
Chai Rong, the first Ming Jun of the Five Dynasties: Character defects led to his untimely death Cheap Zhao Kuangyin

author:Qiu Tiger

Zhou Shizong Chai Rong is known as the first Ming Emperor of the Five Dynasties, and during his short reign of six years, he achieved achievements that were difficult for other emperors to achieve for decades, and later generations commented that he was "a heroic hero of Zhou Shizong, in a world of decay, in a mere five or six years, the sound of mighty martial arts, shocking Yixia, can be described as a momentary sage." So why did Zhou Shizong, a generation of Ming Emperors, die young after six years on the throne? The author believes that it may be related to his personality, and we will briefly analyze the character defects of Zhou Shizong Chai Rong.

Chai Rong, the first Ming Jun of the Five Dynasties: Character defects led to his untimely death Cheap Zhao Kuangyin

Zhou Shizong Chai Rong film and television image

Character defect one: impulsiveness

Zhou Shizong had just ascended the throne, and was taken advantage of by the Korean garrison Liu Chong to launch a war against Later Zhou at the opportunity of the change of power in the Later Zhou State, Zhou Shizong personally marched, in order to defeat Liu Chong, he actually abandoned the main force of the Later Zhou army, only with the forward troops rushed to Gaoping and the Northern Han and Khitan combined forces to fight a decisive battle, at the critical moment of the decisive battle, the Later Zhou forward right route army commanders Fan Aineng and He Hui fled from the front, the whole army almost collapsed, Chai Rong, who had no other way but to lead 50 horses into the enemy position, the Northern Han lord Liu Chongcang Emperor fled, and the Later Zhou army narrowly defeated the Northern Han. Afterwards, Chai Rong was also a little afraid of his impulsiveness and rashness.

Chai Rong, the first Ming Jun of the Five Dynasties: Character defects led to his untimely death Cheap Zhao Kuangyin

Character defect two: everything must be done personally

As everyone knows, Zhuge Liang, the chancellor of the Shu Han Dynasty, was a person who had to do everything personally, and in the end he was also tired and sick and hated Wuzhangyuan. And Zhou Shizong Chai Rong and Zhuge Liang are more similar, all political affairs must be personally committed, only know how to take over the government, do not know how to delegate power. According to historical records, a minister once wrote to him, hoping that he would appropriately delegate power to the hundred officials according to the priorities of government affairs, but Chai Rong ignored it and still took care of all the state affairs alone, and the civil and military officials only needed to follow his instructions.

Chai Rong, the first Ming Jun of the Five Dynasties: Character defects led to his untimely death Cheap Zhao Kuangyin

Character defect three: do not listen to advice

It is often said that "listen to the advice of others, eat enough to eat", but Chai Rong was just an emperor who could not listen to advice, after gaoping defeated Liu Chong, he immediately ordered the siege of Taiyuan City, the capital of the Northern Han Dynasty, and the generals thought that the army was very tired and the grain and grass were insufficient, and should go back to rest for a period of time before attacking the Northern Han Dynasty.

Character defect four: suspicious

Zhou Shizong Chai Rong knew that his fate was shortly after his illness, Li Chongjin and Zhang Yongde were the two powerful generals around him, Chai Rong in order to be able to safely pass on to his son Chai Zongxun in order to pass on the Great Zhou Jiangshan, Zhang Yongde was secretly demoted to deprive him of military power, and then sent Li Chongjin to a remote place as an envoy, and finally chilled the hearts of these two elder brothers, and made a wedding dress for Zhao Kuangyin, it can be said that Zhao Kuangyin's ability to add yellow robes is completely a scourge of Chai Rong's suspiciousness, fortunately, Zhao Kuangyin is more generous and good to his descendants, and Chai Rongquan should also be satisfied.

Chai Rong, the first Ming Jun of the Five Dynasties: Character defects led to his untimely death Cheap Zhao Kuangyin

Song Taizu Zhao Kuangyin film and television image

As an emperor, no matter which of the above may make the country overturned, Zhou Shizong Chai Rong's character flaws led to his regrettable life, history always has so many regrets and incomprehensions, perhaps it is really the destiny of the Song.

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