
Aimer's Path to Song, the two cats are her five-year musical pick

author:Digital tail
Aimer's Path to Song, the two cats are her five-year musical pick

I remember once visiting the group when I saw a tail post an Aimer album cover, clicked in to read the comments and saw a tail said: "Xiao Miao is also an Aimer fan." "To be honest, at that time, I was quite relieved, at least it showed that some people remembered my musical preferences, and there were people like me who sincerely liked Aimer and liked her musical works.

In the past, most of the audio articles I wrote were basically about the equipment, how the player was, how the headphones were, but in fact, I was not an equipment controller myself, or I did not buy equipment in order to buy equipment, excellent equipment can bring not only the product level to give the touch, but also the music level to give the soul, in my opinion, the latter is far more important than the former. I agree with one insider who said:

"Every audio product is, in fact, the art of the designer, they are a combination of the designer's insights and preferences for music, and in a way, they are not expensive." 」

This time, the equipment is no longer the protagonist, the music is.

I don't know how many people in the tail have listened to Aimer's songs, but in fact Aimer's reputation in China is not low, not to mention that he has sung the theme songs of many popular dramas, including "Fate/stay night [Unlimited Blade Works]", "Cabanerry of Kotetsu Castle", "Natsume Friends Account Season 5" and "Fate/stay night [Heaven's Feel], which is still warming up. I. presage flower" and so on, from these cooperative dramas, it can be seen that many fans who like Aimer are ACG parties, but Aimer's voice is somewhat different from most of the ACG music styles, although it is a Japanese female voice, but there is no clarity and sharpness, more magnetic and low, in my opinion, Aimer's voice is gentle, and it is this gentleness that makes the listener intoxicated.

Aimer's Path to Song, the two cats are her five-year musical pick

For those special voices I usually love for ten minutes, Japanese singers like the early YUI, now Yasuda レイ, they are the type of people you know who it is as soon as you hear it, Aimer is also a very recognizable member of the voice of many singers, but such a special voice is not Aimer originally has, but the day after tomorrow because of the vocal cord injury caused.

Aimer has a good musical atmosphere since childhood, so Aimer's love for music has not been attenuated, excessive use of the throat led to Aimer vocal cord swelling and pain, had to take silent treatment, after half a year of treatment Aimer's voice style has gradually determined, there is now a very special voice line, Japan Sound Research Institute Director Suzuki Matsumi also analyzed: "Aimer sound amplitude and the same wavelength of the number of weeks, such a sound is very rare." However, Aimer's vocal cord damage has not fully recovered, and now long-term singing will still cause Aimer's throat discomfort, but if the vocal cord damage is cured, Aimer's voice line will also change, considering this result, Aimer chose to maintain the status quo. In other words, behind each of Aimer's songs, there is silently enduring the pain of the vocal cords, while the listener can hear such a beautiful melody.

Aimer's Path to Song, the two cats are her five-year musical pick

Some fans call Aimer's voice "The Voice of Heavenly Gifts", which I think is a very appropriate description. Last year, the fifth anniversary of Aimer's entry into the music scene, Aimer also released two select albums for the first time, namely "blanc" and "noir", and the two albums also included three new songs, of which "blanc" was "March of Time" and "Songbird Wind Moon", and "noir" was "zero". The specific song title information is as follows:


Aimer's Path to Song, the two cats are her five-year musical pick

1. Sixth-Magnitude Star Night

2. Bow Knot

3. If You Don't Meet You ~ Summer, Snow and Winter Flowers ~

4. Polaris

5. Re:pray

6. Stardust Venus

7. broKen NIGHT

8. Kataomoi

9. I'll wait for you

10. Akane Sassu

11. Snowy City

12. everlasting snow

13. March of Time

14. Uttori Fuzuki


Aimer's Path to Song, the two cats are her five-year musical pick

1. StarRingChild

2. Brave Shine

3. insane dream

4. Stars in the rain

5. Sleeping


7. From the freezing season -extended ver.-

8. Someone, the sea.

9. ninelie

10. holLow wORlD

11. us

12. s-AVE

13. RE:I AM

14. zero

As a fan of Aimer's songs since she was even more famous, these two albums are a collection of Aimer's best works in the past five years, and it is no exaggeration to say that "blanc" and "noir" are some of the best albums I have ever heard, and the melody of each classic song is so provocative. Aimer's two selections are not made to collect 28 songs, but have different styles, "blanc" is a collection of lyric songs, slow-paced, very suitable for one person at night, and "noir" is a collection of exciting songs, fast-paced, emotionally passionate, very suitable for listening when playing chicken blood.

