
Zhang Huoding: Because of my personality, it is really easy to offend people both in the play and love the shelf outside the play, will it offend people? Solemn future does not forget the way back

author:Chaos Record

Storms outside the Spring and Autumn Pavilion,

Where the sad words are lonely.

The curtain only sees a flower palanquin,

Presumably it was the newlywed Queqiao Bridge.

With the rise of the national tide in recent years, Peking Opera has re-entered the public's attention.

Deyun Society actor Zhang Yunlei sang a passage from "Suo Ling Nang Spring and Autumn Pavilion" in the program "National Style and Beautiful Youth", and the song style was gentle and melodious, allowing people to re-feel the charm of Peking Opera.

Zhang Huoding: Because of my personality, it is really easy to offend people both in the play and love the shelf outside the play, will it offend people? Solemn future does not forget the way back

Zhang Yunlei

And Zhang Yunlei's singing method of Cheng Pai Qingyi is also a must in opera.

Cheng Pai's qingyi has the euphemism of the daughter's family, the playfulness of a young girl, and the charm of a woman.

Every move, a smile, a hand and a foot, will portray the characters in the play vividly.

Zhang Huoding, the third generation of The Qingyi of the Cheng Sect, is even more impressive in his performance.

Zhang Huoding: Because of my personality, it is really easy to offend people both in the play and love the shelf outside the play, will it offend people? Solemn future does not forget the way back

Zhang Huoding

<h1 class= "pgc-h-arrow-right" > both in and out of the play</h1>

Zhang Huoding is a closed disciple of the famous Peking Opera Cheng School artist Zhao Rongchen and the third generation of the Cheng School.

Born on January 24, 1971 in Baicheng, Jilin Province, Zhang Huoding abandoned the evaluation and changed to Beijing at the age of fifteen due to her love for Peking Opera, but she did not realize her ambitions at the first time.

She took the exam three times and failed.

Zhang Huoding: Because of my personality, it is really easy to offend people both in the play and love the shelf outside the play, will it offend people? Solemn future does not forget the way back

Zhao Rongchen

Finally, as a self-funded student, he was able to continue his studies in the Peking Opera Department of Tianjin Xiqu School.

Even the road to study has gone through many twists and turns, not to mention the road to art.

When she studied Peking Opera, she was already 15 years old, because of her physical development, her voice conditions were not very good, and she had studied storytelling, so it was very difficult for her to learn Peking Opera.

Her brothers and sisters have said that she is struggling for herself, but she still refuses to give up, no matter how much suffering she has experienced, the ambition in her heart cannot be extinguished, and her love for Peking Opera will not be extinguished.

After her unremitting efforts and the help of her teacher Zhao Rongchen, she still stubbornly opened up her own path and became a well-known "horn".

Zhang Huoding: Because of my personality, it is really easy to offend people both in the play and love the shelf outside the play, will it offend people? Solemn future does not forget the way back

Zhang Huoding is a natural opera actor, as long as she dresses up and stands on the stage, the whole person exudes a different charm from private.

Her master Zhao Rongchen once repeatedly emphasized a sentence: both in the play and outside the play.

Zhang Huoding: Because of my personality, it is really easy to offend people both in the play and love the shelf outside the play, will it offend people? Solemn future does not forget the way back

This is the most important regulation for Peking opera people to abide by.

On the stage, as a person in the play, tell the bitterness in the play; offstage, people are outsiders to the play, and they must enjoy the pleasures outside the play.

People who talk about drama are most taboo to be trapped in it and cannot extricate themselves.

Isn't Cheng Dieyi in the movie "Overlord Farewell" an example?

Zhang Huoding: Because of my personality, it is really easy to offend people both in the play and love the shelf outside the play, will it offend people? Solemn future does not forget the way back

One is the real Yu Ji, the other is the false overlord, in that era of unknown right and wrong, yin and yang spent a long life.

They entangled with each other, bound each other, loved and hated each other, inseparable, and in the end they could not fully belong to themselves.

Cheng Dieyi can't tell the difference between the inside and outside of the play, can't see through the stage and offstage, can't see Cheng Dieyi and Yu Ji clearly, can't distinguish between Duan Xiaolou and The King of Western Chu, so many sufferings have survived, but he has not been able to survive the suffering in his heart, and finally fell into a self-destructive end.

The beauty Yu Ji in the play is dead, and the little bean outside the play is also dead.

But Zhang Huoding was different.

On the stage, she is Bai Suzhen in "The Legend of the White Snake", who only wants to stay with the people she loves; she is the moon palace fairy in "Chang'e", telling her thoughts of her lover; she is the all-round noble concubine in "Noble Concubine Drunk", and she sees the prosperity of the Tang Dynasty.

But offstage, she is Zhang Huoding, she is just her.

