
People with high emotional intelligence are good at "finding weaknesses"

author:Magic is my brother

On many occasions I have said that imperfection is the essence of this world, no matter who it is, even the heavens and the earth, there are weaknesses, in "Journey to the West", Sun Wukong has such a sentence, which can be called the core essence of this book, he said, "Covering the heavens and the earth is not complete, this sutra was originally complete, and now it is broken, but it is the mystery of incompleteness, and it is possible for human beings to be with Yahweh." ”

That is to say, weaknesses are innate, not manpower can change, if you want to do no weakness, absolutely impossible, this is also the principle that people must know in the world, from ancient times to the present, all martial arts, can not get around this point, find weaknesses, and then take advantage of weaknesses.

On the way out of Dou Jiande, Li Shimin said to his men that the number of ways to fight a war is actually very simple, just two moves, [count] + [cheat].

Counting, is calculating, counting the strengths of the two sides, counting the strengths and weaknesses of both sides, the personality characteristics of the commander, the ability of the generals with troops, the number and quality of soldiers, the determination of combat strength, the supply of grain and grass, logistics support, and so on....

Deception, that is, to fully expose one's own weaknesses, is actually an illusion, leading the army into the urn.

If you don't count or cheat, if you don't understand the real weaknesses of the other side, militarily, you can't win the battle, and in real life, you can't win the competition.

To give you a living example, TSMC defeated Samsung's classic battle.

People with high emotional intelligence are good at "finding weaknesses"

In the early years, Samsung has always been the overlord of mobile phone processor FOUNDries, all apple processors are handed over to Samsung foundry, and TSMC has not been able to get Apple's orders, which is a major heart disease of Zhang Zhongmou.

In order to occupy Apple's orders, Samsung once said that if TSMC dares to infringe on Samsung's patents, Samsung will definitely sue TSMC for bankruptcy.

In order to break the situation, at the end of 2011, Zhang Zhongmou secretly organized a team of nearly 100 senior engineers, quietly stationed in Apple's headquarters, according to Apple's requirements, developed the most advanced 20NM process at that time, and finally snatched Apple's A8 processor order from Samsung's mouth.

After more than two years of hard work, in 2014, Apple was first installed with the A8 processor produced by TSMC, and since then, Apple's orders have been firmly controlled by TSMC, and it has also laid the hegemony of TSMC in the field of chip manufacturing.

People with high emotional intelligence are good at "finding weaknesses"

TSMC secretly sent engineers to Apple's headquarters, this matter, until apple placed an order, the outside world learned of this matter, which is to deceive the opponent, so that Samsung thinks that TSMC does not dare to grab food from its mouth, thus relaxing the vigilance of TSMC.

In order to keep secrets, Zhang Zhongmou split the team of 100 engineers and entered the United States in batches, some to New York, some to San Francisco, some to Philadelphia, and after arriving in the United States, they took other means of transportation and converged at Apple's headquarters.

After arriving at Apple, Zhang Zhongmou found out why he had been losing to Samsung, it turned out that TSMC's packaging technology was not good, after which TSMC began to invest heavily in the development of its own packaging technology.

At the beginning, Apple still did not believe in TSMC, so the order was divided into two halves, half to Samsung, half to TSMC, after the listing, it was found that the Apple mobile phone using TSMC chips had a long battery life and would not overheat, and the mobile phone using the Samsung chip had a short battery life and would overheat, and since then, Apple has given all the orders to TSMC.

This is a classic battle in the semiconductor industry, known to the outside world as "ONE TEAM defeats Samsung"

1, figure out your weaknesses.

2, figure out the strengths of the other party.

3. Targeted deception of the other party.

This is true in the mall, and it is also true in the working life.

People with high emotional intelligence are good at "finding weaknesses"

I have an old watch, an employee of a large company, and a few years ago, the company sent him and another colleague, Lao Liu, to develop the Chongqing market.

The two are as close as brothers, working together, through two years of hard work, finally established a team of 10 people, laid the foundation.

In 2019, the company decided to develop rapidly in Chongqing, and it is necessary to choose a person to serve as the CEO of Chongqing Company, because this market is developed by Lao Watch and Lao Liu, and they have the greatest opportunities.

One day, Old Liu invited my old cousin to dinner, Old Liu said, "We are all brothers, and we are not hiding, these two years, if it were not for your brother's help, I would not have today, the position of general manager, in addition to you, who will do it, I am not convinced"

The old cousin believed it to be true, and said euphemistically, "Words can't be said like this, in the past two years, you have also paid a lot, otherwise it will not develop so fast, this position, you are also eligible to sit"

Old Liu refused, "Brother, this position must be for you to sit, you have to believe me, if the company sends someone else to do it, I will be the first to raise my hand and not agree."

A few days later, the company issued an appointment notice, proposing Lao Liu as the general manager of the Chongqing company.

At this time, the old watch understood that Lao Liu had kissed him before and said that the flowers he had eaten were just to stabilize him.

Later, I learned from other colleagues that in fact, Lao Liu had already known the news half a year ago, and he had a relationship with the person in charge of personnel.

Who can blame this? Is old Liu too sinister? At the end of the day, you can only blame yourself.

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