the shrimp is already open-backed and the meat is thin and well cooked, the steaming time does not need to be very long.

7. After that, sprinkle green onion on the shrimp, decorate the gap between the shrimp with diced red peppers, and finally pour hot oil on the shrimp to serve.

<h1 class="pgc-h-decimal" data-index="16" > beef with pickled peppers</h1>

The taste is super delicious 34 private dishes, delicious and nutritious. Try to spend the weekend with the family colorful pepper fried tenderloin scented pepper fragrant ecological rabbit colorful sweet and sour fish beef potato pot pork ribs spicy beauty hoof tempeh fragrant crucian carp dried pot lettuce bacon Dutch beans scrambled egg meat stuffed tofu dry pot hand torn cabbage sweet and sour fried sea prawn loofah mushroom stir-fried fresh squid high liter pork bone flower open rich shrimp bubble pepper beef red three mint lamb winter melon scallop soup oven version sour spicy grilled fish garlic grilled oyster tofu sour spicy potato silk braised rhubarb stir-fried pork skin stir-fried yam broccoli off bone gao than chicken claw celery fried bean sprout shrimp stir-fried broccoli shrimp stir-fried broccoli roasted pork tail beer sauce fragrant chicken wing cucumber stir-fried beef fresh mushroom fried asparagus

Ingredients: Shredded celery, shredded beef, shredded pickled pepper, shredded ginger.

1: Cut the beef into strips, put a small amount of soy sauce, starch, cooking wine and marinate for 10 minutes, shred celery, pickled pepper and ginger shredded.

2: Heat the oil in the pot to 60%, sauté the ginger shreds to bring out the aroma.

3. Under the beef silky smooth stir-fry color change.

4: Stir-fry the pickled pepper together for about a minute, then add the celery to the same stir-fry.

5: Stir-fry for 1 minute, then add a spoonful of salt and 1/2 tablespoon of chicken essence to get out of the pan.

<h1 class="pgc-h-decimal" data-index="17" > red three chops</h1>

The taste is super delicious 34 private dishes, delicious and nutritious. Try to spend the weekend with the family colorful pepper fried tenderloin scented pepper fragrant ecological rabbit colorful sweet and sour fish beef potato pot pork ribs spicy beauty hoof tempeh fragrant crucian carp dried pot lettuce bacon Dutch beans scrambled egg meat stuffed tofu dry pot hand torn cabbage sweet and sour fried sea prawn loofah mushroom stir-fried fresh squid high liter pork bone flower open rich shrimp bubble pepper beef red three mint lamb winter melon scallop soup oven version sour spicy grilled fish garlic grilled oyster tofu sour spicy potato silk braised rhubarb stir-fried pork skin stir-fried yam broccoli off bone gao than chicken claw celery fried bean sprout shrimp stir-fried broccoli shrimp stir-fried broccoli roasted pork tail beer sauce fragrant chicken wing cucumber stir-fried beef fresh mushroom fried asparagus

Ingredients: 150g pork tenderloin, 1 tomato, 1 big green pepper, 1 big red pepper, salt, dark soy sauce, chicken powder, rice wine, starch, peanut oil, soy sauce.

1: With a small thin spoon, scrape the surface of the western red maple in turn. Peel off the skin and cut into cubes.

2: Chop the big green pepper and the big red pepper into cubes, chop the pork into minced meat, add some wine and water starch and grasp well.

3: Pour oil into a cold net pot, then add minced meat in cold oil, and fry the minced meat and turn it white. Stir-fry the old extract well.

4: Push the meat to the edge of the pot and sauté the large green pepper and the diced red pepper. Sauté the diced tomatoes. Push the minced meat down, stir-fry in soy sauce, salt and chicken powder.

<h1 class="pgc-h-decimal" data-index="18" > mint lamb</h1>

The taste is super delicious 34 private dishes, delicious and nutritious. Try to spend the weekend with the family colorful pepper fried tenderloin scented pepper fragrant ecological rabbit colorful sweet and sour fish beef potato pot pork ribs spicy beauty hoof tempeh fragrant crucian carp dried pot lettuce bacon Dutch beans scrambled egg meat stuffed tofu dry pot hand torn cabbage sweet and sour fried sea prawn loofah mushroom stir-fried fresh squid high liter pork bone flower open rich shrimp bubble pepper beef red three mint lamb winter melon scallop soup oven version sour spicy grilled fish garlic grilled oyster tofu sour spicy potato silk braised rhubarb stir-fried pork skin stir-fried yam broccoli off bone gao than chicken claw celery fried bean sprout shrimp stir-fried broccoli shrimp stir-fried broccoli roasted pork tail beer sauce fragrant chicken wing cucumber stir-fried beef fresh mushroom fried asparagus

