
100 years of unremitting self-improvement, passing on the torch and creating brilliance again

author:China Education News Network

Suzhou Vocational University is located in Suzhou City, a famous historical and cultural city in China and an important birthplace of Wu culture, and is a public vocational college sponsored by Suzhou City. Since 1981, the school has always kept in mind the mission of "educating people for the party and educating talents for the country", adhering to the school motto of "diligence, courage, loyalty and faith", and built a regional brand college with engineering as the mainstay, the combination of science and engineering, and the coordinated development of multiple disciplines. In recent years, the school has adhered to the guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, firmly grasped the direction of socialist schooling, strived to achieve students and teachers, vigorously cultivated talents with "high morality, high skills and high adaptability", promoted the development of the school and local economic and social collaborative innovation, integration and win-win results, and actively built quality colleges with distinctive characteristics, outstanding advantages and satisfaction of the people.

Continue to struggle, always maintain the original intention

The predecessor of Suzhou Vocational University is Suzhou Industrial College established in 1911, which has a history of 110 years. The pioneers of entrepreneurship have always kept in mind the original intention of running a school, adhered to the mission of educating people, adhered to the concept of running a school with science and technology, accompanied Suzhou all the way to take off, and cultivated a group of technical elites and outstanding talents for the country. Among the alumni, seven academicians, Liu Dunzhen, Zhang Dayu, Shi Jun, Cheng Minde, Wu Jianxiong, Qian Yi, and Chen Taiyi, as well as a large number of outstanding figures such as proletarian revolutionary Qin Bangxian, PLA general Wang Yi, and musician Zhu Ming, have emerged, becoming the mainstay of social construction at all stages.

In 2003, Suzhou optimized and integrated the resources of the former Suzhou Vocational University, Suzhou Education College, Suzhou Radio and Television University, Suzhou Municipal University of Staff and Technology, etc., to establish a new Suzhou Vocational University. At this point, the school set sail again, worked hard, and entered a new stage of vigorous development. In 2021, Suzhou Vocational University ushered in the glorious moment of the 40th anniversary of its founding and the 110th anniversary of its establishment.

The school is making great strides towards the goal of higher quality of running schools with the spirit of striving for achievement. Awarded the Jiangsu Provincial Civilized Campus and the first batch of Jiangsu Provincial Safe Campus Construction Demonstration Colleges and Universities, he composed a concerto of forging ahead and always maintaining the original heart.

Forge ahead and go far

Since the "Thirteenth Five-Year Plan", the school has adhered to reform, innovation and connotation development, always focused on Suzhou's industrial development and talent needs, in accordance with the development idea of "one target positioning, two basic footholds, and three comprehensive improvements", coordinated the overall situation, innovated measures, and achieved gratifying results in talent training, scientific and technological innovation, cultural inheritance, school-site cooperation, service to the society, international exchanges and other aspects, and promoted the school's running level and quality to a new level.

The teaching staff is constantly optimized. Ability and ability go hand in hand, introduce and train at the same time, and highlight the enhancement of the quality of teachers. The school has 808 full-time teachers, including 80 with high professional titles and 396 titles at or above the deputy high level; there are 3 provincial "six talent peak" training objects, 19 provincial "333 high-level talent training project" training objects, 43 provincial "Qinglan Project" training objects, one provincial teaching famous teacher, 3 provincial excellent teaching teams, 3 provincial scientific and technological innovation teams; "double teacher" quality teachers account for 85%; build 6 "master studios" and build 49 "double teachers" with enterprises. Teacher training base, won the first prize of Jiangsu Vocational College Teaching Competition, the first prize of Jiangsu Provincial Teaching Achievement Award and other awards.

The level of professional construction has been effectively improved. Pay attention to the reform of education and teaching, and highlight the improvement of the quality of talents. There are 12 colleges (departments), offering 51 enrollment majors, including 3 key majors and pilot majors of education reform in the education department, two high-level professional groups of provincial higher vocational colleges, one A-class project of the first phase of the provincial college brand professional construction project, 3 provincial high-level backbone majors, and 9 provincial brand characteristic majors; the achievements in curriculum construction are remarkable, there are 8 provincial excellent and excellent courses, one provincial excellent course group, 9 provincial college quality textbooks, 17 provincial key textbooks, and 7 textbooks selected for the "13th Five-Year Plan". Teachers edited more than 400 textbooks of various types; built a national teaching resource library for intelligent control technology in vocational education, and created a national, provincial, and school three-level curriculum resource sharing system.

Scientific and technological innovation is steadily advancing. The construction of scientific research platforms, the construction of scientific research and innovation teams, and the transfer and transformation of scientific and technological achievements have reached a new level. A group of young and middle-aged scientific research backbone teams that can delve into and innovate have emerged. Among them, the scientific research team of "new energy utilization" presided over by professor Wang Yiwang won the second prize of Jiangsu Science and Technology Award, Wu Wenjun Artificial Intelligence Technology Invention Award, and the gold medal of the International Invention Exhibition; the "Research on Remote Sensing and GIS Simulation Method of Hekou Coastal Environment" participated by Professor Fang Ligang won the second prize of Guangzhou Science and Technology Progress Award; the achievements of the scientific research team of "Silk Cultural Relics Restoration and Testing" presided over by Professor Li Shichao won the third prize of Jiangsu Provincial Education Science and Natural Science Research Achievements, and the Science and Technology Invention Award of China Light Industry Federation; The "Suzhou Career" driverless intelligent car developed by the "Intelligent Connected Vehicle Technology" team presided over by teacher Li Keqing won the fourth place in the overall score of the "China Intelligent Vehicle Future Challenge".

