
The sound of the slug | Cut the dried reeds and insert the cold bamboo, and the nine holes leak the sound of the five-tone foot

author:Hung Hung

Its moon soup soup, away from my hometown, the full moon is missing, and the hometown is missing. Its stars are shining, away from my homeland, the galaxy is brilliant, and the homeland is difficult to return. Its wind is harmonious and harmonious, blowing my homeland, its sun is beautiful, illuminating my homeland. Knowing xi knows to bury my rivers and mountains, knows where to bury me...

Desert smoke, faint camel bells, there is a wind blowing through the grass, making a "rustling" sound, the wind played by the young people standing in the wind, is the leader of the C position of the Datang Orchestra Station. He remembered that the moonlight of his youth was clear, and now the moonlight of the western region was cold. After several years of military service, it was difficult to return to his hometown, and the relatives in the road ahead, only the sound of the slug played when he was a teenager drifted from his hometown to a foreign land with him. The parting sound that was played many years ago turned into today's homesickness tears!

The Sound of the Silk Road

The sound of the slug | Cut the dried reeds and insert the cold bamboo, and the nine holes leak the sound of the five-tone foot

The sound of the yanyi, originating from Guizi, came along the Silk Road civilization and spread in China for more than a thousand years.

According to the Sui Shu Music Chronicle, "The Guizi originated from Lü Guang to destroy the Guizi, because of its sound." "In 383 AD, the Former Qin general Lü Guang set out from Chang'an on a westward expedition through the three-hundred-mile desert and fought a great battle against Guizi and other countries. After the Qin army occupied Guizi, all the generals had a homesickness and did not want to stay in the Western Regions, so Lü Guang returned to the east with the treasures of the Western Regions, and brought back a Guizi Band, which was also introduced to the Central Plains as the main music of Guizi.

The sound of the slug | Cut the dried reeds and insert the cold bamboo, and the nine holes leak the sound of the five-tone foot

Located in present-day Kuqa County, Xinjiang, in the Cave of the Thousand Buddhas in Bezirik, in a mural of the story of the Buddha's birth, there are some musicians, one of whom plays the flute. Its shape is curved, the bottom is thin and thick, which is probably an early reed, generally made of sheep horn or cow horn. Later, after it was introduced to the Central Plains, the material was improved to form an upright bamboo reed. Introduced to the Central Plains from the Western Regions, it was valued in the Sui and Tang Dynasties, and was widely used in the Nine Pieces of Music of the Sui Dynasty and the Ten Pieces of Music of the Tang Dynasty, becoming one of the main instruments. During the Tang Dynasty, there were many artists such as Li Guinian and Li Wan. According to legend, in the "Neon Dress Feather Song" composed by Tang Xuanzong, Li Guinian played the flute. The many images of the dunhuang murals depict the spread of the yoke in China during the open Tang Dynasty.

The sound of the slug | Cut the dried reeds and insert the cold bamboo, and the nine holes leak the sound of the five-tone foot

After the Song Dynasty, the name of the "head pipe" appeared, and by the Ming Dynasty, the name of "head pipe" was officially finalized. It shows that the flute has occupied a place in the court music of all generations, and its position is quite stable. As a foreign music, it belongs to the folk music part of court music, and once it was not successful as a gagaku, but it is the first part of the Southern Song Dynasty Sect, which shows its important position. The evolution of the name "񍅅" - "觵" - "head pipe" not only reflects the localization of Hu Le, but also reflects the change in the status of performance to a certain extent.

The sound of the slug | Cut the dried reeds and insert the cold bamboo, and the nine holes leak the sound of the five-tone foot

Since the Ming Dynasty, the sycamore has gradually lost its leading position in court music, and has been passed from the court to the folk, and the material has also been changed from bamboo to ebony, and the inheritance of the folk slug, although it is difficult to see the image of prosperity again, has never stopped.

The Sound of Wai Si

The sound of the slug | Cut the dried reeds and insert the cold bamboo, and the nine holes leak the sound of the five-tone foot

It is a pipe blowing instrument, also known as a pipe, divided into three kinds, large, medium and small, and developed to modern pipes mostly wooden, with eight holes in the top, and a whistle made of reeds at the mouth of the pipe. After the reform of the pipe, the range of sound was expanded to two octaves and six tones, and the key pipe could also play twelve semitones, mostly used in local opera, folk wind ensembles, temple music, etc.

The sound of the slug | Cut the dried reeds and insert the cold bamboo, and the nine holes leak the sound of the five-tone foot

Its voice was sad, and it was originally used by the Hu people to scare horses. It was introduced to the Central Plains through the Silk Road, and also experienced the spread of court music, military ritual music and folk music. Through breath support, the flute can express a continuous tone of mellowness and euphemism, and the timbre is either high-pitched and sad, or deep and thick, and is good at triggering people's emotions and causing resonance.

In the once popular "Biography of Chu Qiao", there is also a plot of Chu Qiao playing a flute on the wall of Hongchuan. Yan Xun was given by Yan Xun at that time, when Yan Xun was like a midsummer light-year, and at this time, Chu Qiao's firm faith was no longer there, was the sound of Yan Xuan feeling nostalgic or missing?

The sound of the slug | Cut the dried reeds and insert the cold bamboo, and the nine holes leak the sound of the five-tone foot

In the famous Tang Dynasty song, the story of "Yulin Bell" is related to Tang Xuanzong Li Longji. It is said that after the Ma Song Incident that year, Xuanzong and others entered the Xie Valley from the Shu Road, and there were bells hanging on the iron cables of the boardwalk to facilitate mutual care. On the rainy night of The Rainy Night, Xuanzong often heard the bells and thought of the qinser and ming with the noble concubine, and the nostalgia and resentment prompted him to tearfully write the song "Yulin Bells", when Zhang Yehu, a musician in pear garden, tried to play with a stalk, and the deep and sad music made Tang Xuanzong sad. In the Song Dynasty, "Yulin Bell" was loved by frustrated literati, and with the "Raining Bell" "Cold and Poignant" written by the Northern Song Dynasty slow lyricist Liu Yong, this song also became a famous song in the history of Chinese music.

The Voice of China

The sound of the slug | Cut the dried reeds and insert the cold bamboo, and the nine holes leak the sound of the five-tone foot

Today, the performer Hideki Higashi, known as the "Noble Prince of Gagaku" in Japan, has a large number of music fans and is good at playing modern works with a stalk. Some obsessive people often mistakenly think that this instrument originated in Japan, but in fact, Korean and Japanese reeds are in the same vein as Chinese grates.

The sound of the slug | Cut the dried reeds and insert the cold bamboo, and the nine holes leak the sound of the five-tone foot

Kamezi music was introduced to the Central Plains from the Silk Road, and around the seventh century AD, the Japanese envoys sent Tang envoys to the east with this instrument, and to this day, in the Shosoin Temple in Nara, Japan, there is still a Tang Dynasty slug in China, which has become one of Japan's national treasures.

The sound of the slug | Cut the dried reeds and insert the cold bamboo, and the nine holes leak the sound of the five-tone foot

In 2018, on the stage of "Classic Aria Circulation", with the singing voice of the classic inheritor Dai Quan, the poetry of Yan Yan and Li Bai's "Three Five Seven Words" was integrated, and the autumn wind was desolate and the jackdaw was restored, leading the listener into the autumn thoughts of the Poets of the Sheng Tang Dynasty. Through the sound of music through two thousand years, ancient and modern people have reached the emotional resonance, which is the enduring charm of Chinese music and Chinese culture.