
"Appreciation of Calligraphy and Painting" seems to be a handwritten inscription, which is wonderful

author:Yantian culture
"Appreciation of Calligraphy and Painting" seems to be a handwritten inscription, which is wonderful
"Appreciation of Calligraphy and Painting" seems to be a handwritten inscription, which is wonderful

Ni Zhen (1306 or 1301-1374), originally known as 珽, Ziyuan Town, Yunlinzi, Jing Barbarian, Xianxiazi, etc., was a native of Wuxi, Jiangsu. Yuan Dynasty painter. Ni Zhan was good at writing, and his zen learning path wandered the world, writing his unique style of simplicity and sparseness, dry and light. Xu Weiyun: "The Book of Zhen is subordinate, and he reincarnates in Zhong Xuan's "Straight Table of the Recommended Season", which is ancient and charming, dense and sparse. Ni Zhan really achieved both "hidden" and "yi", and his books were both vigorous and exquisite, but also spontaneous and simple, and it is no wonder that posterity called him "Ni Gaoshi". Wen Zhengming and Dong Qichang both highly praised his calligraphy. Wen Zhengming commented: "Mr. Ni has a high personality, and his Hanzha Yiyi has a Jin and Song dynasty atmosphere. ”

Dong Qichang commented: "Gu Tan is naïve, and he is only one person after the rice fool." "Ni Zhanshu is cold and desolate, does not lose his manners, and has a forest wind. He Liangjunyun: "Master Yunlin has a great order, without a little dust." Wang Mian's "Sending Yang Yifu to Visit Yunlinzi" said that Ni Zhan "filled the house with toothpicks and books, and painted all over the building with colorful pens and smoke." Ni Zhan's poems are naturally beautiful, elegant and elegant, and do not carve, there is a "QingGe Collection".

"Appreciation of Calligraphy and Painting" seems to be a handwritten inscription, which is wonderful
"Appreciation of Calligraphy and Painting" seems to be a handwritten inscription, which is wonderful


Ancient wood 篁篁 lonely coast, Ban Ban (spotted) moss stone green with spring. Self-knowledge does not enter the eyes of the people, painting and Kyauk creek ancient Yimin. Yun Lin Sheng

"Appreciation of Calligraphy and Painting" seems to be a handwritten inscription, which is wonderful
"Appreciation of Calligraphy and Painting" seems to be a handwritten inscription, which is wonderful

On the sixth day of July, it rained, Su Yun Yue Weng lived in seclusion, wen Bo Xianliang drew on this paper, because he wrote the autumn pavilion Jia shu diagram and poems to give: wind and rain depression in the evening cool, two Jia trees near the window. There is no way to go through the people's land, and the relics are drunk in the real le bang. The remnants of the south are cloudy and the clouds are empty, and the blue shadows of the western mountains fall on the Autumn River. Linliu dyes Han G's humor, and suddenly there is a white crane double. Blah

"Appreciation of Calligraphy and Painting" seems to be a handwritten inscription, which is wonderful

Shen Zhou (1427-1509), also known as Qinan, was the owner of Ishida, Shiraishiwong, Yutiansheng, and Youzhuju. A native of Changzhou County, Suzhou Prefecture (present-day Wu County, Suzhou). Shen Zhou's painting inscription also uses "Shen Zhou writes", and the word "write" can be said to reveal that Shen Zhou chose to use books to enter the painting, which is the pursuit of the supreme realm of literati painting. His writing style mostly imitates the brushwork of the Yellow Valley, and strives for change, using the pen like a cone to paint sand, majestic and tall. He integrates the calligraphy "cone painting sand" into his paintings, strengthens the strength of the pen in the picture, is strong and subtle, and there is more charm between each stroke, especially the works in his later years are more obvious, with the pen is rough and simple, he acts with his own will, and he is more powerful in his strength, the ink color is smooth, rich in thick and light changes, vigorous and delicate, and the world calls it "rough and deep".

At the same time, Shen Zhou's calligraphy was influenced by painting, and it became more and more emotional. In particular, the calligraphy and painting works in his later years are particularly exquisite, and the inscription poems are presented on the screen with calligraphy as the carrier, harmoniously integrating calligraphy and painting, making their works more literati and bookish.

"Appreciation of Calligraphy and Painting" seems to be a handwritten inscription, which is wonderful
"Appreciation of Calligraphy and Painting" seems to be a handwritten inscription, which is wonderful

Disturbing the middle of the city, why bother with self-imposed land? Settle down for three lifetimes, and open a hundred bows. Monks teach the Sencha method, and children plant tree books. Looking for a small way out of the city, the market is a towel car. Shen Zhou

"Appreciation of Calligraphy and Painting" seems to be a handwritten inscription, which is wonderful
"Appreciation of Calligraphy and Painting" seems to be a handwritten inscription, which is wonderful
"Appreciation of Calligraphy and Painting" seems to be a handwritten inscription, which is wonderful

Bitter memories of the clouds and forests, the wind and currents can not be pursued.

A pen at all times, grass and trees in the end of the world.

