
Weixian Han traitor maintenance chairman - Mao Jichen

author:Textbooks don't talk about history
Weixian Han traitor maintenance chairman - Mao Jichen

Mao sends dust calligraphy

In the sixth month of the lunar calendar in 1925, Zhang Zongchang decided to inspect the east. It is planned to take a special train from Jinan to Qingdao first, then take a sea ferry to Yantai, and then return to the original province of Yexian along the Yanwei Highway and return to Jinan through Weixian County. When the news came out, Cao Yunjian, the governor of Weixian County, immediately summoned ding Shuyan, a well-known gentleman businessman, Pan Tongke, president of the Chamber of Commerce, and other celebrities to discuss and prepare for the welcome. It was agreed that the supervision of the past should be treated as an overriding priority, and the welcome should not be solemn. To this end, a new agency was established, and Mao Zhichen was elected as the head of the agency, who was fully responsible for the supply of materials and money, and the funds were all borne by the gentry merchants.

In 1931, Mao Jichen and other joint ventures set up the Hutchison Printing Bureau, built a two-story standard factory building in the north of The Eastern Section of road, purchased the latest printing press in Japan, and hired technicians from Shanghai. The quality of the prints is comparable to that of the Shanghai Large Printing Company, setting a precedent for the printing industry in Shandong. Most of the old Advertisements and Old Cloth Labels in Weixian County, which are commonly used in the market now, are printed by Hutchison. Hutchison Printing Bureau was originally a small private enterprise established earlier. In 1931, it was moved from Chengdongmen Avenue to Dongguan Street, using fund-raising, implementing a shareholding system, and expanding operations. Ding Shuyan is the chairman, general manager Mao Jichen, Zheng and deputy managers Lu Shouchen and Chen Haiguang.

In 1931, when weixian established the county chronicle bureau, the task of printing the county chronicle was entrusted to the Hutchison Printing Bureau. To this end, they purchased a large 16-page printing press from Wuhan, purchased the most advanced local copper plate machine, camera and plate making machine in Shanghai, and hired a lead plate master and typesetter from Jinan at a high salary. With these advanced equipment and advanced technical forces, the completion of the printing task of the county chronicle is guaranteed. By the time of the July 7 Incident in 1937, the county chronicle was still partially unfinished. In order to preserve the completed manuscript, the county chronicle bureau requires that the completed manuscript be first typed into paper and printed in a small amount to prevent loss. In this way, very favorable conditions were created for the later discovery of the lost manuscripts.

But it didn't take long for the Japanese to arrive, and on the eve of the evacuation of Li Wenli, the exemplary county magistrate of Weixian County, the gentlemen and merchants heard that the government personnel and troops were about to leave. Seeing that the county government was in a state of chaos and cleaning up, several leading gentlemen and businessmen found Li Wenli with trepidation and "asked him" for instructions on what to do after the fall. Li Wenli secretly said, "After I leave, the Japanese army will arrive, you should take on the responsibility of maintaining the locality," and several gentlemen and merchants could not understand whether their "main backbone" was perfunctory or face-to-face instruction.

Chen Qizhi, Kang Zizhou, Li Baozhai, Ding Xianzhi, Zhang Yangtian, Mao Caichen, Guo Yuruo, and others who had received Li Wenli's "secret instructions" gathered at Ding Xian's house that night for a secret meeting, decided to form a maintenance meeting, and unanimously elected Mao Jichen as the president and Guo Yuruo and Mao Caichen as vice presidents. Mao Jichen was the younger brother of Mao Caichen, who was the president of the Weixian Chamber of Commerce at that time. For some reason, Mao Zhichen did not attend the meeting on this day.

On January 9, the Japanese army occupying the county seat of Shouguang stayed overnight and continued to invade the east with the "booty" of looting. In the early morning of January 10, Hu Dingsan, knowing that the Japanese army had crossed the Great river, hastily withdrew from Weixian County and rushed to Anqiu to meet Li Wenli.

Early this morning, the terrified and uneasy gentlemen of Weixian heard the sound of the wind and went to the Chamber of Commerce to listen to the news and discuss countermeasures. The brothers Mao Jichen and Mao Caichen proposed that the defenders had retreated and that the Japanese army would arrive, and that we should go to greet them, and those who were willing to go would go together. In the afternoon, Mao Sent Dust led thirty or forty gentlemen and merchants to raise the prepared Japanese sun flag and went west to greet him. At about 3 p.m., a group of men and horses walked outside the West Gate, and the Japanese forward had arrived. Li Xiaotang, a student who was invited by the maintenance association, rushed forward to "greet" and learned that the leader of the team was Daisaku Katano, the commander of the Japanese Wing.

Subsequently, Mao Jichen led the way in front of him, and led Katano and others to the home of Zhang Yangtian in the south of Ximenli Road to rest temporarily. In the Zhang family, Mao Jichen led the gentry merchants to "meet" Katano and translated Li Xiaotang to introduce them one by one. Mao Zhichen affirmed to Katano that the people would welcome the "imperial army" into the station, and Katano arrogantly responded that we should work together to maintain local law and order and "build a paradise of the royal road." It was a severe winter, and the original form of the "Imperial Army" that had frozen all the way was exposed, and directly moved the mahogany table and chair of Zhang Yangtian's family out and smashed the roast fire for warmth.

In the 1930 Central Plains War, when the Jin army of Yan Xishan attacked Weixian County, Mao Jichen was the chief of the general affairs unit of the Weixian Provisional Security Association. The officials and people of Weixian County resisted together, and the Jin army besieged the city for nearly half a month, but finally did not open the city gate. Unexpectedly, after eight years, the logistics cadres who guarded the city at that time became the earliest traitor in Weixian County.

On April 28, the Weixian County Office was established, and the Weixian Maintenance Association, which had existed for more than 100 days, was abolished, and Mao Jichen, the president of the Maintenance Association, was reappointed as the governor of the county. In fact, the prefectural governor is just a puppet, and the prefectural office advisory office controlled by the Japanese is the dominant body of the prefectural political power.

In order to "celebrate the establishment" of the county office, Mao Jichen slightly repaired the original county government compound, and the original title of the gate was changed to "Weixian County Government" to "Weixian County Office".

The armament directly commanded by the county governor is the garrison brigade, which has jurisdiction over 4 detachments, which are stationed in the North Palace and other places. The county governor and captain of the garrison brigade, the Japanese instructor presided over the training. Every time the Japanese army went to the countryside to "fight", it was indispensable to the shadow of the security brigade.

When Mao Jichen was in office for half a year, Liu Jialu, a salt farmer selling salt in Dianzi Village, Beixiang, Weixian County, entered the city and killed the Japanese troops standing guard at the east gate of Dongguanwu and took a large gun. The Japanese troops stationed in Weiwei grew angry and blamed them for dereliction of duty. Mao sent dust to make reparations, begged for forgiveness, and promised to hold a "memorial service." Not long after, Ma Liang, the puppet governor of Shandong Province, ordered his dismissal. Shuai Jingluo, the governor of the Big Smoke Ghost who succeeded Mao Jichen, only worked for more than half a year, and then Chang Zhiying, Qiu Shaoyin, Xu Guanzheng, and Qu Huaru, under the control of the Japanese Kou, changed 6 governors in more than 7 years.