
【Parallel Prosecution Dynamics】Taiyuan Municipal Procuratorate Carries Out Criminal Enforcement Procuratorial Business Training

author:Taiyuan Procuratorate
【Parallel Prosecution Dynamics】Taiyuan Municipal Procuratorate Carries Out Criminal Enforcement Procuratorial Business Training
【Parallel Prosecution Dynamics】Taiyuan Municipal Procuratorate Carries Out Criminal Enforcement Procuratorial Business Training

In order to conscientiously implement the general requirements for the regularization and professionalization of the political and legal contingent in the new era, and comprehensively improve the professional ability and professional quality of criminal enforcement procuratorial cadres and policemen, on October 14, the Taiyuan Municipal Procuratorial Organs held a training meeting on criminal enforcement procuratorial business, combined with the current needs of criminal enforcement business, and explained the problems and precautions in the work of filling in information and data generation in the case of enforcement cases.

【Parallel Prosecution Dynamics】Taiyuan Municipal Procuratorate Carries Out Criminal Enforcement Procuratorial Business Training

Cheng Xin, deputy director of the Case Management Office of the Municipal Procuratorate, gave a lecture on the topic of "Filling in common case cards for enforcement and inspection, process creation, system operation specifications and guidelines", focusing on four aspects, such as "landmark indicators for the high-quality development of procuratorial business and the filling and recording of inspection case cards and process relationships", "other inspection case cards, process specifications and data generation problems", "the difference and key tips between the 2.0 system and the 1.5 system", "the circulation of self-investigation case procedures, and the tips for the application of documents", and used the learning platform to conduct video teaching and answer questions.

【Parallel Prosecution Dynamics】Taiyuan Municipal Procuratorate Carries Out Criminal Enforcement Procuratorial Business Training

The criminal enforcement department of the Taiyuan Municipal Procuratorial Organs will take this training as an opportunity to further standardize the filling in of case cards, strengthen the training effect, enhance the awareness of procuratorial cadres and policemen to standardize case handling, and better adapt to the new requirements of criminal enforcement procuratorial work in the new era.

More than 30 people from the Fifth Procuratorial Department and the Eighth Procuratorial Department of the Municipal Procuratorate, as well as criminal enforcement procuratorial cadres and policemen of various districts and counties (cities) of the municipal procuratorate, attended the meeting.

Contributed by: Case Management Office, Fifth Prosecutor's Department

Photo: Yang Xiancheng, Center for Publicity and Education


Review: Liping Zhao

Editor-in-Charge: Li Junxia

Editor: Wang Yifan

【Parallel Prosecution Dynamics】Taiyuan Municipal Procuratorate Carries Out Criminal Enforcement Procuratorial Business Training