See the covers of "blanc" and "noir"? White cats bring tranquility, and black cats bring warmth. In addition, "blanc" and "noir" are both from French, the former is "white", the latter is "black", and the word Aimer is also French, meaning "love".

Aimer's Path to Song, the two cats are her five-year musical pick

Here's an interesting thing, Aimer herself likes cats, but she didn't keep one, for simple reasons, because cats don't have a long lifespan, afraid of the moment it leaves. That's why Aimer has a long-lived turtle (laughs).

"Sixth Class Star Night", is Aimer's debut song, the first release of the RecoChoku music sales chart highest 9th place, but also the first Music I listened to Aimer's music work, but also the most profound impact, watching "Sixth Class Star Night" was placed in the first place of the "blanc" album can also show Aimer's personal love for the song. There are two lyrics in the song:

"When I fell I couldn't get up again

At that time, please give me some courage

My thoughts have not been conveyed today."

"To those who can't go back to the past."

And the days and nights of weeping

Say "goodbye""

Combined with Aimer's experience, it can be regarded as her own voice, in the dilemma of not being able to speak normally, Aimer has been confused, disappointed, sad, and now, it is time to say "goodbye" to the past. In the second half of the song, which is the most emotional part, Aimer's feelings change from original sadness to gratitude:

"Obviously I'm just such a small constellation

It's here, but you can notice it

Thank you."

"ありがとう (thank you)", this sentence is highlighted in the song, in my opinion, it is also the core of the work "Sixth Class Star" this work, the early Aimer debuted with a grateful mood, the fans for her encouragement has always been Aimer's forward momentum, the music works that inject emotion are always the best, just like Aimer's tenderness. If you're listening to Aimer's song for the first time, be sure to try this song "Sixth Magnitude Star Night", and don't hide from you, even if I have listened to it countless times, I will get goosebumps when I listen to it again.

Aimer's Path to Song, the two cats are her five-year musical pick

Nothing in the world is perfect, and so are Aimer's two selections, and the problem is not in terms of work, but in the quality of the recording. Aimer is a Singer under Sony, but her music albums rarely have Hi-Res versions, as can be seen from the mora official website, Aimer has released only a few Hi-Res albums so far, while "blanc" and "noir" as a selection of albums are not available hi-Res versions, only AAC-LC format digital versions are available for purchase, which in my opinion is a pity. Of course, there are also players who get the Hi-Res specification double-precision album by grabbing the files of the physical disk and upgrading, but the official no is not, and the subsequent upscaling personally feels that it is not so necessary.

Aimer's Path to Song, the two cats are her five-year musical pick

The digital version of "blanc" and "noir" costs about 120 yuan on Japanese music websites, and the physical disc is divided into three versions, 12cm CD (usually disk), 12cm CD + BD (first limited disk A) and 12cm CD + DVD (first limited disk B), basically between 150 yuan - 190 yuan, but for true love fans, buying the full version of "blanc" and "noir" needs to buy 6 discs, which is still quite high. I can't help but feel that Sony, as a publisher, will still play.

In terms of equipment, I personally recommend vocal poison equipment to listen to Aimer, where "poison" does not refer to those ear-to-ear, slender female poison, but in the vocal polishing comfortable, line sense and transparency have a good performance of the equipment, such as Dayinko's DK3001, Campfire Andromeda, the old man's black oriole and so on.

Aimer's Path to Song, the two cats are her five-year musical pick

I love listening to female voices, but I prefer to listen to Aimer. "blanc" and "noir", Aimer's five years of music essence are condensed in it, here, as a loyal fan, I recommend to you, hope that when you look up at the stars, you can see the sixth-magnitude star that Aimer said.