
Stronger than Zhang Zi, fierce flying tiger team! The exciting life introduction of the big circle "crossing the river dragon": The past of the flag soldiers: the blood-colored romantic jianghu and other idleness of the young and crazy: the big circle of mixed society Tea and Rice Horror: The end of the day with the Flying Tigers "Top Cow":

author:Fishing songs are sung in the morning

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="1" > primer:</h1>

The Big Circle Gang has left the most thrilling chapter in the history of the jianghu.

Big circle boy, once the most "impatient" cub in the jianghu, Ye Chengjian, Chen Hu saw, Ye Jihuan, Zhang Ziqiang... The grains of the fierce man jumped in amazement. If you give the big circle a row of seats, I am afraid that the column will have to stand at the back,

The most cattle fierce person in the big circle, wu Jiandong, who is not the "dragon crossing the river":

How many things in the rivers and lakes are leisurely, and the tides of payment are rolling.

Should the bright moon be remembered that year? Blood jumps to the head.

And Wen "crossed the river dragon" old things, and Jundang tea Yu laughed and talked.

Stronger than Zhang Zi, fierce flying tiger team! The exciting life introduction of the big circle "crossing the river dragon": The past of the flag soldiers: the blood-colored romantic jianghu and other idleness of the young and crazy: the big circle of mixed society Tea and Rice Horror: The end of the day with the Flying Tigers "Top Cow":

Wu Jiandong, nicknamed "Dadong" and nicknamed "Crossing the River Dragon", was born in Guangzhou in the middle of the last century.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="51" > Flag Soldier Past: The Bloody Romance of a Young Maniac</h1>

Although he grew up in an ordinary family, Wu Jiandong was strong and brave since childhood. At dinner, Grandpa likes to tell the korean war story of the old beauty, and "Dadong" is next to him, and his blood is boiling every time he hears it.

Stronger than Zhang Zi, fierce flying tiger team! The exciting life introduction of the big circle "crossing the river dragon": The past of the flag soldiers: the blood-colored romantic jianghu and other idleness of the young and crazy: the big circle of mixed society Tea and Rice Horror: The end of the day with the Flying Tigers "Top Cow":

Riding the two-eight bars on the way to and from school, talking about the future with her classmates in the sea and the sky, He Shufang, a girl with green plum bamboo horses, looked at "Dadong" with adoring eyes. Suddenly, one day, two groups of people rushed into the street, and "Dadong" dropped his bicycle and led his partner into the crowd.

Teenagers who are no more trouble, desperately burning the hormones of youth. In the hustle and bustle, gradually calm and calm, in the chaos, become fierce and bold, skillfully manipulating the May Fourth Black Star, The Six-Seven Charge, through the noisy crowd and the raging fire, "Dadong" became a prominent figure in front of the Sun Yat-sen Memorial Hall and in the Armed Forces Department of Guangnan, and became a close friend with another tide, Tan Zhipeng, and the other party also helped him block a peanut rice.

Stronger than Zhang Zi, fierce flying tiger team! The exciting life introduction of the big circle "crossing the river dragon": The past of the flag soldiers: the blood-colored romantic jianghu and other idleness of the young and crazy: the big circle of mixed society Tea and Rice Horror: The end of the day with the Flying Tigers "Top Cow":

A few years passed in a hurry, everything returned to calm, "Dadong" entered the factory to become an ordinary worker, with a salary of dozens of yuan in January, and his life was not alarming.

Gradually, some of the partners of that year brought news of Hong Kong, secretly went there, came back in suits and leather shoes, wore gold and silver, and said that Xiangjiang was a prosperous and wonderful paradise with wealth everywhere.

"Dadong" couldn't help but be moved.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="58" >: the big circle of mixed society</h1>

In 1979, "Dadong" climbed mountains and waters and came to Xiangjiang.

When I first arrived, I had no strengths, so I had to do the ancient puzzle boy of collecting numbers. When colleagues described the blood color of the sword, "Dadong" did not think anything of it, and the experienced "Dadong" had already cultivated a big heart.

