
Carry forward the Culture of Hugong Committed to the great cause of the times, "A Belt of Qingfeng • Hugong Road Search" was first released

author:Zhejiang Daily

On the evening of the 16th, Hugong Academy was brightly lit and the books and ink were fragrant. The launch ceremony of "The Search for the Road of Hu Gong" was held here. Edited by Hu Lianzhang, "A Belt of Fresh Wind" is the first volume of the "Hugong Road Search" series, which records the fact that the Hugong cultural team visited Hugong culture in 11 counties and urban areas of Jinhua County and Taizhou Xianju and Wenzhou Yongjia between June 2016 and May 2018 (including text notes, photographs, contact letters, personnel lists, etc.).

The Search for The Hugong Road has received the attention and care of the Municipal Party Committee and the Municipal Government; it has received strong support from the Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection, the Propaganda Department of the Municipal Party Committee, the United Front Work Department of the Municipal Party Committee (Minzong Bureau), the Fangyan Scenic area, Fangyan Town, Gushan Town, the Municipal Federation of Literature and Literature, the Municipal Bureau of Culture, Tourism and Sports, the Municipal Public Security Bureau, the Municipal Finance Bureau, the Municipal Taxation Bureau, the Municipal Organ Affairs Service Center, the Yongkang Daily Newspaper, the Municipal Radio and Television Station, the Municipal Photographers Association, and other units and enthusiastic personages. Along the way, the relevant leaders and teammates who participated in the search also expressed their heartfelt words and encouragement.

The search operation was enthusiastically supported by various localities, and leaders such as Shi Zhenqiang, secretary of the Pujiang County Party Committee, and Yao Jiyang, mayor of Dongyang City, were personally accompanied, which was touching and unforgettable.

In order to be beneficial to the research, exchange and inheritance of Hugong culture, the Hugong cultural team envisions sorting out the travels, understandings and texts related to exploring the source of Hugong culture, and spends several years to produce a series of books "Hugong Road Search", "A Belt of Fresh Wind" is the opening attempt, hoping to "know a day sail, make a thousand miles wind", carry forward Hugong culture, and devote itself to the great cause of the times.

Carry forward the Culture of Hugong Committed to the great cause of the times, "A Belt of Qingfeng • Hugong Road Search" was first released

The Quest for the Road of Hu Gong (General Introduction)

Hu Lianzhang

Lizhou Shen Yun, brilliant spirit. Hu Ze , a famous minister of the Northern Song Dynasty and a sage of Yongkang , who was praised by Chairman Mao and General Secretary Xi Jinping as "serving as an official for one term and benefiting one party", was 77 years old in his lifetime and an official for 47 years. He was arrested in the Three Dynasties, ten holding prefectures, six envoys, two supports and seals, and practiced important routes, covering Zhejiang, Henan, Hubei, Shanxi, Hebei, Guangxi, Anhui, Jiangsu (Shanghai), Guangdong (Hainan), Jiangxi, Fujian, Shaanxi and other places; he twice served as an envoy to Jianghuai Road, twice as Hangzhou Zhizhou, twice as a deputy envoy of Hangzhou Zhizhou, twice as a deputy envoy of the Three Divisions of the Division of The Three Divisions, and as a deputy envoy of the Three Divisions of the Three Divisions of the Song Dynasty, and as a servant of the Hangzhou Prefecture of The Song Dynasty, baoyuan died in the second year (1039), and Tianzi mourned and buried Longjingyuan of Hangzhou's West Lake.

Hu Gong was born in a humble background, did not forget his original intention, and was determined to be high. After he offered advice to Zhenxi, repatriated his servants, wisely removed the tiger plague, rectified the money shortage, befriended his neighbors and cherished the distant future, rehabilitated and rehabilitated, tried to protect the zhuangtian, governed Qiantang, reformed the salt law, played the role of freeing Ding Qian, revitalized the education and talents, and established instructions, he single-mindedly served the people, dared to take responsibility, and the people were grateful, respected like gods, and respected him as "Emperor Hugong". Fan Zhongyan made an epitaph for Hu Gong: "Advance with merit, retreat with life, yike book, stone immortality, a hundred years after a thousand years." Hu Gong was rewarded twelve times by Emperor Taizong of Song, Emperor Chengzong of Yuan, Emperor Taizu of Ming, and other emperors.

