
What are the penalties for men and women who do not marry at the legal age of marriage in ancient times?

author:Kites flutter

With the development of human civilization, people's life expectancy is getting longer and longer. Ancient people cloud, life seventy ancient rarity, etc., can live to this age is relatively rare.

What are the penalties for men and women who do not marry at the legal age of marriage in ancient times?

Ancient marriage

According to historical records, in the era of short life expectancy in ancient times, there were two celebrities with relatively long lifespans, one is Confucius, who we know well, who lived to the age of 73, and one Mencius lived to the age of 84. Thus the life span of the two of them became "73, 84, yama does not invite himself to go" statement.

According to the data released by the relevant departments, the average life expectancy of Chinese has reached 77.4 years. In ancient times, it was very rare to live to this age, because people had a shorter life expectancy and were married at an earlier age. According to the Zhou Li, the man married thirty and the woman married twenty.

The Western Zhou people believe that the male thirty are strong and can be fathers, and the female twenty are mature and can be mothers. Men marry immediately when they reach the age of thirty, women mature and marry by the age of twenty, and the Western Zhou people's concept of marriage is still relatively close to modern people.

The Spring and Autumn Warring States stipulate that the twenty-year-old for men and fifteen years for women will reach the legal age of marriage. In the Two Han Dynasties, according to yang Shuda's research in the "Examination of Marriage and Funeral Customs in the Han Dynasty", the marriage age in the Han Dynasty was mostly fifteen or sixteen years old for men and thirteen or fourteen years for women. The custom of early marriage in the Han Dynasty can be said to have directly affected future generations, and since the Han Dynasty, all dynasties have practiced early marriage.

During the Spring and Autumn Period, Wu Wangfu sent out the Yue Kingdom, and the Yue King Gou Jian suffered a lot of humiliation in the Wu Kingdom, and finally successfully returned to the Yue Kingdom, and began to exert himself to rule, lying down and trying to prepare for revenge. In order to increase the population, the Yue king carried out a vigorous "reform" on the marriage age of young men and women in Vietnam: "If a woman does not marry at the age of seventeen, her parents are guilty; if the husband does not marry at twenty, his parents are guilty." ", male 20 years old and female 17 years old as the latest age of marriage.

According to the Book of Han and the Chronicle of Emperor Hui, in 189 BC, Liu Ying ordered: "A woman who is above fifteen to thirty years old will not marry, and the five counts." This means that older leftover women (15-30 years old) need to pay 5 times more taxes than ordinary people. This was a single tax on women, and Emperor Hui of Han was ruthless enough to increase the population.

In 273 AD, Sima Yan, the Emperor of Jinwu, ordered: "In the seventeenth year of a woman's life, if her parents do not marry, make the chief official match." "Note: 17 women who do not marry, the government forced her to marry.

During the Southern and Northern Dynasties, when you were old enough to marry out, you were miserable, because this was a violation of the law, and if you wanted to be punished, you would have to go to jail with your whole family.

According to the "Song Shu Zhou Lang Biography" contained in the "Book of Song , Zhou Lang Biography " , " A woman who is fifteen years old does not marry, and her family will follow her to prison.

According to the Book of Rites, the standard for marriage between men and women is 20 years for men and 15 years for women. Dynasties have continued on this basis. For example, in the Tang Dynasty, males were 15 years old and women were over 13 years old; in the Ming Dynasty, males were 16 years old and women were over 14 years old; in the Qing Dynasty, men were 16 years old and women were 14 years old.

I don't know how the contemporary older leftover women and leftover men feel when they see this? Welcome to leave a message to discuss!