Stronger than Zhang Zi, fierce flying tiger team! The exciting life introduction of the big circle "crossing the river dragon": The past of the flag soldiers: the blood-colored romantic jianghu and other idleness of the young and crazy: the big circle of mixed society Tea and Rice Horror: The end of the day with the Flying Tigers "Top Cow":

Once the big guy arranged for him to collect a 100,000 yuan account, the other party was a well-known fierce man, and he wanted to eat black.

"Dadong" went to the other side's yard alone to talk about the numbers, and the fierce man was not cold to this unknown big circle boy, and when he saw that "Dadong" did not follow and did not spare, more than a dozen people surrounded him with knives and sticks. "Dadong" did not panic, and took out a five-four black star and pressed it against the door of the fierce man's head, and the fierce man thought that he was just pretending, and raised his hand to bang a hole in the other party's ear.

Stronger than Zhang Zi, fierce flying tiger team! The exciting life introduction of the big circle "crossing the river dragon": The past of the flag soldiers: the blood-colored romantic jianghu and other idleness of the young and crazy: the big circle of mixed society Tea and Rice Horror: The end of the day with the Flying Tigers "Top Cow":

A bunch of people were frightened and obedient. Not long after, "Dadong" felt that the chaos was too slow, so he and Tan Zhipeng and a few old guys ate a big tea meal, the style was fierce and fierce, the hands were clean and clean, and the "Dragon Crossing the River" gradually became famous.

In 1981, "Dadong" set their sights on Hengchang Watch in Tsim Sha Tsui. After a few days of stepping on the spot and careful planning, a group of people said to do it. On August 9, "Dadong" and five accomplices, each carrying a May Fourth Black Star, entered the store and handed over the shotguns in the hands of two South Asian security guards, "Dadong" and one person guarded the door, and the remaining four smashed the counter and took away the watch worth 1.3 million Hong Kong dollars.

Stronger than Zhang Zi, fierce flying tiger team! The exciting life introduction of the big circle "crossing the river dragon": The past of the flag soldiers: the blood-colored romantic jianghu and other idleness of the young and crazy: the big circle of mixed society Tea and Rice Horror: The end of the day with the Flying Tigers "Top Cow":

While leaving, he engaged in an exchange of fire with Asir, killed a South Asian Asir, and fled safely.

Afterwards, "Dadong" sold the watches at a low price of 700,000 to 800,000 Hong Kong dollars, and each person shared more than 100,000. Then "Dadong" brought Xiaofang of Qingmei Bamboo Horse to Hong Kong, and it wasn't long before the money was almost spent.

Then, "Dadong" set its sights on Po Sang Bank in Central.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="57" > Tea And Dinner Horror: Days with the Flying Tigers</h1>

Find a good target, but also have to prepare a channel to sell the stolen goods.

"Dadong" got on a Macau big brother's yacht and discussed letting the other party wash it.

Stronger than Zhang Zi, fierce flying tiger team! The exciting life introduction of the big circle "crossing the river dragon": The past of the flag soldiers: the blood-colored romantic jianghu and other idleness of the young and crazy: the big circle of mixed society Tea and Rice Horror: The end of the day with the Flying Tigers "Top Cow":

The eldest brother asked for half of the handling fee, and "Dadong" only agreed to give 30%. Unable to stand the stalemate, "Dadong" burst into flames and used the May Fourth Black Star to hold the big brother's chest, "Just give thirty percent, and you have to agree to it, and if you don't agree, you have to agree." ”

The eldest brother wanted to eat him in black, but when he saw that he was the master who did not want to die, he thought that thirty percent was also a good deal, so he agreed to it.

Dadong, Tan Zhipeng and three other gangs chose to carry out operations on January 31, 1984, the day of Chinese New Year's Eve.

