
Propagation and conservation methods of rhododendrons

author:Yangyang 3I4Y

The rhododendron is both calm and elegant, and before the spring flowers bloom, it will bloom all over the hillside without hesitation. A beautiful sea of flowers greets the arrival of spring. White as snow, red as fire, pink as delicate, one by one gorgeous as ever. It does not have the nobility of peonies, nor the holiness of lotuses, but it has the beautiful bloom of the first spring when it is warm and cold. As a result, the potted cuckoo is also deeply loved by people, and they want to move its beauty back to their homes to slowly appreciate.

Propagation and conservation methods of rhododendrons

The management method of potted rhododendron is more meticulous. There are several issues to be aware of:

1. Potting soil

Wild rhododendrons mostly grow on the northeastern slopes of the semi-shaded mountains with thick saprophyll soil layers, and the root system is developed and slender. Then the home potted maintenance rhododendron should also be suitable for this characteristic. Potting soils require loose soils that are well drained, organically rich in organic matter and acidic. If the soil is alkaline, flower lovers in the northern region can water the soil with 0.1% aqueous solution of ferrous sulfate once a month to adjust the pH of the soil. Makes the soil slightly acidic. The pot should be selected as a tile pot, and the drainage and air permeability are better. A layer of pottery grains on the bottom of the pot is conducive to drainage, and the old roots are trimmed when changing pots, and the root water is poured once after the pot is put on the pot.

Propagation and conservation methods of rhododendrons

2. Water

Cuckoos like to be humid, the air humidity should reach 70% to 90%, can not be too dry, watering must be clean, watering amount varies according to seasonal changes. Spend the winter indoors, watering every 2-3 days depending on the dryness of the potting soil. Keep the soil moist. Watering is generally done from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Spring growth rate is fast, the amount of water required is large, check it every day, the potting soil is slightly dry to water, and water once a day when the buds are in color, but can not accumulate water. On days when the sun is strong or the wind is strong, spray water on the leaves and the surroundings. Summer high temperature and dry, it is best to water once in the morning and evening, the amount of water should not be too much, pay attention to shade, and spray more water on the leaves every day. In autumn, the amount of watering should be reduced, and the potting soil should be moist.

Propagation and conservation methods of rhododendrons

3. Fertilize

Rhododendrons like fat, but are afraid of thick fat, and generally use decomposed fertilizers (such as fermented bean cake water, rotten soybeans, rotten peanuts, fishy water, etc.) to dilute and then water. Fertilize 2 to 3 times a month to promote the growth of branches and buds from March to April, and the maximum amount of fertilizer required in May is 3 to 4 times a month, and the potting soil should be kept moist for a week after fertilization. After the flowers are removed, the spring cranes are pruned off the remaining flowers and fertilized again. In summer, the high temperature cuckoo is in a dormant period and should stop fertilizing. Use fertilizer every 10 days in autumn. Liquid fertilizer containing phosphorus and potassium is generally used to promote the growth of pregnant buds in the plant. Stop fertilizing in winter. Fertilization after October will germinate new leaves, once encountered cold frost, the new shoots will be frozen after withering, severe will lead to death.

Propagation and conservation methods of rhododendrons

4. Trim

Rhododendron grows fast, germinate more new shoots, after the flower blooms and fails, it should be pruned in time, cut off the long branches, sick and weak branches, affecting the beautiful branches and leaves. Proper heart-picking in summer. After flowering, the remaining flowers are removed together to ensure the germination of new shoots.

Propagation and conservation methods of rhododendrons

5. Pest control

Generally, the diseases and insect pests of well-ventilated rhododendrons are not serious, and the most common are white juan disease and military insects. To prevent spraying with predo liquid. Spray 2-3 times in November-February.

Propagation and conservation methods of rhododendrons

6. Reproduction

Rhododendrons can be propagated by cuttings, strips, grafts and other breeding methods. Cuttings are mainly propagated, and cuttings are generally best in June or September to October. The cuttings should be selected from the semi-mature young branches that germinated that year, with a length of 10 cm, leaving 5 to 6 leaves in the upper part, cutting the incision into a 45 ° C angle, inserting one-third of the branches, compacting the soil, and watering. Keep the soil moist and maintain the scattered light, generally about 30 days to take root.

Propagation and conservation methods of rhododendrons

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