Ingredients: 1000 g of lamb, 50 g of mint leaves, 100 g of white radish, 20 g of ginger, 20 g of green onion, 10 g of tangerine peel, 50 g of coriander, 50 g of celery, 20 g of cooking wine, 10 g of fragrant leaves, 5 g of white root, 5 g of salt, 10 g of light soy sauce, 30 g of sweet noodle sauce, 30 g of chili sauce, 50 g of corn starch

Method: 1, cut the lamb into thick slices, wash and soak in water for 2-4 hours, fish out and put it into the pot with water, add the above accessories and spices to the heat, remove the blood stains and smell, cook for 45 minutes on low heat, take out and set aside;

2, add salad oil to the pot and burn to 210 degrees, then beat the cooked lamb evenly dried corn starch, fry it in the oil pan until it is crispy, and then fry the fresh mint leaves dry, leave the bottom oil in the pot, put the lamb and mint leaves together and stir-fry evenly.

<h1 class="pgc-h-decimal" data-index="19" > winter melon scallop soup</h1>

The taste is super delicious 34 private dishes, delicious and nutritious. Try to spend the weekend with the family colorful pepper fried tenderloin scented pepper fragrant ecological rabbit colorful sweet and sour fish beef potato pot pork ribs spicy beauty hoof tempeh fragrant crucian carp dried pot lettuce bacon Dutch beans scrambled egg meat stuffed tofu dry pot hand torn cabbage sweet and sour fried sea prawn loofah mushroom stir-fried fresh squid high liter pork bone flower open rich shrimp bubble pepper beef red three mint lamb winter melon scallop soup oven version sour spicy grilled fish garlic grilled oyster tofu sour spicy potato silk braised rhubarb stir-fried pork skin stir-fried yam broccoli off bone gao than chicken claw celery fried bean sprout shrimp stir-fried broccoli shrimp stir-fried broccoli roasted pork tail beer sauce fragrant chicken wing cucumber stir-fried beef fresh mushroom fried asparagus


One and a half pounds of winter melon; seven or eight scallops; green onions; oil; water; salt

1: Wash the winter melon, cut into pieces, chop the green onion and prepare for frying pan

2, scallops to clean, wash and spare, (I directly bought scallop meat, so clean can be)

3: Put oil in a hot pan, stir-fry the green onion after the oil is hot, put the winter melon, stir-fry evenly, add a bowl of water

4: Add scallop meat after boiling water, add salt, cover the lid, simmer over medium-low heat until the winter melon is transparent ~ ~~

5: Remove from the pot

<h1 class="pgc-h-decimal" data-index="20" > oven version of hot and sour grilled fish</h1>

The taste is super delicious 34 private dishes, delicious and nutritious. Try to spend the weekend with the family colorful pepper fried tenderloin scented pepper fragrant ecological rabbit colorful sweet and sour fish beef potato pot pork ribs spicy beauty hoof tempeh fragrant crucian carp dried pot lettuce bacon Dutch beans scrambled egg meat stuffed tofu dry pot hand torn cabbage sweet and sour fried sea prawn loofah mushroom stir-fried fresh squid high liter pork bone flower open rich shrimp bubble pepper beef red three mint lamb winter melon scallop soup oven version sour spicy grilled fish garlic grilled oyster tofu sour spicy potato silk braised rhubarb stir-fried pork skin stir-fried yam broccoli off bone gao than chicken claw celery fried bean sprout shrimp stir-fried broccoli shrimp stir-fried broccoli roasted pork tail beer sauce fragrant chicken wing cucumber stir-fried beef fresh mushroom fried asparagus

Ingredients: 2 kg of grass carp, 1 onion, 1 spoonful of watercress sauce, several millet peppers, several sour peppers, several evergreen peppers, 1-2 sour radishes, appropriate amount of pickle peppercorns, appropriate slices of ginger, 1/2 garlic, 1/2 green onion, a few shallots

1: Wash and slice the ginger, and wash the green onion into a knot. Grass carp from the back cracked, washed, fish body cut flower knife, add salt, cooking wine, fish belly put ginger slices, green onion knots marinated for more than half an hour for later.

2. Prepare spices and side dishes during the pickling process, and clean all the materials that need to be cleaned. Pat the garlic flattened and peeled, cut the pepper into sections, cut the onion into strips, and cut the sour radish into strips about the thickness of the little finger.

3, the oven 200 ° C preheating, baking pan spread oil paper or tin foil, the surface brush a layer of oil, the fish body also brushed a layer of oil, you can brush a little more, will not stick, the fish body is also easy to zoom, the middle layer of baking for 15-20 minutes.