Zhang Huoding: Because of my personality, it is really easy to offend people both in the play and love the shelf outside the play, will it offend people? Solemn future does not forget the way back

The mirror flowers and water moons on the stage have nothing to do with Zhang Huoding under the stage.

In real life, Zhang Huoding is an ordinary woman who will not be careful at other times except for the makeup of the performance.

Xu is a character honed over the years, and she always gives people a feeling of introverted quietness.

On stage, she sings tactfully, looks gorgeous, and behaves elegantly; offstage, she will also feel cramped because of the many questions, she will also feel nervous because she sees many strange people, and she will also say lightly "I don't like to take pictures" because of the reporter's request for a photo.

Zhang Huoding: Because of my personality, it is really easy to offend people both in the play and love the shelf outside the play, will it offend people? Solemn future does not forget the way back

Like all ordinary women, the same shyness, the same nervousness, the same shyness.

People say that she is born in green clothes, no matter when, it is so quiet and elegant, the tone is full of gentleness, a sentence to the end, there is a little pause, she is also in the true sense of not to be happy with things, not to be sad with herself.

Even after she set up her own studio, she handed over a "mundane matter" to her brother.

Her brother knew her well, did not want to pay attention to all kinds of people or things, and only wanted to do what he had to do quietly.

Even Fu Jin, a professor at the China Academy of Performing Arts and an opera theorist, commented that she said:

Zhang Huoding may be the one who knows the most about restraint and moderation among her peers. And precisely because she knows the grasp and control of "degree", she can lift the weight lightly and with ease to show the subtleties in the Cheng Pai singing voice that have not been fully explored by previous people in front of the audience. ”

She is in the real sense of both in the play and outside the play.

From the beginning to the end, stick to your heart.

Zhang Huoding: Because of my personality, it is really easy to offend people both in the play and love the shelf outside the play, will it offend people? Solemn future does not forget the way back

Fu Jin

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > love end shelf, will offend people? </h1>

Because of her cold nature, it will naturally cause some people to be dissatisfied.

As the third inheritor of the Cheng Sect's Qingyi, she has always maintained this cold attitude, does not like to contact with the outside world, does not like to participate in the program, so she has become a unique wonder in this floating world.

Zhang Huoding: Because of my personality, it is really easy to offend people both in the play and love the shelf outside the play, will it offend people? Solemn future does not forget the way back

In 2007, she became famous, and Zhang Huoding undoubtedly became a hot guest on many talk shows.

There were many programs that invited her to participate, but she refused one by one, including "Art Life", "Lu Yu has an appointment", etc., and even the invitation to the Spring Festival Gala, she did not go later.

She said that the kind of evening-form activity, only performing a small segment, is still not very adaptable, worried that she will not be able to perform well.

Even though she has become a "famous character", she still maintains a sincere and reverent heart for opera.

The opportunity that others are constantly longing for day and night, for Zhang Huoding, he is far away from it.

Zhang Huoding: Because of my personality, it is really easy to offend people both in the play and love the shelf outside the play, will it offend people? Solemn future does not forget the way back

But mavericks, spoiled people, always give people a feeling of being on top.

Many people think that she is just on the shelf, after all, in their view, how can she, who bears so much reputation, still be so cold and indifferent?

That must be just love to hold the shelf, do not want to pay attention to others, think that they are superior.

"Because of this character, I have indeed offended many people, including those who have cultivated me."

When she said these words, her eyes were full of helplessness and indifference.

But she also firmly believes that as long as her heart is true, her skills are down-to-earth, she strives to serve the audience, and she is dedicated to the development of Peking Opera, the audience will like her.

Zhang Huoding: Because of my personality, it is really easy to offend people both in the play and love the shelf outside the play, will it offend people? Solemn future does not forget the way back

There is no way for people to take care of everyone's emotions, and there is no way to never hurt anyone.

So Zhang Huoding also slowly looked away and figured it out.

The people who love her will love her no matter what, and those who don't love her will have misunderstandings about what they do.

She just has to be herself.

People love her dancing posture and gentle singing on the stage, so she dedicates her dancing posture and gentle singing to people; she loves her quiet and gentle offstage, and she is not shocked, so she shows herself her quiet gentleness and insults.

At the end of each performance, the Zhang Huoding who came to the backstage alone to silently remove his makeup, the Zhang Huoding who removed layer by layer of powder to reveal a beautiful face, and the Zhang Huoding who was silent and never smiled to meet, must be the most leisurely and comfortable Zhang Huoding.

Zhang Huoding: Because of my personality, it is really easy to offend people both in the play and love the shelf outside the play, will it offend people? Solemn future does not forget the way back

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > solemn future</h1>

In 2006, at the Henan People's Hall, Zhang Huoding suddenly coughed a few times while singing the "Red Meizan" section of the last scene of the Peking Opera "Sister Jiang", so that two sentences were not sung in full.

