
Don't let your bad temper drive away your happiness

author:Fast le strong boy

Life is like a drama, because of fate to get together. It is not easy to help each other to be old, whether it should be cherished more, for the sake of small things to lose their temper, look back and think about why.

Don't let your bad temper drive away your happiness

Others are angry with me, and there is no one to replace me when they are angry. If I am angry with anyone, and it hurts god and it takes a lot of effort. Go out and take care of things less, go early and return early to worry less.

Don't let your bad temper drive away your happiness

Neighbors and relatives should not be compared, and children and grandchildren should go with him. The doll is born with joy, and the man lets him go all year round. Suffering and enjoying together, the gods envy a good partner.

Don't let your bad temper drive away your happiness

Temper ——— everyone will have, but smart people often know how to control their temper. Tantrums are instinctive, and controlling temper is the skill. There are many joys and sorrows in the world, is there a way not to be alarmed?

How can the world, which is born with seven passions and six desires, be completely indifferent?

"Impulse is the devil" everyone will say, but emotional brain, often can not take care of too much, easy to anger the crown, lose their minds.

Don't let your bad temper drive away your happiness

Napoleon once said that "a man who can control his emotions is greater than a general who can take the next city"

In the early years, Zeng Guofan often had difficulty controlling his emotions due to his strong personality, so he often lost his temper, which made people incomprehensible.

I remember once, Zeng Guofan wished his father a happy birthday, and a friend of his came to celebrate. This was originally a happy and good thing, but I didn't expect that during the banquet, the two had a conflict over a small matter, and Zeng Guofan was so angry that he scolded this friend, leaving his identity and occasion behind, and the result was that everyone was unhappy.

During the Xianfeng period, Zeng Guofan returned home to guard the system, and the emperor dismissed him from military power. During this period, Zeng Guofan was in a very bad mood due to various things not going well, his personality became very grumpy, his temper was also very bad, and he often scolded his brother and sister-in-law for some small things.

During this time at home, he had conflicts with several younger brothers, and the reason was zeng guofan.

Later, Zeng Guofan realized his problem and regretted this experience very much, especially for his brother Zeng Guohua, who died on the battlefield.

Since then, Zeng Guofan has continuously improved, worked hard to get rid of his "anger" problems, and learned to control his emotions. When encountering unpleasant things, they will not blindly lose their temper, but can calm down and deal with them patiently. He gradually matured, and his temperament also changed greatly.

Bad tempers can only make people get temporary pain, but they bring long-term pain to themselves.

At the critical moment, if you can't help your temper, can't stand loneliness, can't withstand temptation, and doesn't know how to give up, people may make wrong choices, and it will be impossible to live a life without regrets.

During the Three Kingdoms period, Zhang Fei heard that his good brother Guan Yu had been killed, and he could not suppress his sadness and anger, so he used drunken whipping to beat the soldiers, and finally his subordinates Fan Jiang and Zhang Da could not bear it, and when Zhang Fei was asleep, he assassinated him on the bed.

As a five-tiger general, Zhang Fei has great ability, but in the end he can't get an ideal ending, so it can be seen that people who can't control their temper are no matter how great their ability is.

There are many grumpy people like Zhang Fei in life, in feelings and work, negative energy bursts, often broken thoughts, complaints are full of heaven, and even vicious words to people.

I have seen a news: a couple in the car with others friction accident, the wife's emotions have been very excited after the two sides got out of the car, at the beginning the husband also constantly advised the wife to be calm, but with the other party's language provocation, the husband can not help but be angry from the heart, shot the other party into serious injury, was criminally detained.

If you can't help your temper at a critical moment and don't know how to tolerate and control your temper, people may make wrong choices and it will be impossible to live a life without regrets.

A person's weakness is always exposed in the process of tantrums, which is not knowing how to "close", not knowing how to hide, it often becomes a precursor to collapse. Strategy and combat effectiveness will also dissipate in anger, because you expose your weaknesses and your strengths naturally decrease. Therefore, it is crucial to stay calm.

So, we have to control our temper and don't let your temper drive away your happiness.

Xiao Wang is the head of the family, with children and daughters, a virtuous wife, and a happy family. But recently Xiao Wang was infected with gambling, and every time he lost the gambling money, he went home and was furious with his family, punched and kicked, and owed a bunch of debts. In the end, the wife really couldn't stand the domestic violence, decided to divorce, and finally sued Xiao Wang in court. Because Xiao Wang was obsessed with gambling and owed debts, the court eventually awarded the child to her wife.

Xiao Wang regretted it too much, because Xiao Wang could not control his emotions and finally led to rebellion and separation, and people and money were empty.

Orissen Madden, the father of success studies, once said: At no time should a person be a slave to his emotions, should not subject all actions to his own emotions, but should control emotions in turn.

Remember: don't let your bad temper drive away your happiness!

Don't let your bad temper drive away your happiness

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