4, hot pan cold oil (put more oil), after the oil is hot, turn the heat to low heat, stir-fry the ginger garlic under the aroma, continue to fry the onion, put the millet pepper, sour pepper, pickled pepper after the onion becomes soft, stir-fry the aroma, and then pour in the green pepper, the bean paste continues to stir-fry. This process stir-frys the aroma of the spices over a low heat.

5, vegetarian side dishes, I bought lotus chips, potatoes, eggplant, shiitake mushrooms. Meat dishes include crispy bones, squid whiskers, ham sausages, and chicken wings. The skin of the fish is yellow, you can see that the fish is cooked, take it out of the oven, and the oven is kept warm.

6: Drizzle the stir-fried seasoning on the fish, continue to bake in the oven for 10 minutes, do not rush to open the oven after baking, and simmer for another 5 minutes. Electric oven pan which was handy. The electric oven is hot, the fish are removed from the oven, put in along with the tin foil, lift the corner of the tin foil, and then slowly remove the tin foil with the help of a spatula. Side dishes are eaten and put at the same time.

<h1 class="pgc-h-decimal" data-index="21" > garlic roasted oysters</h1>

The taste is super delicious 34 private dishes, delicious and nutritious. Try to spend the weekend with the family colorful pepper fried tenderloin scented pepper fragrant ecological rabbit colorful sweet and sour fish beef potato pot pork ribs spicy beauty hoof tempeh fragrant crucian carp dried pot lettuce bacon Dutch beans scrambled egg meat stuffed tofu dry pot hand torn cabbage sweet and sour fried sea prawn loofah mushroom stir-fried fresh squid high liter pork bone flower open rich shrimp bubble pepper beef red three mint lamb winter melon scallop soup oven version sour spicy grilled fish garlic grilled oyster tofu sour spicy potato silk braised rhubarb stir-fried pork skin stir-fried yam broccoli off bone gao than chicken claw celery fried bean sprout shrimp stir-fried broccoli shrimp stir-fried broccoli roasted pork tail beer sauce fragrant chicken wing cucumber stir-fried beef fresh mushroom fried asparagus

Ingredients: 1 coriander, 1/2 onion, 1 lemon, 3 millet spicy, 15 oysters, 1 green onion white, 1/2 tbsp oil consumption, 15 cloves of garlic, 1/2 tsp sugar, edible oil to taste, 1 spoonful of sesame oil, 1 spoonful of steamed fish sauce, 3 grams of ginger powder.

1: Wash and chop the onion, peel the garlic and wash and chop, millet spicy head and chop, green onion white and chop. Place the minced garlic in a bowl and rinse with water.

2: Heat the oil in a pot, add chopped onion and chopped onion to stir-fry the aroma, add half of the minced garlic and millet and stir-fry to create the aroma. Add the other half of the minced garlic and ginger powder and stir-fry well, then turn off the heat, add sugar, steamed fish soy sauce, oyster sauce, salt and sesame oil and stir well.

3: Wash the oysters, place in a baking sheet and squeeze in lemon juice. Preheat the oven to 200 degrees and bake the oysters until the oysters shrink. Pour in the blanched garlic sauce and continue for 5 minutes. Take the oysters, sprinkle with chopped coriander and serve.

<h1 class="pgc-h-decimal" data-index="22" > tofu</h1>

The taste is super delicious 34 private dishes, delicious and nutritious. Try to spend the weekend with the family colorful pepper fried tenderloin scented pepper fragrant ecological rabbit colorful sweet and sour fish beef potato pot pork ribs spicy beauty hoof tempeh fragrant crucian carp dried pot lettuce bacon Dutch beans scrambled egg meat stuffed tofu dry pot hand torn cabbage sweet and sour fried sea prawn loofah mushroom stir-fried fresh squid high liter pork bone flower open rich shrimp bubble pepper beef red three mint lamb winter melon scallop soup oven version sour spicy grilled fish garlic grilled oyster tofu sour spicy potato silk braised rhubarb stir-fried pork skin stir-fried yam broccoli off bone gao than chicken claw celery fried bean sprout shrimp stir-fried broccoli shrimp stir-fried broccoli roasted pork tail beer sauce fragrant chicken wing cucumber stir-fried beef fresh mushroom fried asparagus

Ingredients: Tofu, toon, vegetarian oil consumption

1. Slice the tofu, fry in a little oil until golden brown on both sides, remove from the plate

2. Wash and chop the toon and pour it into the pot with rapeseed oil, add the vegetarian oil, a little water and bring it to a boil to make a toon sauce

