
Innovative "open" way of party history study: immersive "experience" to understand the historical bits and pieces

author:Cover News
Innovative "open" way of party history study: immersive "experience" to understand the historical bits and pieces

Cao Shipei Cover reporter Yang Chen Photo courtesy of Cheng Fei of Aviation Industry

A hundred years of glory, a long voyage of dreams. Recently, in Chengfei Park, a unique party history study and education theme party day activity attracted many tourists to stop. At the scene of the event, more than 150 aviation personnel recreated 15 major historical events in the period of the new democratic revolution, the period of socialist revolution and construction, the new period of reform and opening up, and the four periods since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China through sitcoms, dances, and recitations, and reviewed the magnificent historical picture of the CPC in the past hundred years.

The Party Committee of Chengfei Industry actively organized, vigorously planned, and arranged a series of historical scenes, props and facilities, and through dressing up, the historical figures played by aviation people came to us. There were patriotic young people who shouted for the country in the May Fourth Movement, there were Red Army soldiers who supported each other on the Long March, and there were also the masses of the people and typical figures in important historical events such as the Ten Gifts to the Red Army, the Founding Ceremony, the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea, Reform and Opening Up, and Poverty Alleviation.

The history of the Party is the most vivid and convincing textbook, and aviation people are immersed in this special experience and have a further understanding of the study and understanding of Party history. Li Guojiang, a patriotic youth actor, said excitedly: "When I waved the flag and shouted with the patriotic youths in the parade and gave a passionate speech, I felt as if I had returned to the period of the New Democratic Revolution and felt the enthusiasm of the patriotic students of the May Fourth Movement. In the new era, new development, new requirements, we must closely link personal ideals and struggles with the development of the company and the future and destiny of the country, and contribute to ordinary posts. Li Chen, who participated in the Red Army Long March sitcom, said: "I deeply felt the spirit of the Red Army's Long March of the Revolutionary Ancestors who were not afraid of sacrifice, overcame all difficulties, and were brave and tenacious. In the new era, we must not forget our original intention, keep in mind the mission, remember the past, look forward to the future, climb more and more, and forge ahead. ”

Innovative "open" way of party history study: immersive "experience" to understand the historical bits and pieces

The event also carried out an intense and fierce competition for knowledge of party history, and finally ended successfully in the song of "Without the Communist Party, There Would Be No New China". Everyone waved the party flag in their hands, full of enthusiasm and enthusiasm, and expressed their respect and blessings for the party.

Innovative "open" way of party history study: immersive "experience" to understand the historical bits and pieces

Recall the past, touched, excited, grateful; facing the future, fearless, hard work, forge ahead. On the 100-meter-long chengfei park green path, a magnificent historical picture is reproduced, and in this immersive experience, aviation people jointly feel the great changes in China, cherish the hard-won development results, be strict with themselves, have the courage to innovate, through the study and education of party history, stimulate the passion for entrepreneurship, use practical actions to help the vigorous development of the aviation industry, and celebrate the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China with excellent results.

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