
My aunt, who promised me to be a college student, was actually a spy in Bay Bay


Spies, intelligence deals...

It's not like the plot in spy movies.

We tend to think that these are far away from us.

But have you ever thought, perhaps, that he is happening all around us?


Recently, a picture of spies plotting against China's intelligence personnel was suddenly exposed.

This is the first time that the state security organs have published the true picture of the spy "conspiracy" to the public.

It also allowed us to see the real "spy war" scene for the first time.

My aunt, who promised me to be a college student, was actually a spy in Bay Bay

His name is Chen Wei, a network manager at a company.

Because of his own selfishness, he leaked a large number of secrets to foreign spies.

And this incident also made him, who had a bright future, fall into endless darkness...

One morning, Chen Wei had just walked downstairs to the unit and was stopped by an "uninvited guest".

Then, the stranger told Chen Wei that his name was Peter, a technical expert in a certain country, and wanted to buy some technical information from Chen Wei.

And, at a high price.

Facing the pie that suddenly fell from the sky, Chen Wei agreed without hesitation.

Under the temptation of interests, self-control is not firm, and it is easy to be brought into the quagmire and fall deeper and deeper.

My aunt, who promised me to be a college student, was actually a spy in Bay Bay

Chen Wei, who himself is timid and weak, can't stand the temptation, and first provides some public archives that can be searched everywhere on the website.

As a result of many interactions, Peter gradually grasped the weaknesses in Chen Wei's personality and began a deeper plan.

To achieve this, Peter offered a higher price and a more generous reward.

In the face of Peter's money bombardment, Chen Wei's last moral defense line was finally breached, and he began to use his position to extend his magic hand to the company's internal network.

The number of thefts is increasing, and the level of secrecy is getting higher and higher.

When he faced the windfall from heaven, fell into self-congratulation, and lost himself, he gradually learned peter's true identity, and all this was still too late after all.

My aunt, who promised me to be a college student, was actually a spy in Bay Bay

He offers to terminate the cooperation, but by this time he is awakened and has been firmly grasped by Peter, who threatens him and asks for continued information.

Chen Wei did not dare to speak up, and could only do things for Peter in his inner fear.

If you don't know, you can't do it unless you don't do it yourself.

Paper can't contain fire.

My aunt, who promised me to be a college student, was actually a spy in Bay Bay

In 2019, the Beijing No. 2 Intermediate People's Court sentenced him to life imprisonment for espionage and deprived him of his political rights for life.

The content involved includes more than 5500 documents, including 146 at the confidential level and 1753 at the secret level.

The great future, in the end, because of greed, will never recover.

My aunt, who promised me to be a college student, was actually a spy in Bay Bay

Chen Wei, who was born in the 80s, faced the camera and cried:

"Even if he threatens me again, presses me again, and tries to get something secret for him, I won't be able to get it."

"I regret it now."

It's too late to say anything now.

Peter will spare you, the state will not, and neither will the law.

In this kind of thing, Chen Wei is not the first, he is not the last, he is just a microcosm.

Even if you regret and blame yourself, you can only "think about the wall" at the other end of the high wall in the second half of your life.

When one foot steps into the abyss,

The other foot will also be tightly pulled by the demon.

One thought of heaven, one thought of hell.


The police officer who handled the espionage case said:

"It is very common for personnel of foreign espionage and intelligence agencies to use intimidation."

Money, lust, lust, and prestige, in these common weaknesses of human nature, they hold it to death.

College students who are not deeply involved in the world, especially those involving secrets, will also become the prey in the eyes of spies.

Song Zhe, a university student, was sent to Taiwan Yishou University for study and exchange because of his excellent grades.

Song Zhe recalls:

"When I first arrived in Taiwan, my classmates organized a party, and I didn't refuse to go to it."

It was this ordinary gathering, and who could have imagined that danger was creeping closer to this college student.

My aunt, who promised me to be a college student, was actually a spy in Bay Bay

This person is Xu Jiaying, and she is also involved in this party as a classmate of Song Zhe.

But her attention was not on the content of the party, but on Song Zhe, who became the focus of the party.

When talking about how the two met, Song Zhe said this:

"When I finished eating, she (Xu Jiaying) took the initiative to come to me and offered to be my girlfriend.

I didn't think about it that much, thinking it was that she liked my personal charm. ”

My aunt, who promised me to be a college student, was actually a spy in Bay Bay
My aunt, who promised me to be a college student, was actually a spy in Bay Bay

Because of the special reasons of his profession, Song Zhe has a great chance to access the secrets of national defense science and engineering.

But what he didn't know was that it was precisely because of his "charm" that he would win Xu Jiaying's "heart".

What he didn't know was that Xu Jiaying's curiosity about his professional aspects had exceeded the normal range.

Later, on the eve of Song Zhe's return to the mainland, Xu Jiaying, as a lover, proposed that if he achieved results in the laboratory and learned materials at school, he would tell her in time to let each other be each other's eyes.

The naïve Song Zhe, confused by beauty and love, agreed without thinking.