3. Drizzle the sauce over the fried tofu

<h1 class="pgc-h-decimal" data-index="23" > shredded sour potatoes</h1>

The taste is super delicious 34 private dishes, delicious and nutritious. Try to spend the weekend with the family colorful pepper fried tenderloin scented pepper fragrant ecological rabbit colorful sweet and sour fish beef potato pot pork ribs spicy beauty hoof tempeh fragrant crucian carp dried pot lettuce bacon Dutch beans scrambled egg meat stuffed tofu dry pot hand torn cabbage sweet and sour fried sea prawn loofah mushroom stir-fried fresh squid high liter pork bone flower open rich shrimp bubble pepper beef red three mint lamb winter melon scallop soup oven version sour spicy grilled fish garlic grilled oyster tofu sour spicy potato silk braised rhubarb stir-fried pork skin stir-fried yam broccoli off bone gao than chicken claw celery fried bean sprout shrimp stir-fried broccoli shrimp stir-fried broccoli roasted pork tail beer sauce fragrant chicken wing cucumber stir-fried beef fresh mushroom fried asparagus

Ingredients: 1 potato

Accessories: 1 spring onion, 3 chili peppers, 3 cloves of garlic, 2 spoons of light soy sauce, 1 spoonful of sugar, 1 spoon of peppercorn powder, 1 spoon of aged vinegar, salt to taste.

Cooking steps:

1) First slice the garlic, put it in a small bowl, add 1 spoonful of sugar, 1 spoonful of vinegar, 1 spoon of peppercorns, 2 spoons of light soy sauce, a little salt and stir well.

2) Wash and peel the potatoes, cut into strips and soak in water for 2 minutes to remove excess starch, drain and set aside.

3) Cut the chili peppers into sections and the chives into sections and set aside.

4) Pour oil into a pan, add chili peppers when it is 50% hot and stir-fry until fragrant.

5) Add shredded potatoes and stir-fry, stir-fry the water and add the sauce just now, stir-fry evenly.

6) Stir-fry the shallots again.

<h1 class="pgc-h-decimal" data-index="24" > braised yellow croaker</h1>

The taste is super delicious 34 private dishes, delicious and nutritious. Try to spend the weekend with the family colorful pepper fried tenderloin scented pepper fragrant ecological rabbit colorful sweet and sour fish beef potato pot pork ribs spicy beauty hoof tempeh fragrant crucian carp dried pot lettuce bacon Dutch beans scrambled egg meat stuffed tofu dry pot hand torn cabbage sweet and sour fried sea prawn loofah mushroom stir-fried fresh squid high liter pork bone flower open rich shrimp bubble pepper beef red three mint lamb winter melon scallop soup oven version sour spicy grilled fish garlic grilled oyster tofu sour spicy potato silk braised rhubarb stir-fried pork skin stir-fried yam broccoli off bone gao than chicken claw celery fried bean sprout shrimp stir-fried broccoli shrimp stir-fried broccoli roasted pork tail beer sauce fragrant chicken wing cucumber stir-fried beef fresh mushroom fried asparagus

Ingredients: 1 large yellow croaker, 1 piece of ginger, 1 green onion, 1.5 tablespoons of light soy sauce, 1/4 tablespoon of sugar, salt to taste, cooking wine to taste

1: Wash the yellow croaker, drain the water, apply salt and cooking wine to the inside and outside of the fish and marinate for 15 minutes.

2: In a hot oil pan, fry the dried yellow croaker over medium heat until set and reduce the heat until golden brown; turn off the heat and then turn over the noodles, and fry the same method after turning the noodles until the other side is golden brown.

3: Add ginger shreds and green onion white on the yellow fish, add sugar and soy sauce, pour in half a bowl of water, bring to a boil on high heat and turn to medium-low heat, simmer until the sauce is about to dry. Take away the ginger shreds and green onion white, garnish with green onions and serve on a plate.

<h1 class="pgc-h-decimal" data-index="25" > fried pork skin</h1>

The taste is super delicious 34 private dishes, delicious and nutritious. Try to spend the weekend with the family colorful pepper fried tenderloin scented pepper fragrant ecological rabbit colorful sweet and sour fish beef potato pot pork ribs spicy beauty hoof tempeh fragrant crucian carp dried pot lettuce bacon Dutch beans scrambled egg meat stuffed tofu dry pot hand torn cabbage sweet and sour fried sea prawn loofah mushroom stir-fried fresh squid high liter pork bone flower open rich shrimp bubble pepper beef red three mint lamb winter melon scallop soup oven version sour spicy grilled fish garlic grilled oyster tofu sour spicy potato silk braised rhubarb stir-fried pork skin stir-fried yam broccoli off bone gao than chicken claw celery fried bean sprout shrimp stir-fried broccoli shrimp stir-fried broccoli roasted pork tail beer sauce fragrant chicken wing cucumber stir-fried beef fresh mushroom fried asparagus

Ingredients: pork skin, edamame rice, millet pepper, garlic, Pixian bean paste, star anise, cinnamon, fragrant leaves, red pepper, cumin, soy sauce, cooking wine, oil and salt.

