
Western countries look at the wrong people, India is trying to blockade Malacca, and China has long had a way to break the situation

author:3D Earth Knowledge Bureau

India is an extremely restless country with considerable power in South Asia. The Strait of Malacca, as the lifeblood of the Asia-Pacific region, communicates two oceans, the Indian Ocean and the Pacific Ocean. Western media believe that as long as India sends troops to block the strait, it can cut off China's economic arteries, but the Western media miscalculated, is China without countermeasures?

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Western countries look at the wrong people, India is trying to blockade Malacca, and China has long had a way to break the situation

I. How does the important strategic position of India and the Strait of Malacca threaten China's lifeline?

India is a traditional agricultural country with a weak industrial base, but it calls itself the "Little Bully of South Asia" and threatens neighboring countries everywhere. India covers an area of 2.98 million square kilometers, bordering the tall Himalayas to the north, the Ganges and Indus Plains in the middle, the Deccan Plateau to the south, and a small number of plains along the coast. The entire country is in a large triangle, like a sharp knife, deeply penetrating into the Indian Ocean, and its geographical location is extremely important.

Western countries look at the wrong people, India is trying to blockade Malacca, and China has long had a way to break the situation

The Strait of Malacca runs in a southeast-northwest direction, with a special status, with the southeastern section of the strait connecting the South China Sea and the northwestern section of the strait connecting the Burma Sea in the Indian Ocean, co-administered by Malaysia, Indonesia and Singapore.

With a total length of 1,080 kilometers, the Strait of Malacca is 370 kilometers wide and only 37 kilometers at its narrowest point, making it an important shipping route connecting West Asia, Africa and the Asia-Pacific region. Every year, tankers pass through the strait five times the Panama Canal and three times as many as the Suez Canal, and have 25% of the world's freight traffic. Among them, 85% of China's materials need to be imported into China through the Strait of Malacca, which shows its importance to our country.

Western countries look at the wrong people, India is trying to blockade Malacca, and China has long had a way to break the situation

Both India and the United States want to enter the Strait of Malacca affairs, which has profoundly affected China's national security. Recently, many Western media claimed that as long as India sends a fleet to blockade the Pirates of Malacca, it can cut off China's maritime lifeline, and China cannot have any countermeasures. Why does the Western media have such a view?

This brings us to an overseas territory of India at the Indian Ocean end of the Strait of Malacca. Not far from the exit of the Strait of Malacca on the map, you will find an archipelago of great geographical importance, the Andaman Islands. It is located 800 km from mainland India and borders the Bay of Bengal and the Burmese Sea. It is composed of 572 islands with a total area of more than 8,000 square kilometers. It is located in the tropics and has abundant precipitation, with an annual precipitation of 2000 mm.

Western countries look at the wrong people, India is trying to blockade Malacca, and China has long had a way to break the situation

Major General Zhang Zhaozhong, the beloved "bureau seat", commented on the Andaman Islands this way: If the Strait of Malacca is the throat of the Asia-Pacific region connecting the Middle East and Africa, then india's Andaman Islands is equivalent to a throat knot in the throat.

Although the Andaman Islands are underdeveloped and india's central government does not care about the development of the archipelago, it has a military port and base in the archipelago's capital, Port Blair. On August 15, 2001, the Indian government established for the first time on the island the first tri-service joint command in the history of the Indian army, with the intention of investing $2 billion, deploying at least 6 warships and 10 aircraft, and further improving the military facilities of the archipelago. However, India's Andaman Islands, as India's territory, are isolated overseas, and their own security is difficult to guarantee.

Western countries look at the wrong people, India is trying to blockade Malacca, and China has long had a way to break the situation

The idea of the Western media is simple: once the situation changes, India will send a fleet from Port Blair to blockade the Strait of Malacca, which can completely trap China. India is so aggressive, should China sit still?

Why can't the blockade of the Strait of Malacca contain China?

First, the ideas of the Western media are not only simple, but also naïve. If India is replaced by the United States, the so-called blockade of China through the blockade of the Strait of Malacca is still credible. But the problem is that the country they have high hopes for to block the Strait of Malacca is India. As mentioned earlier, India is an agrarian country with a weak industrial base. China is an industrial country, and agriculture is more developed than India. In terms of military weapons, India is even more vulnerable.

