
Poison Film Review | Movie "Poison Sun": The Flower of Evil Under the Poison Sun "Races to Open"

author:Poison Jun
Poison Film Review | Movie "Poison Sun": The Flower of Evil Under the Poison Sun "Races to Open"

(The daily life of Colonel Kotov's house before Midia came)

The film has two translational titles, Poison Sun and Scorching Sun. I think "Poisonous Sun" is more appropriate, because the implication of "scorching sun" is that the male protagonist of the film, Colonel Kotov, and the aristocratic Midia, whatever they do, are forced to do because of the scorching sun. In addition to stalin's huge portrait hanging high in midair as the balloon rises, the film makes the rolling fireball roll over Colonel Kotov's flower-filled, vocal and happy home several times, and the symbolism is very obvious. However, when watching this film, which progresses very slowly, I can't help but think of how Akhmatova, Mandelstam, and other poets whom I can name, and some Soviets whose names I cannot name, used their artistic lives and even their flesh to fight against the brutal Stalinist regime—in the beige General's Building on the banks of the Moscow River, more than half of the generals expressed their contempt for Stalin's regime by jumping out of their own windows. I can't help but think of them, because I feel that even when the Red Terror enveloped the whole Soviet Union, those with conscience were still declaring in their own way that the truth was eternal.

Compared to Akhmatova and Mandelstam, both Colonel Kotov and Mr. Midia are evil flowers that grow evilly under the light of the poisonous sun, don't they?

Growing up in an aristocratic family that only allowed to speak French, Midia could have played the piano and talked about love for the rest of her life, but in a good life, there would be no more, who suppressed his parents? And who forced him to choose between going to Paris as a spy and going to prison in his home country?

Poison Film Review | Movie "Poison Sun": The Flower of Evil Under the Poison Sun "Races to Open"

(Dilemma, what about Midia?)

If the loss of both parents and the need to spy on the evil state apparatus hurt Midia, then who took advantage of the danger of marrying Midia's fiancée, Marusa? What's more, as the plot progresses, we know that it was Colonel Kotov who forced Midia to leave his hometown! His sinister intentions are exposed in the fact that he resolutely married Midia's girlfriend Marusha three times: the colonel forced Midia to make a dilemma, not only because Midia was a class that had to be suppressed, but also because Colonel Kotov's selfish intentions were to take Midia's fiancée for himself. One scene in the film is enough to debunk the mask of this selfless soldier who can fend off the barbarian marching tanks for the peasants: in the scorching day, knowing that Midia is playing with their daughter nearby, Colonel Kotov has to make a vigorous love against Marusa's wishes. How can we, in such a stimulating way, on the whistleblower Midia for Colonel Kotov's arrest and quick shooting by the secret police? Isn't there the evil fruit of the flower of evil in Kotov's heart that blooms dirty under the irradiation of the poisonous sun? So, when Colonel Kotov learned that the sudden arrival of Midia was here to inform him of the imminent arrival of the secret police, and angrily tried to break through Midia's psychological defenses and point out that the other side had reported 8 White Army generals to the authorities, I stubbornly gave my hatred to Colonel Kotov: Midia was passive in doing evil, and Colonel Kotov was active in doing evil. Although the scorching sun can burn people, Colonel Kotov is holding a condenser in his hand to focus the scorching sun on the person he wants to harm, he just did not expect that the gathering of poisonous sun flames will burn himself or even burn to death, then, Colonel Kotov, who was beaten by the secret police with a full fist and could not open his eyes and was inexplicably shot behind the subtitles, was to blame. As for Midia, who has changed from victim to perpetrator, although there is something sympathetic, once the victim is transformed into a perpetrator, it is a clown in an unforgivable scandal, and the film allows Midia to commit suicide in his own bathtub at the end, and it seems to me that the creators of "Poison Sun" intend to be clear-minded: this kind of passive death of Colonel Kotov, Midia used suicide to show the consciousness of conscience.

Poison Film Review | Movie "Poison Sun": The Flower of Evil Under the Poison Sun "Races to Open"

(In the picture where we can't see, blood is gushing from Midia's wrist.)

Alluding to Stalin's poisonous sun, of course, it can obscure the sun, thus giving the perpetrators sufficient objective conditions. Even so, there are always people who purify themselves even under the conditions of evil by the whole people, and they explain to themselves in the New Virgin Cemetery in Moscow what is noble.

Poison Film Review | Movie "Poison Sun": The Flower of Evil Under the Poison Sun "Races to Open"

(The flower of evil that bloomed under the poisonous sun caused the mother and daughter to die in the concentration camp one by one, and the other to pass the day after day in desolation after being devastated.)

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