1: Put the pork skin into the pot, add star anise, cinnamon, red pepper and other large ingredients, add water to the ingredients and bring to a boil over high heat.

2: After the water boils, pour in the appropriate amount of cooking wine and soy sauce, turn the heat down and cook for 20 minutes, then scoop up the pork skin and rinse it with water and cut it into strips for later.

3: Blanch the edamame rice in water with salt and oil, and then set aside.

4: Stir-fry the red oil with watercress sauce and garlic grains, then add the shredded meat skin and edamame beans and stir-fry evenly.

5: Cook a little cooking wine and salt to taste.

<h1 class="pgc-h-decimal" data-index="26" > stir-fried yam broccoli</h1>

The taste is super delicious 34 private dishes, delicious and nutritious. Try to spend the weekend with the family colorful pepper fried tenderloin scented pepper fragrant ecological rabbit colorful sweet and sour fish beef potato pot pork ribs spicy beauty hoof tempeh fragrant crucian carp dried pot lettuce bacon Dutch beans scrambled egg meat stuffed tofu dry pot hand torn cabbage sweet and sour fried sea prawn loofah mushroom stir-fried fresh squid high liter pork bone flower open rich shrimp bubble pepper beef red three mint lamb winter melon scallop soup oven version sour spicy grilled fish garlic grilled oyster tofu sour spicy potato silk braised rhubarb stir-fried pork skin stir-fried yam broccoli off bone gao than chicken claw celery fried bean sprout shrimp stir-fried broccoli shrimp stir-fried broccoli roasted pork tail beer sauce fragrant chicken wing cucumber stir-fried beef fresh mushroom fried asparagus

Ingredients: 200g broccoli 200g iron stick yam

1, yam peeled, cut into pieces, immediately into the water soaked, so as not to oxidation discoloration;

2. Wash the broccoli and cut into small flowers for later;

3, boiling water in the pot, you can put a little oil and salt, after the water boils, the broccoli and yam tablets are blanched, do not overheat Oh, to maintain a refreshing taste, depending on the size, control within 1 minute;

4、 Heat the oil pot, stir-fry the garlic;

5: Add blanched broccoli and yam slices and stir-fry well, add salt to taste!

<h1 class="pgc-h-decimal" data-index="27" > deboned than the claw</h1>

The taste is super delicious 34 private dishes, delicious and nutritious. Try to spend the weekend with the family colorful pepper fried tenderloin scented pepper fragrant ecological rabbit colorful sweet and sour fish beef potato pot pork ribs spicy beauty hoof tempeh fragrant crucian carp dried pot lettuce bacon Dutch beans scrambled egg meat stuffed tofu dry pot hand torn cabbage sweet and sour fried sea prawn loofah mushroom stir-fried fresh squid high liter pork bone flower open rich shrimp bubble pepper beef red three mint lamb winter melon scallop soup oven version sour spicy grilled fish garlic grilled oyster tofu sour spicy potato silk braised rhubarb stir-fried pork skin stir-fried yam broccoli off bone gao than chicken claw celery fried bean sprout shrimp stir-fried broccoli shrimp stir-fried broccoli roasted pork tail beer sauce fragrant chicken wing cucumber stir-fried beef fresh mushroom fried asparagus

Ingredients: Novel chicken claw white wine small pepper (can be put or not) star anise, cinnamon, peppercorns soy sauce salt sugar ginger garlic chives

1. Wash and clean the novel chicken feet

2, cut off the nails, such as the unpleasant smell of chicken feet when xu boiled, will run out of the nails

3: After washing, put the pot in cold water, blanch the water, after opening the pot, skim off the blood foam and put it out for later

4. Use old soy sauce or raw soy sauce to rub it evenly on the chicken feet, and massage it back and forth with your hands

5: Put oil in the pan, slightly more, 60% hot, fry in the pan

6, fried into such as Xu after fishing out, immediately over cold water, use your hands to give it massage, let it absorb sufficient water, such as Xu swelled open will form a Gao ratio

7, the process of soaking chicken feet, can prepare ingredients, ginger garlic, small peppers, peppers, star anise, cinnamon

