
A letter to the vast number of residents and friends of Tianxin District

author:Xiaoxiang Morning News
A letter to the vast number of residents and friends of Tianxin District

Friends of the majority of residents in Tianxin District:


Recently, the domestic epidemic has rebounded, especially in Changsha County and Yuhua District of our city, which have successively reported positive testers for new crown pneumonia nucleic acid. In order to prevent the import of the epidemic, prevent the risk of spread, protect the health of you and your family, and maintain the normal production and living order of society, we would like to warmly remind you as follows:

First, please pay close attention to the domestic epidemic situation. If the following situations are found, please report to your community (village) in time and cooperate with relevant epidemic prevention measures: in the past 14 days, there is a history of residence in Inner Mongolia, Shaanxi, Ningxia, Gansu and Dehong Prefecture, Yunnan; there is a history of living in medium- and high-risk areas in the past 14 days; and there is an intersection with the activity trajectory of infected people. From outside the province and back to the long, it is recommended to carry out nucleic acid testing nearby as soon as possible under the premise of personal protection.

Second, please continue to pay attention to the Health Code of Hunan Province. Once it is found that the health code has become a "red code" or a "yellow code", it must be reported to the community (village), work unit or hotel where you live as soon as possible, and cooperate with the implementation of various epidemic prevention and control measures as required. "Red and yellow code" personnel who do not take the initiative to report and do not comply with the relevant provisions on epidemic prevention and control will bear the relevant legal responsibilities for violating the Law of the People's Republic of China on the Prevention and Control of Infectious Diseases.

3. Please monitor your health status at all times. Once you and your family have symptoms such as fever, dry cough, fatigue, sore throat, nasal congestion, runny nose, decreased sense of smell (taste), conjunctivitis, myalgia, diarrhea, etc., you must immediately wear a disposable medical or above level mask, and go to the nearest fever clinic for treatment, actively and truthfully inform your travel history, activity history and contact history, and try to avoid taking public transportation during the medical treatment.

Fourth, please arrange travel scientifically and reasonably. Promote non-essential non-outing, do not travel to high- and medium-risk areas, and areas where local outbreaks occur. If you really need to go, please be sure to do a good job of personal protection, pay attention to the epidemic risk tips at the destination, report to the community (village) of the place of residence in time after returning, and cooperate with the epidemic prevention and control measures.

Fifth, please actively do a good job of self-protection. Maintain good living habits, minimize the gathering of personnel, scientifically wear disposable medical or above level masks when going out, wash hands frequently, ventilate frequently, and try not to go to crowded places where air does not circulate. Minimize family meetings, family gatherings, friends gatherings, and personnel contacts, advocate strict control of the number of family private gatherings and dinners, and advocate the postponement of happy events and the simplification of funerals. Consciously abide by various epidemic prevention and control measures, minimize activities to go to confined spaces, and cooperate with epidemic prevention and control measures such as wearing masks, code verification, body temperature measurement, and one-meter distance in shopping malls, supermarkets, hotels, medical institutions, stations, airports, and other places.

6. Please complete the full vaccination as soon as possible. Eligible residents and friends are requested to complete the full vaccination of the new crown vaccine as soon as possible, and the resident friends aged 18 and above who have completed the full vaccination of the new crown vaccine for 6 months can go to each vaccination site for free vaccination, protect themselves and their families, and jointly build a national immunization barrier.

The epidemic is relentless and the prevention and control is responsible. In the sniper battle and encounter battle of the prevention and control of the new crown virus pneumonia epidemic, the residents of Tianxin united in their determination to fight the epidemic, interpreted their responsibilities, and guarded the well-being of their homes. The epidemic is not over, the thinking can not be relaxed, let us walk together with one heart, continue to work hard, resolutely win the people's war of epidemic prevention and control, and continue to build a safe, healthy, beautiful and happy common home.

Changsha Tianxin District Novel Coronavirus Pneumonia Prevention and Control Headquarters

October 24, 2021

Finishing / Xiaoxiang Morning News reporter Li Tang

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