
Life Heart Test: The Five Questions of Divine Accuracy leak all of you, and the fortunes before the Lunar New Year are auspicious

author:Tarot Constellation Eiffel Teacher
Life Heart Test: The Five Questions of Divine Accuracy leak all of you, and the fortunes before the Lunar New Year are auspicious

2020 is drawing to a close, has this year been better than last year? Or do you know yourself better? This time, the teacher wants to let everyone test their inner world and tell everyone what kind of fortune you will take before the lunar calendar this year!

First, when you drive your boyfriend one day, accidentally being hit by a car that does not have long eyes, and the other party is driving a fierce god, then the boyfriend's following actions, how do you think it is right.

1 Immediately care if you are injured

2 Call the police immediately

3 Get out of the car right away and shock the other party with momentum







The first question

What do you value most about your partner?

If you put 1 first, what you value most is the gentleness of your partner, I hope he can think more about you from your point of view, if it is a man who is too self-centered, even if the conditions are good in all aspects, the score is not passed.

If you put 2 first, what you value most is the intelligence of your partner, you can't stand people who are too blunt, too slow to react will make you lose patience, and you will feel that there is no fun with him, and the essence of love should be happy.

If you put 3 first, you most value whether your partner can protect you, a person who really loves you should be the one who can stand up for you, if the other party is too cowardly, what to do if you are bullied by your mother-in-law after marriage.

Second, how do you say goodbye to people?

A Wave vigorously and say goodbye loudly

b A small wave of the hand, with a smile

c Come forward and talk about the genius goodbye


Second question

How do you want to feel to the people around you?

a rabbit-like positive

You are fully committed to anything, and you also need the affirmation of the outside world, hoping that you are a small sun that emits positive energy in work, love, and friendship, as cute as a rabbit, and as agile and positive as a rabbit.

b Cat-like laziness

You don't like to live according to other people's wishes, but you also need to interact with the outside world, if it is you, the warm and clingy person is also you, just like the unpredictable cat, the maid is lazy, and the word elegance is your best footnote.

c Bird-like lightness

You don't like to be restrained, but you are not endlessly free of yourself, you work as hard as everyone else, listen well to your friends, but you will never forget to keep your own space, keep your dexterity, in the eyes of everyone is not a conventional little fairy.

Third, on your desk or desk, which of the following things will be in the most prominent position?

a Cup or book file

b Potted plants or fish tanks

c Photos or dolls


The third question is tested

Are you rational or emotional in love?

a Rational and pragmatic

You are a goal-oriented person, even if love is such a romantic thing, you can't get too far from the goal, if you want to have a boyfriend, then he must have the characteristics of a good husband, and even the potential of a good father.

b Sensual romance

In love, you like to let emotions flow naturally, when you want to be sticky, you will run away, many things are not reasonable to solve, you will make the other party feel good, but also feel a little difficult to understand your heart.

c Childish

Rationality, sensibility are the vocabulary of adults, the love you like, is simply holding hands shopping, feeding each other to eat when accidentally dirty mouth, this is the face of life, your childishness is not equal to childish, but a kind of ease in the face of life.

Fourth, the following three types of travel itineraries, if there is no epidemic now, which one do you most want to go to?

a Beautiful Mediterranean Sea

b Gourmet romantic France

c Yu static Japanese hot spring


Question 4

Your current fortunes

a In the midst of great luck, all is well

Your current fortunes are in good shape, the things you have troubled before have been answered one by one, and even many unexpected opportunities, and your mood and physical strength are also in a high-grade state, and you can face all challenges.

b At a turning point, there is an opportunity for change

You have just walked through the trough, the original gray and unclear things seem to begin to show the dawn, a friend's accidental words, a new change, may become the key to change the fortune.

c The troublesome thing does not yet have an answer

Previously, you had a smooth day, but recently you feel a little low, confused, the original smooth things seem to have changed, the current you are facing uncertainty, it will take a little time to get the answer.

After doing all the questions, take a deep breath and intuitively choose the one you feel the most in the image below, and then look at the answer

a butterfly

b Bees

c Moths

Life Heart Test: The Five Questions of Divine Accuracy leak all of you, and the fortunes before the Lunar New Year are auspicious


Fifth question

Your fortunes before the lunar calendar go

a Butterfly: [Bright future, a smooth road]

You will start to have good luck before the lunar year, not necessarily an explosive good thing, it may be a smooth journey, at least for now, the future is bright, which can make you smile all the way to the New Year.

b Bee: [Crouch first and jump later, have a good year]

You may encounter a small low tide before the lunar calendar, but there is a great opportunity to squat and jump first, maintain an optimistic mood, the low tide will soon pass, usher in a good result beyond your imagination, and have time to have a good year.

c Moth: [Still waiting, better after years]

Your fortunes will quietly weaken before the lunar calendar, but it is only a temporary sinking, not an avalanche of decline, and there is a great chance to return to good luck in the next year, waiting for it at the same time, just to let yourself breathe.

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