Western countries look at the wrong people, India is trying to blockade Malacca, and China has long had a way to break the situation

India is too weak, and in modern warfare, it is impossible to simply block the strait through a fleet. Even if India had the strength to send a fleet to block the strait, I am afraid it would not be able to hold out for 24 hours. The Strength of the Chinese Navy, with its over-the-horizon strike capability and overwhelming missile attacks, is enough to bury the Indian fleet in the Strait of Malacca.

Then there is the problem of supporters, at least in the surrounding areas of South Asia, China's wind evaluation is much better than India's. There is an old Chinese saying that "there is more help for the way and less help for the wrongdoers, which is very important for us in China to deal with the Indian threat.

In the surrounding areas of South Asia, China has actively developed the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor and the China-Myanmar Economic Corridor, and fully implemented the Belt and Road Strategy. First of all, take Pakistan, which has the strongest ties with China, which leased their country's third largest port, Gwadar Port, to China and is now actively building.

Western countries look at the wrong people, India is trying to blockade Malacca, and China has long had a way to break the situation

Gwadar Port is only 400 kilometers away from the Strait of Hormuz, when oil from Iran, Iraq, Kuwait and other countries can be directly transported to Gwadar Port and then transported to Xinjiang through Pakistan. On June 8 last year, Pakistan will invest $7.2 billion to upgrade a railway from Pakistan to Kashgar in Xinjiang, which will strongly contribute to China's onshore energy strategy.

China is also very concerned about the relationship with Bangladesh and Myanmar, through cooperation, the Construction of the China-Myanmar Oil and Gas Pipeline has been successful, and oil can be directly imported from Bangladesh's Chittagong Port and Myanmar Kyaukphyu Port into Kunming, Yunnan, which can effectively alleviate China's dependence on the Strait of Malacca.

China has leased the Koko Islands in the south of Yangon Province, Myanmar, built a radar observation center, and the airport has been built more than halfway, only 185 kilometers away from the port of Blair, the capital of the Andaman Islands.

Western countries look at the wrong people, India is trying to blockade Malacca, and China has long had a way to break the situation

There is also Cambodia's Kukmo Island, which is located at the confluence of the Indian Ocean and the Southeast Asian Sea route. With Chinese-leased radar and naval supply bases on the island, China can call up ships and provide information in an emergency, and it is also a help point for us to deal with the Strait of Malacca.

There is also an outstanding plan for the construction of the China-Thai-Clark Canal, which is still in the stage of a private agreement, and the government is considering cooperation. If the canal can be successfully built, oil from the Middle East and Africa can be directly entered the South China Sea from the Andaman Sea without having to bypass Malaysia and Indonesia, reducing the distance by at least 1200 kilometers and saving five days. The Strait of Malacca is constantly troubled, and every year it faces the challenge of deep decline and sharp increase in oil tankers, and the Clark Canal is a feasible road.

In recent years, as Arctic sea ice has gradually decreased, a land artery to Europe can be built directly from the Arctic Ocean, and safe energy routes have been broadened, and China is also actively cooperating with Finland, Russia and other countries.

Western countries look at the wrong people, India is trying to blockade Malacca, and China has long had a way to break the situation

However, the most feasible way is to strengthen the construction of China's naval forces in the South China Sea and form a sufficient deterrent force in the South China Sea so that the Indian army does not dare to act rashly. After all, in the face of absolute military strength, any strategy and tactics are stupid moves, and I believe that in the face of our army's powerful combat strength, the Indian side will not do stupid things.

Third, behind the dilemma in the Strait of Malacca, how do you view China's countermeasures?

Behind the plight of Malacca lies the West's hatred of our country and its dissatisfaction with our soaring.

Western countries look at the wrong people, India is trying to blockade Malacca, and China has long had a way to break the situation

China's countermeasures are beautiful enough to see the foresight of our country's leaders and government. The "community of shared future for mankind" and the "Belt and Road Strategy" are simply invulnerable, no matter how the West instigates, provokes, and deceives, nor can it blind the trust of all countries in China, and China's actions to promote the common development of all countries are obvious to the world. The countries of the third world all have a certain understanding of China's peaceful development strategy, and misunderstandings are eliminated, cooperation is enhanced, and they are closely related.

How can a great country be subject to people? It is believed that with the continuous enhancement of China's comprehensive national strength, the difficulties that China has faced in the past, present and future will be resolved one by one, and the Oriental Dragon will eventually revive its former glory.

Western countries look at the wrong people, India is trying to blockade Malacca, and China has long had a way to break the situation

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