8, put all the information into the pressure cooker, pour in cooking wine, dark soy sauce, salt, sugar, etc., the water just covers the chicken feet. Cook until the soup is dry and ready to come out of the pot and plate

<h1 class="pgc-h-decimal" data-index="28" > sautéed bean sprouts with celery</h1>

The taste is super delicious 34 private dishes, delicious and nutritious. Try to spend the weekend with the family colorful pepper fried tenderloin scented pepper fragrant ecological rabbit colorful sweet and sour fish beef potato pot pork ribs spicy beauty hoof tempeh fragrant crucian carp dried pot lettuce bacon Dutch beans scrambled egg meat stuffed tofu dry pot hand torn cabbage sweet and sour fried sea prawn loofah mushroom stir-fried fresh squid high liter pork bone flower open rich shrimp bubble pepper beef red three mint lamb winter melon scallop soup oven version sour spicy grilled fish garlic grilled oyster tofu sour spicy potato silk braised rhubarb stir-fried pork skin stir-fried yam broccoli off bone gao than chicken claw celery fried bean sprout shrimp stir-fried broccoli shrimp stir-fried broccoli roasted pork tail beer sauce fragrant chicken wing cucumber stir-fried beef fresh mushroom fried asparagus

Ingredients: 300 g mung bean sprouts, 2 celery stalks, 50 g pork belly, 3 tbsp peanut oil, 1 green onion, 1 small piece of ginger, 2 cloves of garlic, 2 dried chili peppers, 2 tbsp soybean paste, 1/2 tbsp less salt

1: Remove the celery root and wash the leaves and cut into 5 cm long pieces

2: Pick the mung bean sprouts, remove the roots and skin, and rinse well

3: Cut the pork belly into thin strips

4: Wash and cut the shallots, ginger, garlic and dried red peppers

5: Pour oil into the pan, add shredded meat and stir-fry to change color, fry out the oil, the surface is golden

6: Add shallots, ginger, garlic and dried chili peppers and sauté until fragrant

7: Pour in the soybean paste and stir-fry evenly

8: Add celery and stir-fry evenly

9: Pour in the mung bean sprouts and stir-fry until translucent

10: Add salt to taste before cooking

<h1 class="pgc-h-decimal" data-index="29" > shrimp stir-fried broccoli</h1>

The taste is super delicious 34 private dishes, delicious and nutritious. Try to spend the weekend with the family colorful pepper fried tenderloin scented pepper fragrant ecological rabbit colorful sweet and sour fish beef potato pot pork ribs spicy beauty hoof tempeh fragrant crucian carp dried pot lettuce bacon Dutch beans scrambled egg meat stuffed tofu dry pot hand torn cabbage sweet and sour fried sea prawn loofah mushroom stir-fried fresh squid high liter pork bone flower open rich shrimp bubble pepper beef red three mint lamb winter melon scallop soup oven version sour spicy grilled fish garlic grilled oyster tofu sour spicy potato silk braised rhubarb stir-fried pork skin stir-fried yam broccoli off bone gao than chicken claw celery fried bean sprout shrimp stir-fried broccoli shrimp stir-fried broccoli roasted pork tail beer sauce fragrant chicken wing cucumber stir-fried beef fresh mushroom fried asparagus

Ingredients: quick-frozen shrimp, broccoli, garlic, soy sauce, corn starch, chicken essence, salt

Directions: 1. After the broccoli is washed, soak in light salt water for 30 minutes to remove residual pesticides and pay attention to soaking head down.

2. Wash the shrimp after thawing, remove the back intestinal line and set aside.

3. Wash the shrimp with soy sauce, corn starch (or starch) and marinate for about 10 minutes.

4. Remove the thick stems of broccoli, cut into small flowers, add a little salt to the pot, and blanch the water until eight ripe.

5. Crush the garlic and set aside.

6. Pour a little oil into the pan and add the minced garlic.

7. Stir-fry the shrimp until it changes color.

8. Add broccoli and stir-fry evenly, add a little chicken essence to get out of the pan

<h1 class="pgc-h-decimal" data-index="30" > of bacon fried with garlic moss</h1>

The taste is super delicious 34 private dishes, delicious and nutritious. Try to spend the weekend with the family colorful pepper fried tenderloin scented pepper fragrant ecological rabbit colorful sweet and sour fish beef potato pot pork ribs spicy beauty hoof tempeh fragrant crucian carp dried pot lettuce bacon Dutch beans scrambled egg meat stuffed tofu dry pot hand torn cabbage sweet and sour fried sea prawn loofah mushroom stir-fried fresh squid high liter pork bone flower open rich shrimp bubble pepper beef red three mint lamb winter melon scallop soup oven version sour spicy grilled fish garlic grilled oyster tofu sour spicy potato silk braised rhubarb stir-fried pork skin stir-fried yam broccoli off bone gao than chicken claw celery fried bean sprout shrimp stir-fried broccoli shrimp stir-fried broccoli roasted pork tail beer sauce fragrant chicken wing cucumber stir-fried beef fresh mushroom fried asparagus

