
Micro-film "Caravan Love"

author:Bound for Ibinaka River

"The Love of caravans" is a public welfare micro-film in Ebian Yi Autonomous County that reflects the theme of changing customs and customs, mainly telling the story of Ji Ke Aro, the protagonist of the caravan art troupe, who is the leader of the caravan art troupe, and his girlfriend Wuzhi Dingqin, who is ready to work with the caravan art troupe, was asked by the woman's parents for a dowry of 200,000 yuan, and the staff of the county changing customs and customs command and the rural "Degu" mediator have repeatedly come to the door to do the ideological work of Tongwuzhi's parents, helping Jike Aro successfully betrothed and pursuing true love.

Micro-film "Caravan Love"
Micro-film "Caravan Love"

"The Love of caravans" is a micro-film film filmed against the background of Ebian's "cultural caravan" tour and "double-high" governance, aiming to guide the masses to resolutely resist the bad customs of "high-priced bride price" and encourage the vast number of cadres and masses throughout the county to further carry forward the new style and healthy atmosphere and eliminate stereotypes and bad habits.

Micro-film "Caravan Love"

"The Love of caravans" changes customs and customs micro-films, filmed in Ebian County, everyone can enjoy the beautiful scenery of Ebian while watching micro-movies.

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