
Late Ming and early Qing dynasty painter Wang Shimin

author:Whoever fires eats melon

Wang Shimin, the founder of the Lou Dong sect

Wang Shimin was a painter in the late Ming and early Qing dynasties, born in a eunuch's family, so there were many calligraphy and paintings of the past in the family, Wang Shimin repeatedly watched them when he was idle, so he found ideas in ancient famous places and became a landscape painter. Wang Shimin's works had a great influence in the early Qing Dynasty, he was not only a representative figure in the "Four Kings", but also one of the "Six Families of the Qing Dynasty", and also founded the Loudong School of Painting, whose paintings were appreciated by the royal family.

Wang Shimin served as the Shaoqing of Taichang Temple at that time, so he received a nickname of Wang Fengchang. In his spare time, he took advantage of his position to study the traditional landscape painting method, deeply influenced by Dong Qichang, and was especially good at copying ancient paintings. Over time, Wang Shimin mastered the pen and ink skills of the ancients. The fan of "Landscape and Water" created by him is copied from ancient paintings, which combines the strengths of each family and gives full play to the flavors in ancient paintings. He believes that "imitation of antiquity is the highest principle of painting". Later, he resigned from the government and lived in a villa with excellent idyllic scenery, immersed himself in painting, and created many famous landscape paintings.

Late Ming and early Qing dynasty painter Wang Shimin

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His works have achieved the ultimate in terms of intention, layout, brush stroke, and color, so he has become a representative figure of the Loudong School. The Loudong school of painting headed by him was huge and left and right, and created a very high influence in the early Qing Dynasty, and even played an important role in the history of Chinese art. Most of the Loudong school of painting was influenced by Dong Qichang, drawing on the painting techniques of the ancients and applying the pen and ink techniques to the extreme. One of Wang Shimin's heirloom works, "Changbai Mountain Picture Scroll", combines the subtleties of Dong Qichang and Wang Meng's families, with extremely delicate pens, the ink color is light as water, and the artistic conception has a long history, expressing his yearning for a secluded life. In his later years, the "Landscape Axis" created was more powerful, and in the thick and light brush and ink, it was more of an old but beautiful feature, which was one of his representative works.

Late Ming and early Qing dynasty painter Wang Shimin

Clear springs are green

In his later years, Wang Shimin was physically weak and his eyes were not good, and he would let his youngest son ghostwrite in addition to creation. So there is a situation where the son's payment is straight, while Wang Shimin's payment is oblique. Although he did not know the true intention of Wang Shimin to drop the money obliquely, he did form this habit over time, and later people used this method to identify Wang Shimin's true handwriting.

The price of his works on the auction floor is not too high. Although most of his works are "imitation of ancient works", he maintains his own extremely high level of painting, and some fine works such as "Imitation of Huang Gongwang Landscape and Water Height" are also worth tens of thousands of dollars. When we appreciate Wang Shimin's works, we will have a new understanding of his "imitation of the ancient" thought.

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