Ingredients: garlic moss bacon salt chicken essence dried chili pepper Pixian watercress pepper

1. Remove the tail of the garlic moss, cut it into small pieces of about an inch, wash and filter out the water.

2. Slice the bacon and cut the dried chili peppers into small pieces and set aside.

3. Put the wok on the fire, do not put the oil.

4. Pour in the garlic moss, turn on the heat, and stir-fry continuously until the garlic moss becomes soft and the surface is wrinkled and not scorched.

5. Stir-fry the garlic moss, turn the heat back on, pour oil into the pot, add dried chili peppers and bacon, and simmer over low heat until the bacon is transparent.

6. Change the heat to high, add the garlic seedlings, stir-fry for 2 minutes, let the garlic moss fully absorb the oil juice.

7. Add salt, chicken essence, pepper, watercress, add a little water and stir-fry evenly.

8. Until the water is dry, start cooking.

<h1 class="pgc-h-decimal" data-index="31" > roasted pig's tail with peppers</h1>

The taste is super delicious 34 private dishes, delicious and nutritious. Try to spend the weekend with the family colorful pepper fried tenderloin scented pepper fragrant ecological rabbit colorful sweet and sour fish beef potato pot pork ribs spicy beauty hoof tempeh fragrant crucian carp dried pot lettuce bacon Dutch beans scrambled egg meat stuffed tofu dry pot hand torn cabbage sweet and sour fried sea prawn loofah mushroom stir-fried fresh squid high liter pork bone flower open rich shrimp bubble pepper beef red three mint lamb winter melon scallop soup oven version sour spicy grilled fish garlic grilled oyster tofu sour spicy potato silk braised rhubarb stir-fried pork skin stir-fried yam broccoli off bone gao than chicken claw celery fried bean sprout shrimp stir-fried broccoli shrimp stir-fried broccoli roasted pork tail beer sauce fragrant chicken wing cucumber stir-fried beef fresh mushroom fried asparagus

Main ingredients: pig's tail, green pepper, red pepper.

Seasoning: oyster sauce, ginger slices, minced garlic, shallot white, dark soy sauce, monosodium glutamate, salt, sugar, cooking wine, chili sauce, cooking oil, water starch each appropriate amount.

1 Washed pig's tail and cut the washed green and red peppers into slices.

2 Pour water in a pot, add cooking wine and bring to a boil, add the pig's tail and cook until it is broken.

3 fry in a frying pan, add ginger slices, minced garlic, white green onion, pork tail, cooking wine, oyster sauce, soy sauce, add appropriate amount of water and stir-fry well.

4 Simmer for 15 minutes, add chili sauce and cook slices.

5 Add MSG, salt and sugar, add green and red pepper and stir-fry well.

6 Stir-fry with water starch, drizzle with cooked oil and stir-fry well.

<h1 class="pgc-h-decimal" data-index="32" > beer sauce chicken wings</h1>

The taste is super delicious 34 private dishes, delicious and nutritious. Try to spend the weekend with the family colorful pepper fried tenderloin scented pepper fragrant ecological rabbit colorful sweet and sour fish beef potato pot pork ribs spicy beauty hoof tempeh fragrant crucian carp dried pot lettuce bacon Dutch beans scrambled egg meat stuffed tofu dry pot hand torn cabbage sweet and sour fried sea prawn loofah mushroom stir-fried fresh squid high liter pork bone flower open rich shrimp bubble pepper beef red three mint lamb winter melon scallop soup oven version sour spicy grilled fish garlic grilled oyster tofu sour spicy potato silk braised rhubarb stir-fried pork skin stir-fried yam broccoli off bone gao than chicken claw celery fried bean sprout shrimp stir-fried broccoli shrimp stir-fried broccoli roasted pork tail beer sauce fragrant chicken wing cucumber stir-fried beef fresh mushroom fried asparagus

Ingredients: 10 chicken wings 1 green onion 1 section Ginger 1 piece of beer 1 listen dried chili pepper 3 star anise 3 peppercorns 20 fragrant leaves 3 slices of light soy sauce 3 tablespoons (45ml) dark soy sauce 1 tablespoon (15ml) sugar 1 teaspoon (5 grams) sesame seeds casually

