
The Korean program insulted China and also used the wrong Map of China, and the president apologized!

author:People's Daily
The Korean program insulted China and also used the wrong Map of China, and the president apologized!

The wrong map of China appeared in the program "YG Battle Capital". (Video screenshot)

The Korean program insulted China and also used the wrong Map of China, and the president apologized!

In the show, Koreans dress up as Qing Dynasty people and say "I am a pig" in Chinese. (Video screenshot)

Recently, south Korea's YG Entertainment Company's newly launched comedy program "YG Battle Capital", because of the use of the wrong Chinese map and containing insulting plots of China, stabbed the honeycomb of Chinese network public opinion. Subsequently, the company's president, Leung Hyun-seok, issued an apology, promising to "correct and delete the erroneous content as soon as possible." However, there are still many Chinese netizens who do not buy it, calling for "immediate removal of the program".

It is worth noting that some Korean media pointed out that "YG Battle Funds" not only offended Chinese netizens, but also set off a boycott movement for Korean netizens because of the undisguised profanity, low-level funny laughs and suspected sexual harassment speech scenes in the program.

The Korean program insulted China and also used the wrong Map of China, and the president apologized!

Promotional photos of the "YG Battle Funds" program.

The troublesome show "YG Battle Capital", fully titled "YG Strategic Reference Room", is a sitcom network comedy jointly launched by YG Entertainment and Netflix, which was first broadcast on October 5. The main actor in the play is the boy band BigBang member Victory.

The Korean program insulted China and also used the wrong Map of China, and the president apologized!

YG Entertainment President Leung Hyun Seok

YG is one of the three major entertainment companies in South Korea, and the male protagonist of "YG Battle Capital" is a K-pop star with super popularity, plus the guest list of the show, there are many stars such as BLACKPINK, Zenmi, Joy Boy musician Xiuxian, Apink's Sun Na-eun and many other stars. Therefore, as soon as the concept and lineup of the show were announced, it attracted a lot of attention.

However, soon after the program was broadcast, some Chinese netizens found that the map of China used in the play was incomplete, and the areas such as southern Tibet, Taiwan, Hainan and the southeast coast were missing on the map.

Moreover, the show also parodies two Korean bodyguards dressed as Qing Dynasty people. After the two were caught, they actually used Chinese to say" "I am a pig." After the relevant video was exposed, it caused dissatisfaction among netizens, questioning the program's alleged discrimination against Chinese and the destruction of China's territorial integrity.

Related topics quickly appeared on Weibo hot search. Many Chinese netizens came to the social account of Leung Hyun-seok, the president of YG Entertainment, to leave a message and shout an apology as soon as possible.

The Korean program insulted China and also used the wrong Map of China, and the president apologized!

Some of the Chinese messages under Leung Hyun-seok's social media account.

Some netizens said: "Quickly apologize to China!" ”

Some netizens also said: "YG Entertainment is too much." ”

Another netizen said: "While making Chinese money, insulting Chinese fans, or people?" ”

In fact, not only Chinese netizens are dissatisfied with YG's approach, But Korean netizens also said that they can't agree with it.

The Korean program insulted China and also used the wrong Map of China, and the president apologized!

Apologize! Obviously wrong.

This is a typical big mistake made by not understanding Chinese culture. In Chinese, "pig" is the most despicable expression, and it is used when cursing. It's like Koreans scolding "you're a dog."

The Korean program insulted China and also used the wrong Map of China, and the president apologized!

YG made "YG War Funds", originally to save itself, but it ended up burying itself in the pit.

The Korean program insulted China and also used the wrong Map of China, and the president apologized!

Not only to the Chinese fans, but also to the Chinese people!

The Korean program insulted China and also used the wrong Map of China, and the president apologized!

Leung Hyun-suk apologized in an Instagram post

On the afternoon of the 11th, YG Entertainment President Leung Hyun-suk finally came forward to apologize.

The Korean program insulted China and also used the wrong Map of China, and the president apologized!

He uploaded a picture on his social platform Instagram (photo wall) in which he wrote in Chinese and Korean, "I solemnly apologize to all the fans in China." Instructions have been issued to the relevant person in charge to correct and delete the erroneous content as soon as possible. In the future, more attention and caution will be taken. However, there are still many Chinese netizens who apologize and are dissatisfied with it, leaving a message for YG to "take down related programs".

The insult storm of "YG War Capital" has not yet subsided, and the program has been pulled out by South Korean public opinion that there are many problems such as profanity and sexual harassment language. In the report, the Korean media Mydaily posted a screenshot of the program, which can be felt:

The Korean program insulted China and also used the wrong Map of China, and the president apologized!

The content of the program is that a drunken foreign investor is named to "chat naked" with a new male model of YG, but he is rejected. Subsequently, the male protagonist played by Victory said discontentedly, "This boy has a big tone" and "it is really honorable." To the discomfort of the audience, there is also a picture of the male model preparing to flee, only to be forcibly undressed by the staff.

In addition, the sexually suggestive pictures and undisguised profanity in the program have also been criticized by public opinion. According to the report, "YG Battle Funds" ignores the increasingly fierce anti-sexual harassment and sexual violence social trend, and chooses illogical and eye-stimulating materials, which is really dangerous and excessive. Moreover, the YG side remained silent about the calls of South Korean netizens for a response, which in turn caused greater dissatisfaction.

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