The will of heaven will be through, and the hearts of the people will be sweaty. Hu Gong is the god in the hearts of the people, the star of Jiangnan and the auspiciousness of Huaxia. In the Song Dynasty, "the east of Zhejiang Water, the ancestral halls look at each other" (Southern Song Dynasty Chen Zongren's "Longjingyuan Tomb Sacrifice Text")," Yuan Dynasty, "Where the village ruins the society, will be a place of retribution." The ancient Gongbie Temple is full of counties, which is equivalent to thousands of districts" (Yuan Huangxuan's "Hu Shilang Temple Stele Yin"); in the Qing Dynasty, "zhejiang is thousands of miles, there is almost no township and no public temple" (Qing Yingbaoshi", "Reconstruction of Hangzhou Longjing Hugong Temple Stele"). During the Republic of China period, Yu Dafu visited Yongkang and wrote "Fang Yan Ji Jing": "Fang Yan incense is endless and flourishes in spring and autumn, and those who enter the mountain incense are gathered on the mountain road hundreds of miles in all directions." Today, HuKuxia Village, Gushan Town, Yongkang, where Hu Gong was born, is a famous historical and cultural village in Zhejiang Province; the Yongkang Fangyan Hugong Temple Fair, which has a history of nearly 1,000 years, is a national intangible cultural heritage.

On June 13, 2006, Comrade Xi Jinping inspected Pan'an County, Jinhua, and he said in the Yushan Ancient Tea Farm: "In the cultural relics and monuments, people have made meritorious contributions to becoming gods, such as Hu Gong in Yongkang and Mazu in Fujian... It is necessary to protect it well, and it is necessary to study, develop, and carry forward national culture. (Pan'an Today newspaper).

To the east of Shenzhou there is Yongkang, and the Hugong culture has a long history. Yongkang is the hometown of Hu Gong and the birthplace of Hu Gong culture. In order to further trace the footprints left by the sages, explore the reason why the people have loved Hu Gong for thousands of years, feel that Hu Gong, as an ancient official who is diligent and honest and loves the people, good governance and good governance, has left future generations with thinking and enlightenment at many levels of spiritual culture, history and society, and with the attention and support of the Yongkang Municipal Party Committee and the Municipal Government, since 2016, the Hu Gong Cultural Research Association and Hu Gong Academy have joined hands with relevant parties (referred to as the "Hu Gong Team") to carry out the "Search for Hu Highway and Devote to the New Era" exploration action.

Historically, Hugong Temple "covered the county border, equivalent to thousands of districts." According to statistics in 2018, there are more than 90 Hugong cultural and belief sites officially registered in Jinhua. The HuGong Ancestral Hall temples and Hugong cultural activities in various places are not only the historical testimony of Hu Gong's merit of "serving an official and benefiting one party", but also a social display of the li people's admiration and expectation for good officials and a vision of a better life.

The mission is on the shoulders, and the wind and rain are also on the way. The colleagues of Hu Gong's team rushed to the mountains and rivers, outside the villages, greeted the sunrise, sent the sunset, and used their eyes and ears, with their pens and lenses, and with their hearts and feelings, to search and record the treasures of Hu Gong culture in various places, and benefited a lot:

During the trip to Pan'an, I was fortunate to hear Comrade Xi Jinping's praise for Hu Gong when he inspected the Yushan Ancient Tea Farm on June 13, 2006;

During Rui'an's visit, he personally saw the authentic Buddhist scriptures printed by Hu Gong in that year (the second year of the Ming Dynasty, that is, the printing of Shi in 1033);

On the trip to Zhuji, I was pleased to see the photo of Comrade Mao Zedong on August 21, 1959, after receiving the secretary of the Yongkang County Party Committee on the train (praising Hu Gong) and receiving the secretary of the Zhuji County Party Committee...

Walking into the HuGong Temple that has gone through the spring and autumn, worshiping a solemn statue of Hu Gong, listening to the story of Hu Gong one after another warm and legendary, the "Searching for Hu Highway and Committing to the New Era" source exploration action is also a pilgrimage to the sages, a spiritual purification tour, a cultural integration tour, and a journey to great deeds.