After the performance, Zhang Huoding, who was full of guilt, bowed deeply to all the audience and choked up:

"I'm sorry for everyone! Please forgive me! ”

Zhang Huoding: Because of my personality, it is really easy to offend people both in the play and love the shelf outside the play, will it offend people? Solemn future does not forget the way back

She then beckoned the band, which was ready to leave, to return to her seats, insisting that she would sing the "Red Mezan" again, which had not been sung in its entirety.

When Zhang Huoding "sang" the "Red Meizan" that lasted for more than 8 minutes, the audience all stood up and applauded for 5 minutes.

Zhang Huoding did not say a word, bowed deeply to the audience again, and withdrew with tears.

Losing his voice during singing is the most taboo thing for drama actors, zhang Huoding's behavior is obviously unable to forgive himself, like making a big mistake, full of guilt and tearfully apologizing to the audience, and making up for it in time.

Since then, she has practiced her throat harder, as a precaution, not allowing that to happen again.

That mistake was just an accident for those in the audience; for Zhang Huoding, it was a lifetime alarm bell.

Zhang Huoding: Because of my personality, it is really easy to offend people both in the play and love the shelf outside the play, will it offend people? Solemn future does not forget the way back

Not long after her fire, she closed the studio without hesitation and turned around and threw herself into the work of teaching and educating people.

It may be because of her several years of acting experience that she found that she still had to precipitate herself first and study Peking Opera carefully.

In 2008, Zhang Huoding officially became a famous teacher from a famous corner.

The speed of the change of identity shocked everyone.

Many people can't understand why, having become a celebrity, shouldn't they perform more often to consolidate their position among theater fans?

Zhang Huoding: Because of my personality, it is really easy to offend people both in the play and love the shelf outside the play, will it offend people? Solemn future does not forget the way back

The general development situation is always like that, after a hard time becoming popular, seize this hard-won opportunity, use all favorable resources, and devote all your energy to showing yourself in order to obtain a higher and better reputation.

What's more, there are not more people who like opera today than before, and there are very few people who understand and love opera.

At the moment of the moment, no matter what, we should do our best to save the audience's heart.

But Zhang Huoding did not do that, she did not "seize the opportunity", did not "seize the opportunity", as if this explosion was just a small episode in her light days, a casual illusion, as if this illusion should not have appeared.

Zhang Huoding: Because of my personality, it is really easy to offend people both in the play and love the shelf outside the play, will it offend people? Solemn future does not forget the way back

She still lives her life silently, people love the twists and turns in her play, and she also lives a dashing life outside the play.

She is not willing to commercialize herself, completely confined to that world, all she can do is give herself the life she wants.

Moreover, it is also a very important thing to inherit the essence of the country today, only if it is passed down from generation to generation forever, Peking Opera will not die, the charm of Peking Opera can always be retained, and more people will understand and love Peking Opera.

In 2010, a song "Tears of the Desolate Mountain" was sung, and Zhang Huoding began to sing and half live.

Zhang Huoding: Because of my personality, it is really easy to offend people both in the play and love the shelf outside the play, will it offend people? Solemn future does not forget the way back

She would take her daughter around, teach her to read and write, and experience the joy of the world.

In his spare time, he will continue to practice and continue to improve his skills.

At the same time, in order to satisfy the fire fans who love her opera, the CD album "Cheng Lu Zhang Yun - Zhang Huoding Peking Opera Classic Singing Collection" has also been released, which records the famous songs and plays sung by Zhang Huoding for the world to watch and learn.

Zhang Huoding: Because of my personality, it is really easy to offend people both in the play and love the shelf outside the play, will it offend people? Solemn future does not forget the way back

<h1 class= "pgc-h-arrow-right" > not forget the way back</h1>

"Inheriting Chengpai art is the road I insist on, and developing Chengpai art is my unswerving artistic pursuit."

Today, Zhang Huoding is already a professor at the Academy of Drama.

In the more than ten years as a teacher, Zhang Huoding has indeed not changed his original intention, immersed himself in the study of Chengpai art and at the same time practiced the way of the teacher, teaching and solving puzzles for students, and striving to let students have a deeper understanding of Chengpai art.

But as an opera actress, although she is over 50 years old, she will still stick to her performances.

On January 17, 2020, at the Chang'an Grand Theater in Beijing, Zhang Huoding performed "Farewell to the Overlord" for the third time, and continued the "Boat and Water Love" with the audience.

In the past ten years, Zhang Huoding has walked from the stage to the podium, is a famous horn, but also a virtuous wife; he is both a teacher and a mother, and his identities are constantly switching and superimposed... Ten years of ups and downs, no obstacle to Huo Ding's forward steps, she finally with persistent tenacity to fulfill her "Yu Ji Dream".