1. After boiling with water in the pot, put in the washed chicken wings, after the water boils again, use a spoon to skim off the foam, continue to cook for 2 minutes and then drain;

2. Cut the green onion into 5 cm long pieces. Peel the ginger and cut into large pieces. Place star anise, peppercorns and fragrant leaves in a pack or sauce box (if not, you can also put it directly into the pot in step 3);

3. Pour oil into the pan, when the oil is 70% hot and starts to smoke a little, add chicken wings, keep the brown on both sides on medium heat and pour in the beer, green onions, ginger slices and packets. Add soy sauce and soy sauce, cover and cook for 10 minutes;

4. Add sugar after opening the lid, change to high heat, and dry the soup. Sprinkle with a pinch of white sesame seeds.

<h1 class="pgc-h-decimal" data-index="33" > fried beef with cucumber</h1>

The taste is super delicious 34 private dishes, delicious and nutritious. Try to spend the weekend with the family colorful pepper fried tenderloin scented pepper fragrant ecological rabbit colorful sweet and sour fish beef potato pot pork ribs spicy beauty hoof tempeh fragrant crucian carp dried pot lettuce bacon Dutch beans scrambled egg meat stuffed tofu dry pot hand torn cabbage sweet and sour fried sea prawn loofah mushroom stir-fried fresh squid high liter pork bone flower open rich shrimp bubble pepper beef red three mint lamb winter melon scallop soup oven version sour spicy grilled fish garlic grilled oyster tofu sour spicy potato silk braised rhubarb stir-fried pork skin stir-fried yam broccoli off bone gao than chicken claw celery fried bean sprout shrimp stir-fried broccoli shrimp stir-fried broccoli roasted pork tail beer sauce fragrant chicken wing cucumber stir-fried beef fresh mushroom fried asparagus

Ingredients: Beef, cucumber, ginger, garlic, chili, salt, cooking wine, soy sauce, soy sauce, soy sauce

1: Cut the beef into strips, marinate it for half an hour with cooking wine, soy sauce, soy sauce and salt for half an hour.

2: Shred cucumber, shredded chili pepper, shredded ginger, diced garlic.

3: Pour oil into the pan, heat it, add ginger and stir-fry until fragrant, then add chili pepper and stir-fry for a while.

4: Put the shredded beef into the pot, stir-fry quickly, stir-fry, stir-fry evenly.

5: Stir-fry for a while to change color, immediately pour in the cucumber shreds, then add garlic leaves, add a little flavor of extremely fresh (soy sauce) seasoning, you can get out of the pot.

<h1 class="pgc-h-decimal" data-index="34" > fried asparagus with fresh mushrooms</h1>

The taste is super delicious 34 private dishes, delicious and nutritious. Try to spend the weekend with the family colorful pepper fried tenderloin scented pepper fragrant ecological rabbit colorful sweet and sour fish beef potato pot pork ribs spicy beauty hoof tempeh fragrant crucian carp dried pot lettuce bacon Dutch beans scrambled egg meat stuffed tofu dry pot hand torn cabbage sweet and sour fried sea prawn loofah mushroom stir-fried fresh squid high liter pork bone flower open rich shrimp bubble pepper beef red three mint lamb winter melon scallop soup oven version sour spicy grilled fish garlic grilled oyster tofu sour spicy potato silk braised rhubarb stir-fried pork skin stir-fried yam broccoli off bone gao than chicken claw celery fried bean sprout shrimp stir-fried broccoli shrimp stir-fried broccoli roasted pork tail beer sauce fragrant chicken wing cucumber stir-fried beef fresh mushroom fried asparagus

Ingredients: 250g asparagus, 1/3 red bell pepper, 1/3 yellow bell pepper, 4 fresh shiitake mushrooms, salt, sesame oil, 4 dried red peppers, 1 clove of garlic, 1 small piece of ginger, soy sauce

1. Prepare the ingredients.

2. Wash the asparagus and cut the asparagus into sections;

3. Drop a few drops of oil in boiling water and add a little salt, blanch the asparagus and soak it in cool water;

4. Cut the yellow and red bell pepper into small diamond-shaped pieces; cut the dried pepper into small pieces and slice the garlic; cut the ginger into strips;

5. Wash and cut shiitake mushrooms into small pieces;

6. Heat the oil pan, pour in the dried red pepper, ginger and minced garlic and stir-fry until fragrant;

7. Add shiitake mushroom slices and stir-fry until soft;

8. Add the blanched asparagus and bell peppers, drizzle with a little soy sauce, add salt to taste, stir-fry until it is broken and serve.

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