Stronger than Zhang Zi, fierce flying tiger team! The exciting life introduction of the big circle "crossing the river dragon": The past of the flag soldiers: the blood-colored romantic jianghu and other idleness of the young and crazy: the big circle of mixed society Tea and Rice Horror: The end of the day with the Flying Tigers "Top Cow":

When the mortgage car drove to the door of Baosheng Bank, "Dadong" aimed at the sky was a shot, and the 5 masked people who saw the black star and the security guards with shotguns were stunned. Several people then drove the other 4 security guards into the escort car and carried the cash box to a hijacked motorhome to leave.

After "Dadong" opened the cash box, he found that it was yen (140 million yen, about 5 million Hong Kong dollars), and the big brother who contacted him could not wash it, and he could not spend it when he got it, so he spilled all the Japanese bills in the parking lot in one breath. Then Sir also chased after him, and the two sides exchanged fire. In the process of mutual shooting, Tan Zhipeng was injured in the ass and could no longer escape, an accomplice planned to get rid of Tan, Tan talked about the past that had helped "Dadong" block bullets, promised to keep his mouth shut, the past came to mind, "Dadong" could not bear to get down, threw the injured Tan Zhipeng to Ah Sir, and fled in a hurry.

Stronger than Zhang Zi, fierce flying tiger team! The exciting life introduction of the big circle "crossing the river dragon": The past of the flag soldiers: the blood-colored romantic jianghu and other idleness of the young and crazy: the big circle of mixed society Tea and Rice Horror: The end of the day with the Flying Tigers "Top Cow":

After Ah Sir caught Tan Zhipeng, he was both soft and hard, and Tan finally confessed four days later that "Dadong" was hiding in Wan Chai's Huansha Garden.

Ah Sir, who had exchanged fire with "Dadong" twice, knew that the other side was not only well-trained, but also had strong firepower, equipped with May Fourth Black Stars, Six-Seven chargers and even hand-left bullets, and decided to send hundreds of Ah SIR and more than 70 flying tigers to go out, led by "Flying Tiger Cheng" and Ren Darong (Ren Dahua's brother), to encircle and suppress the "Dadong" gang.

Stronger than Zhang Zi, fierce flying tiger team! The exciting life introduction of the big circle "crossing the river dragon": The past of the flag soldiers: the blood-colored romantic jianghu and other idleness of the young and crazy: the big circle of mixed society Tea and Rice Horror: The end of the day with the Flying Tigers "Top Cow":

On February 5th, the night of the fifth day of the Chinese New Year, Sir and the Flying Tigers surrounded the Huansha Garden, and in order not to fight the grass and snakes, they did not evacuate the residents, but blocked all the exits of the "Dadong" floor.

Then, the Flying Tigers exploded the apartment door and fired flash bombs and tear gas into the room, the sleeping "Dadong" gang reacted quickly, copied the guys and fired at each other, the two sides engaged in a fierce exchange of fire, "Dadong" requested a ceasefire after an accomplice was injured, and the Flying Tigers had a British SIR and two team members injured.

Stronger than Zhang Zi, fierce flying tiger team! The exciting life introduction of the big circle "crossing the river dragon": The past of the flag soldiers: the blood-colored romantic jianghu and other idleness of the young and crazy: the big circle of mixed society Tea and Rice Horror: The end of the day with the Flying Tigers "Top Cow":

The combat effectiveness of the Flying Tigers and the "Dadong" gang was surprising.

Afterwards, Sir seized 7 may fourth black stars and more than 400 peanuts and rice.

After a year of interrogation, "Dadong" was sentenced to life imprisonment, and Tan Zhipeng was sentenced to a seven-year sentence for goldfinger merit.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="69" > epilogue:</h1>

After "Dadong" was imprisoned, his girlfriend Xiaofang did not abandon him, and insisted on visiting "Dadong" for 30 years.

In 2009, "Dadong" was diagnosed with terminal liver cancer, the pain was unbearable, and proposed to Xiaofang that he wanted to drink rose tea, and Xiaofang brought hard-earned pork jerky and dried peppers to ask Toa SIR, it is said that Xiaofang has been working at the bottom and life is more difficult.

In the end, "Dadong" died of cancer, and he did not know whether he drank Xiaofang's rose tea before his death.

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