Casting the soul and educating people is constantly strengthening. Accelerate the construction of an ideological and political work system, and strengthen the "three all-round education of people." Establish a school party history propaganda group, a counselor "four history" propaganda group, and a "youth to the party - this is the party member" student propaganda group to carry out party history study and education; promote the construction of wisdom students, strengthen student management services, and maintain a high level of graduate employment; technology empowers ideological and political education, independent innovation and construction of a large number of digital ideological and political education carriers such as "propaganda and ideological integration media learning station"; builds a number of high-quality counselor studios; and builds an anti-setback education experience hall It built the first provincial-level Red Cross standardized emergency care training base in Jiangsu universities, and the Youth League Committee was awarded the "May Fourth Red Flag Youth League Committee" of Jiangsu Province.

The results of talent training are obvious. Students have strong innovation and practical ability, and have won many good results in provincial and national competitions. In the past five years, it has won 7 national awards in the vocational college skills competition and 5 national awards in the "Internet +" and "Challenge Cup" competitions. Among them, Qi Luqiang was named the "Campus Youth Model" of college students in Jiangsu Province in 2017, Dong Yue was awarded the "China Telecom Scholarship" and "Advanced Individual in Practicing the Core Values of Socialism" in 2018, Yu Lijia and Li Xinlong were awarded the "Star of Self-Improvement of Chinese College Students" in 2018 and 2019 respectively, and Chen Wenjing was elected as the "Pacesetter of Vocational School Students" in Jiangsu Province in 2019.

Outstanding achievements have been made in the ideological, political, and educational reforms. Give play to the role of the main channel of ideological and political science, combine the small classroom of ideological politics with the large classroom of society, and form a two-subject project-based teaching and research team of "ideological politics + professional"; promote ideological and political teachers and professional teachers, national skill masters, enterprise CEOs, human resource managers, cultural inheritors, outstanding graduates, etc. to jointly attend "a memorable ideological and political class"; build a new type of ideological and political classroom such as a digital immersive interactive experience center to explore a set of digital ideological and political education reform experience experience. People's Daily, China Education Television, China Education Network, Guangming Daily, Xinhua Daily and other 52 media 60 special reports on school ideological and political education reform.

Foreign exchanges continue to expand. There are 3 Sino-foreign cooperative education projects, two of which have been rated as high-level demonstration projects of Sino-foreign cooperation in Jiangsu universities; selected as the Jiangsu Foreign Student Talent Program, the "14th Five-Year Plan" college international talent training brand major; 102 teachers have obtained international teacher qualification certificates; 300 full-time students with more than one year of study; the establishment of the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor Cultural Exchange Center, the Southeast Asia Vocational Education Industry-Education Integration Alliance, the Malaysian Industrial Robot Institute and the Central and South Africa Hengtong Intelligent Manufacturing Institute; the establishment of " South Africa high-skilled talent training demonstration base"; school running experience has been selected into the "Jiangsu Higher Vocational Education Quality Annual Report" for 3 times.

School-site cooperation has been comprehensively deepened. Continue to promote the integration of industry and education, and actively build a "school-site cooperation" of "government, bank, enterprise and school" in an all-round, all-field and whole-process manner. Led the establishment of three vocational education groups in Suzhou, such as modern equipment manufacturing, modern optoelectronics and artificial intelligence, and jointly built 23 enterprise (industry) colleges and 295 off-campus training bases with enterprises, industry organizations and government departments such as China Inspection Group, China Industrial Internet Research Institute, etc.; carried out 21 school-site cooperation projects with municipal authorities, district-level government departments and 17 streets (towns), and signed contracts with 9 research units and universities such as Shanghai Huaxia Economic Research Institute and Shanghai Jiao Tong University; Suzhou Vocational University Serves Local Economic and Social High-quality Development Resources Compilation.

Great service place. Suzhou Shihu Think Tank, a new think tank of higher vocational colleges and universities, actively provides suggestions and suggestions for government departments, 102 decision-making consultation reports have been published by internal references at all levels, of which 32 have received affirmative instructions from provincial and municipal leaders; to create the "Wisdom Suzhou" academic salon brand, for Suzhou's social economy, culture, people's livelihood development of hot spots, difficulties and pain points to take the pulse. There is a national cultural quality education base for college students, "Wu Cultural Park" and "Wu Cultural Inheritance and Innovation Research Center", which have carried out in-depth cultural inheritance, innovation and education work, and provided intellectual support for creating a better life for the people.

Carry on the past and open up the future to create brilliant again

The next 5 years will be a critical period for the construction of the national "Belt and Road", the integrated development of the Yangtze River Delta, and the development of the Suxi Chang Metropolitan Area. Facing the challenges and seizing the opportunities, the school formulated the 14th five-year plan for career development and accelerated the construction of a high-level vocational university.

The school will take "one target direction, three optimal environments, three satisfactory results, and one strong guarantee" (referred to as "1331") as the new development layout, vigorously promote the construction of quality culture, continuously enhance the core competitiveness, and strive to build the school into a vocational college based on the Suxi Chang metropolitan circle, serving the Yangtze River Delta, radiating the whole country, with work as the mainstay and multi-disciplinary coordinated development, and strive to write a new chapter of "striving to be an example, striving to be a demonstration, and walking in the forefront".

Su Gongzhuan has inherited the torch for 100 years, and the original heart is eternal; the forty years of Su Gongda are like songs, and the mission is like a rock. Several generations have devoted themselves to education, adhering to the school motto of "diligence, courage, loyalty and faith", firmly grasping the direction of socialist schooling, educating people for the party and the country, composing the main theme of development, and playing the strongest sound of the times!

(Han Seung-min)

China Education News, October 21, 2021, 4th edition

Author: Han Chengmin