The vicissitudes of the sea, the true colors of heroes. Before his death, Hu Gong was dedicated to serving the people and daring to take responsibility, and after his death, he called the people a god and praised history, and he was worthy of being a model for officials in ancient times and an example for those who are engaged in politics today.

Throughout the ages, countless colleagues, descendants of village sages, experts and scholars have been cultivating the sea of books, tracing historical relics, studying Hu Gongzhi's "three li" (li de, li gong, and li yan); exploring Hu Gong's "three for" (for officials, for people, for gods)...

Heaven shines in China, and the world is full of books. In order to better study, exchange and inherit the Hugong culture, we envisage that the travels, enlightenments, and texts related to the exploration of the source of The Hugong culture will be sorted out, and a series of books "The Search for the Road of Hugong" will be produced in a few years, of which the titles of the first to tenth volumes are roughly proposed as:

One Belt Breeze, Two Chapters and Gui, Three Spirits Birthday Qi, Four Seas Famous Biography, Wuyan Zhilin, Sixty Long Joy, Qili Yanbo, Badian Gun Domain, Kyushu Shide, Andi Yunwai.

The titles of these books are selected from the context of Hu Gong's poems and the emperor's holy will to reward Hu Gong.

Time flies, and its cultivation is far away. On the way to the search, I have experienced snow, torrential rain, landslides... The original intention of the Hu Gong team has not changed, and it is unswerving.

On May 22, 2020, General Secretary Xi Jinping once again stressed when participating in the deliberations of the Inner Mongolia delegation to the Third Session of the 13th National People's Congress: "Leading cadres at all levels should establish a correct view of power, political achievements, and careers, not to seek vanity, not to do vain deeds, not to seek a false name, and to effectively serve as an official and benefit one party." "The Spirit of Hu Gong praised by Chairman Mao and General Secretary Xi Jinping continues to praise Kyushu and benefit Cangsheng! Yu couldn't help but sigh:

Hu Gong loves the people and respects the people, and Hu Gong is loyal and long live;

Hu Gong's road is a thousand miles, Hu Gong's spirit is evergreen!

and in order.

June 9, 2020

Carry forward the Culture of Hugong Committed to the great cause of the times, "A Belt of Qingfeng • Hugong Road Search" was first released

Learn from Hu Gong's testimonials

Single-mindedly for the people

Carry forward the Hugong culture, and realize the dream of Heling Fangyan.

——Cheng Xuejun (Member of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee, Secretary of the Party Working Committee and Director of the Management Committee of Fangyan Scenic and Historic Area)

The spirit of Hu Gong is high and the culture of Hu Gong has a long history.

——Lu Yi (Vice Mayor)

Hu Gong Heling, the name is the world.

—— Zhu Pengnian (Vice Chairman of the CPPCC Municipal Committee and Director of the Finance Bureau)

"Ten years above the rock, inspirational respect for Hu Gong" is a compulsory course for the new generation of Yongkang people. The story of Hu Gong and the spirit of Hu Gong have inspired generations of people to always seek truth and goodness and repay Sangzi.

——Tong Yuming (Executive Deputy Secretary of the Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection and Deputy Director of the Supervision Commission)

Hu Gong is a good official who does practical things for the people, and is an excellent example of putting the people first, being diligent and honest in government, and daring to take responsibility. The Hu Gong spirit of "serving an official for one term and benefiting one party" is particularly worthy of study, understanding and inheritance by cadres at all levels, and better doing more practical and good things for the people.

——Li Ang (Deputy Director of the Organization Department of the Municipal Party Committee)

Hu Gong served the masses of the people, and the masses of the people also cultivated one "Hu Gong" after another. Be a person who can stand the test of history and be worthy of the people.

—— Huang Lihua (Executive Deputy Director of the Propaganda Department of the Municipal Party Committee)

For the sake of the officials and the hearts of the people, merit inspires future generations.

—— Hu Peixin (Chairman of the Municipal Federation of Literature and Literature)

Adhering to the spirit of Hu Gong, we carry forward the beautiful culture.

—— Zhou Xiaoqing (Chairman of the Municipal Women's Federation)