Every movement, every look back, every dance, every momentum, "size", and "heat" is the result of careful consideration and repeated tempering on the stage without an audience in the past ten years.

Zhang Huoding's performance, quiet as a virgin, moving like a rabbit, she can accurately grasp the rhythm of each role, the role is realistic, so that the audience is immersed in the scene, like a mesmerizing.

Generally speaking, the good sound is lubricated and pure, the pharynx is gentle, and the soft is rigid.

But on the contrary, her voice is "slippery and astringent", and she combines the fusion of her own vocal conditions and the characteristics of Cheng Pai's singing voice.

Zhang Huoding: Because of my personality, it is really easy to offend people both in the play and love the shelf outside the play, will it offend people? Solemn future does not forget the way back

Not completely lubricated, there is an impedance, there is an astringency, the lamp is dull, and there is a charm in it.

Only to see her slim body, with water sleeves flying in the air, creating a momentum in the air, walking like a willow breeze, quiet as the moon in the water, the artistic conception is very beautiful.

Zhang Huoding has many fans, and many Fans of the Cheng School of Peking Opera especially like Zhang Huoding.

"What rock concerts, cross-talk dramas on Broadway, are not as good as Cheng Pai Zhang Yun."

This is the heartfelt words of an audience member who has watched Zhang Huoding's performance.

Zhang Huoding is definitely a phenomenon in today's Peking Opera world.

I don't know what kind of horns were like in the heyday of Peking Opera before, but now as long as Zhang Huoding has a wind and grass, the pear garden line is in a commotion.

Because of her performance, more and more young people also feel the charm of Peking Opera, are willing to understand Peking Opera, are willing to spend money to watch their performances, and even open up Zhang Huoding's super words for her to facilitate discussion and exchange among fire fans.

Zhang Huoding: Because of my personality, it is really easy to offend people both in the play and love the shelf outside the play, will it offend people? Solemn future does not forget the way back

To this day, many people have asked about her performance schedule in 2021 on the Internet in order to see Zhang Huoding's beautiful performance.

Because of her mentality, coupled with the influence of force majeure, her performances have been rare in recent years, but whenever there is her performance, it must be full, unprecedentedly hot, and even tickets have to be grabbed several months in advance.

However, she was still as usual, not arrogant or impatient, and her ears did not hear anything outside the window.

In this regard, she also said: "I have to invest in acting, if I don't invest in it, I can't sing, I need to have a relatively undisturbed environment, otherwise I can't calm down."

Zhang Huoding: Because of my personality, it is really easy to offend people both in the play and love the shelf outside the play, will it offend people? Solemn future does not forget the way back

In this era of high-speed and developed networks, Zhang Huoding rarely even has WeChat, and her avoidance of the world can be imagined.

In addition to teaching students, she has little contact with the outside world and is obsessed with the art of Peking Opera every day.

She was increasingly reluctant to participate in all kinds of business activities.

Left and right Fengyuan, eight-sided exquisite, such as fish and water these idioms before adding a "no" word is Zhang Huoding's true temperament, the water sleeve on the stage, the cold escape from the stage, even if poor in pen and ink, it is still difficult to make this pear garden celebrity who seems to be not suitable for being an actor alive.

Zhang Huoding: Because of my personality, it is really easy to offend people both in the play and love the shelf outside the play, will it offend people? Solemn future does not forget the way back

Up to now, through her tireless teachings for more than ten years, she has also taught a group of excellent apprentices, and the art of Cheng Pai has been passed on well.

The students showed their skills on the stage, and she silently did the work behind the scenes, striving for excellence, still carefully pointing out the students' mistakes, and still thanking the audience with a grateful heart for watching.

Although she only made temporary appearances in several performances, the audience will be more enthusiastic because of her arrival.

Once she was like a fairy who did not understand the world, now that she is more than halfway through the age, she has the company of her daughter, adding a touch of fireworks, like a fairy who travels in the world.

Zhang Huoding: Because of my personality, it is really easy to offend people both in the play and love the shelf outside the play, will it offend people? Solemn future does not forget the way back

She never thought of changing herself, whether she gave up studying Peking Opera at her own expense at the age of 15, or later offended many of her classmates because of her own coldness, or later became a mother of a child, her heart has never changed because of outsiders.

Shi Men's worries did not make her change, the irony of her peers did not make her change, and the world's lamentations did not make her change.

The world recognizes her as a natural green coat, but she uses her colorful life to tell the world: she is Zhang Huoding, Zhang Huoding, who is not afraid of offending people, the unique Zhang Huoding, the ordinary Zhang Huoding.

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