My aunt, who promised me to be a college student, was actually a spy in Bay Bay

After returning to the mainland, the two often maintained a romantic and intimate relationship, and there was often a message exchange like a lover.

Song Zhe also fulfilled his "promise" and told Xu Jiaying very specifically and unabashedly about his situation in the laboratory and his study every day.

But later, over time, Song Zhe gradually became suspicious of Xu Jiaying's identity.

Song Zhe later recalled:

"I was wondering what she was doing and why she was so interested in my professional content."

The more he thought about it, the more afraid Song Zhe proposed to cut off contact.

But it was too late.

Xu Jiaying also exposed his original face, on the one hand, anonymously harassing Song Zhe's teachers and classmates, and on the other hand, threatening Song Zhe with leaks.

And Song Zhe was also afraid, and could only continue to do things according to Xu Jiaying's requirements.

My aunt, who promised me to be a college student, was actually a spy in Bay Bay

During this period, Song Zhe provided Xu Jiaying with nearly 100 pieces of intelligence involving national defense science and engineering, and Xu Jiaying also provided Song Zhe with a remuneration of 45,000 yuan.

My aunt, who promised me to be a college student, was actually a spy in Bay Bay

In 2014, the activities of Xu Jiaying, formerly known as Xu Liting, a spy officer of Taiwan's Military Intelligence Service, were exactly 16 years older than Song Zhe.

And Song Zhe, because of the crime of leaking secrets, spent all day with the high wall as a companion.

Desire, in itself, is a sharp blade.

It is often said that "there is a knife on the head of the color word".

Lose yourself in front of beauty, and the knife cuts not only the skin.


In order to achieve their goals, spy personnel use all kinds of means to the extreme.

In addition to seduction, they will also approach the target as close friends.

My aunt, who promised me to be a college student, was actually a spy in Bay Bay

Ding Tao, who works in a certain ministry and commission of the state, was invited by his friend Zhu Huizhi to travel to Taiwan and met Xu Ziqing, a "kind tour guide".

The two soon became close friends.

Tao Recalls:

"She asked me about my work and what I was exposed to in a public manner."

"I said that my work would be confidential and revealed the recent activities of the unit."

My aunt, who promised me to be a college student, was actually a spy in Bay Bay

After returning to the mainland, Xu Ziqing repeatedly expressed friendship to Ding Tao, and his relationship with Ding Tao became closer, greeting Ding Tao from time to time.

In addition, she asked Ding Tao for internal confidential documents in the name of doing business in the mainland.

She also said that if the information provided by Ding Tao can get good business opportunities, she will appoint Ding Tao as a shareholder of the company.

My aunt, who promised me to be a college student, was actually a spy in Bay Bay

Ding Tao, who was deeply interested in profit, has provided him with 4 confidential documents on many occasions.

This Xu Ziqing, whose real identity is Xu Yunyuan, a spy of Taiwan's Military Intelligence Bureau.

And Ding Tao was also imprisoned for leaking secrets.

Without self-discipline, the law will send you to jail.

Is he pathetic?

No, there must be something hateful about the poor.


Sometimes, a single thought can determine our lives.

Curiosity, in the end, will kill the cat, but also harm itself.

Qiu Degui, once a member of the Propaganda Department of a county party committee, took a risk due to a momentary curiosity and embarked on the road of no return for breaking the law and committing crimes.

My aunt, who promised me to be a college student, was actually a spy in Bay Bay

One day, he opened his mailbox as usual, checked the news materials sent from all over the place, and suddenly saw a suspicious email.

At first, I thought it was spam, so I clicked on it and looked at it, and found that the content on it was hoped that he could provide some local negative material, but he did not pay attention.

Qiu Degui recalls:

"A week later, I emailed him, asked him to contact my personal email, and sent my personal email address."

"The other party said that he could give me a good reward."

Maybe the temptation of money was too great, and Qiu Degui could have ignored it, but he didn't do that.

My aunt, who promised me to be a college student, was actually a spy in Bay Bay

He first asked the other party what materials he needed, and after learning that there was no specific request, he collected some things that could be seen everywhere on the Internet and sent them to the other party.

But the other party demanded internal information, and Qiu Degui once again let go of the moral tug..

He took advantage of his position to hand over a large amount of internal information to the other party by means of photocopying, remaking and other means, and received a remuneration of more than 11,000 yuan.

These include 5 secret grades and 1 secret grade.

Justice may be late, but it will never be absent.

Mo Dao was lucky to hide from the heavens, and good and evil would eventually be rewarded.

In 2018, Qiu Was approved for arrest for leaking secrets and sentenced to four years in prison and deprived of political rights for one year.


It is often said that a gentleman loves money and has a way.

When the windfall of the day falls, be sure to polish your eyes and avoid these confusing behaviors.

Know how to restrain your desires and don't give opportunities to the spies lurking around you.

We must not forget our roots, we must not do things for spies and betray the country for personal gain.

Just like the sentence of Mencius: Wan zhong does not accept it without justification, and what do I do with wan zhong?

It is despised to disregard courtesy and shame for the sake of money.

By enriching oneself with the interests of the state, there will be trials and sanctions by the state and the people.