
Shandong emancipated the mind and sought truth from facts

author:Qilu Network

Qilu Net, August 21 -- In Comrade Deng Xiaoping's magnificent revolutionary and construction career, shandong has also left many footprints on this land. After the founding of New China, he personally visited Shandong many times, guided the people of Shandong to emancipate their minds, seek truth from facts, and speed up the pace of Shandong's economic construction and reform and opening up.

According to the Shandong News Network of the News Center of Shandong Radio and Television Station, on May 11, 1978, Guangming Daily published a special commentator's article "Practice is the Only Criterion for Testing Truth." Xinhua News Agency, People's Daily, and People's Liberation Army Daily reprinted the article one after another, and soon triggered a big discussion on the standard of truth throughout the country. Six months later, the Third Plenary Session of the Eleventh Central Committee was held, and China launched a strategic shift from "taking class struggle as the program" to taking economic construction as the center, and the curtain of reform and opening up was officially opened.

In order to further help people emancipate their minds and unify their understanding, after the end of the plenary session, the 75-year-old Deng Xiaoping successively went to Sichuan, Guangdong, Northeast China, and Anhui to conduct research and discussions, and then came from Shanghai to Shandong. On the morning of July 28, 1979, Deng Xiaoping listened to a report by the leaders of the Shandong Provincial Party Committee at the Small Auditorium of Huiquan in Badaguan, Qingdao.

Gao Keting, former secretary of the Shandong Provincial CPC Committee, said: "Practice is the only criterion for testing truth; Shandong was a little later, comrade Xiaoping talked about this issue, and now the central authorities have solved this problem, and the situation in different places is different, some places have solved it, and some places have not solved it." Bai Rubing (interjected) said that Shandong had not solved. Comrade Xiaoping said: Shandong must solve it well; this is a basic issue and a question of basic construction. Everything starts from reality and seeks truth from facts".

In the second volume of the Selected Works of Deng Xiaoping, there is an important document--"The realization of the ideological line and the political line must be guaranteed by the organizational line." This article is an impromptu speech made by Deng Xiaoping when he received all the comrades at the enlarged meeting of the Standing Committee of the Naval Commission of the CPC central committee held in Qingdao on the second day after listening to the report of the Shandong Provincial CPC Committee.

Ye Fei, former first political commissar of the Navy, said, "His speech is not only a speech to the Navy, but also a speech to the whole party, and has guiding significance for the whole party."

Just three days after Comrade Deng Xiaoping's speech, the Shandong Provincial CPC Committee held a meeting of municipal and prefectural party committee secretaries in Yantai and deployed to carry out a large-scale discussion on the issue of truth standards throughout the province. From August 2, 1979 to October 5, 1979, the Shandong Provincial Party Committee's organ newspaper, Dazhong Daily, published five consecutive commentaries to deepen the discussion on the standard of truth. By early September, nearly 1,000 training courses were held at the prefectural and county levels in the province, training more than 123,000 backbones, and identifying 285 pilot units and key units. The supplementary lesson of this great discussion on the issue of truth standards in Shandong has laid a solid ideological foundation for Shandong's ability to persist in emancipating the mind, seeking truth from facts, and speeding up the pace of reform, opening up, and economic development in all fields of work in the future. On August 4, 1981, Wang Yungong, a press officer at the Pingyin Aluminum Factory in Shandong Province, wrote a letter of recommendation to the Party Central Committee on "editing and publishing the Selected Works of Deng Xiaoping as soon as possible."

Wang Yungong, former press officer of the Pingyin Aluminum Factory in Shandong Province, said, "Just like that, a year and ten months later, the first collection of Deng Xiaoping's selected writings was published and distributed. Two more episodes were published".

The 1983 issue of Selected Writings of Deng Xiaoping laid a solid foundation for Deng Xiaoping Theory, which was written into the Party Constitution in 1997.

(Video source: Shandong Radio and Television Station News Center "Shandong News Network" Original title: [Deng Xiaoping and Shandong] Shandong emancipation of the mind and seek truth from facts of personal guidance)

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