"Appreciation of Calligraphy and Painting" seems to be a handwritten inscription, which is wonderful
"Appreciation of Calligraphy and Painting" seems to be a handwritten inscription, which is wonderful

The old eye is now underpaid, and the wind is all the same as that of the teenager.

Reading books has always been blurred, and I am in the mood and apricot blossoms.

"Appreciation of Calligraphy and Painting" seems to be a handwritten inscription, which is wonderful
"Appreciation of Calligraphy and Painting" seems to be a handwritten inscription, which is wonderful

Autumn color yun fairy bones, light posture in the wind.

His clothes were not thin, and he leaned towards Shi Yandong.

"Appreciation of Calligraphy and Painting" seems to be a handwritten inscription, which is wonderful
"Appreciation of Calligraphy and Painting" seems to be a handwritten inscription, which is wonderful

Autumn is already in January, and the sound of remnants is wrapped around the branches.

Because of the sound of chasing er, solemnly did not forget the poem.

"Appreciation of Calligraphy and Painting" seems to be a handwritten inscription, which is wonderful
"Appreciation of Calligraphy and Painting" seems to be a handwritten inscription, which is wonderful

The grass slopes have deep rain marks, and Xu Xing obliquely enters the peach forest.

The child let go of the unrestrained, and the shepherding has now been mastered.

"Appreciation of Calligraphy and Painting" seems to be a handwritten inscription, which is wonderful
"Appreciation of Calligraphy and Painting" seems to be a handwritten inscription, which is wonderful

Flowers are late in the spring. There are new gardenias in the jade leaf.

The light fragrance is pleasant to rhyme and style.

Where the curtain touches, when the person wakes up from wine.

Afraid of the partition wall to know. Idiot Lao Tzu, folding branches.

It's also sad and unsustainable.

Summoning the soul to go, a song of small hills.

"Appreciation of Calligraphy and Painting" seems to be a handwritten inscription, which is wonderful
"Appreciation of Calligraphy and Painting" seems to be a handwritten inscription, which is wonderful

Where the ink is thin, the trace seems to be who.

Plum Blossom Ann Li Guest, Duan's Confessor.

"Appreciation of Calligraphy and Painting" seems to be a handwritten inscription, which is wonderful
"Appreciation of Calligraphy and Painting" seems to be a handwritten inscription, which is wonderful

Hibiscus cleared her bones and produced fairy tires, and ochre jade was rolled open.

Heaven also wants to make autumn rich, jin jiang translated into Chu jiang lai.

"Appreciation of Calligraphy and Painting" seems to be a handwritten inscription, which is wonderful
"Appreciation of Calligraphy and Painting" seems to be a handwritten inscription, which is wonderful

When the leaves fall in the west wind of Takagi, Xiao Shuang sits for a long time.

Idle Phi Autumn Water is not final, the heart and the sky tour who knows.

"Appreciation of Calligraphy and Painting" seems to be a handwritten inscription, which is wonderful
"Appreciation of Calligraphy and Painting" seems to be a handwritten inscription, which is wonderful

Pomegranates who break, the crowd of lumps to see.

It's not that there is no Hidden Yun, and I want to be afraid of hiding it in my life.

"Appreciation of Calligraphy and Painting" seems to be a handwritten inscription, which is wonderful
"Appreciation of Calligraphy and Painting" seems to be a handwritten inscription, which is wonderful

The fur color is half yellow, and He Du tweets to the mother's side.

The day is a thousand years of events, and the day should be long when the canal is urged.

"Appreciation of Calligraphy and Painting" seems to be a handwritten inscription, which is wonderful
"Appreciation of Calligraphy and Painting" seems to be a handwritten inscription, which is wonderful

There is a lot of rain and dew in the south, and the green armor has been pumped new.

Cut the jade rotten and steamed, and naturally the old man will be.

"Appreciation of Calligraphy and Painting" seems to be a handwritten inscription, which is wonderful
"Appreciation of Calligraphy and Painting" seems to be a handwritten inscription, which is wonderful

Jiangshan as a handle, relatively sitting in the autumn;

So nostalgic, the West Lake reminisces about the past.

"Appreciation of Calligraphy and Painting" seems to be a handwritten inscription, which is wonderful
"Appreciation of Calligraphy and Painting" seems to be a handwritten inscription, which is wonderful

The clouds come to the mountains to lose color, and the clouds go to the mountains still.

The wild old man forgot to mourn, and slowly carried the cane in front of him.

"Appreciation of Calligraphy and Painting" seems to be a handwritten inscription, which is wonderful

Zong Shaowen's four-walled landscape map,

Self-proclaimed lying in the middle.

This book can be allowed to sleep on its back,

Holding it with one hand, slowly reading it with the other hand,

It's very interesting.

Weariness is hidden, isn't it convenient?

Yu Jie was also tired, really foolish to hear his words, and laughed.

Shen Zhoubao

"Appreciation of Calligraphy and Painting" seems to be a handwritten inscription, which is wonderful
"Appreciation of Calligraphy and Painting" seems to be a handwritten inscription, which is wonderful


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Source: Chinese painting soul, painting source

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