
Winter Break (beautiful!) )

author:Guangxi Liugong forklift sales
Winter Break (beautiful!) )

The years pass, the seasons come and go.

When all the prosperity of the world is over, only the color of the sketch is left, and an ethereal spirit is bred in the simplicity; when everything abandons the decoration of thousands of purples and reds, it reveals the most primitive lines, without a trace of disguise. The years of the song easily pass through you and me, into a quieter and far-reaching silence. The cold is like the waves of the years, wave after wave raging in the flow of years, the branches are sluggish, and the earth is asleep.

Walking on the road in winter, cold, is a distant and empty color, calm and calm, overlooking the eye, the four wild open, the mountains and rivers are thin, that kind of breathtaking beauty, let people not have the slightest evil thoughts.

The sky was depressed with the color of the white clouds, and in the eyes of the pessimist, winter meant yellowish, depressed, cold, and pale. Spring, summer, autumn and winter are the natural transformation of the four seasons, releasing the sorrow of the belly, and each season is so vivid and vivid. No matter how you feel, winter is always cold, natural, and obscure, uncontrolled by anything. Winter has achieved the beginning or end of the four seasons, which is the generosity of winter, but it has become an unbearable weight in some people's lives.

Going into winter, I don't think I'm going into the wrong season. Although the four seasons cannot be restrained, the mind can make its own claims, marching in the direction of the heart and watching the flowers blossom and fall. Living in winter, lighting a flame for ourselves, not only for warmth, but also for igniting a belief, let us smile into the winter, feel safely.

Winter Break (beautiful!) )

1. Sunlight

The winter sun is lazy and laid-back.

For the sun, we are always so mean and picky, in the summer, we complain that it is too poisonous, in the winter, we hate it is not warm enough, only in the continuous gloomy weather, we know how important the sun is to us. When the warm sun breaks through the clouds and fog, the sunlight obliquely sprinkles the earth, making the hearts of winter people particularly peaceful and tranquil. Cherish the sun, thank the years, bathe in the warmth of the winter sun, and seem to be able to perceive its beating notes.

While enjoying the comfort of the sun, do not forget to hold out a bed quilt, so that the smell of the sun accompanies the winter night to sleep.

Winter Break (beautiful!) )

2. Fallen leaves

My gaze fell into winter with a fallen leaf.

The leaves slowly fall from the branches, with toil, sadness, and satisfaction. They have been in love with the sun for a lifetime, so intimate and difficult to give up, the heart of the fallen leaves, only the sun understands. People in love like to ask themselves in a daze: Is the departure of the leaf the pursuit of the wind, or the non-retention of the tree?

I really want to be a leaf without regrets, even in the last moment, and I don't forget to inject hope and vitality into the earth. They hugged each other and walked towards the melody of farewell, the leaves had withered, circling in the air, and it took a long time to land on the ground, expressing their attachment to the tree. It is calm, mature and ordinary, dedicating its beautiful dance to the sun, dashing to the earth, and their whispers, which are the refuge of the fallen leaves to the roots, with a sober and subtle understanding and cognition. Feeling the free beauty of falling leaves, and the persistence of life and the fearlessness of death, give people a nuanced touch.

The tree outside the window has lost the luster of the years, but it is still standing in the cold wind waiting for spring, do not despair, withering is not death, the roots are still alive, vigorously stretching, accumulating, and growing underground. Hide the essence and recharge your strength, and guard the winter of life.

Winter Break (beautiful!) )

3. North wind

The cold air of Siberia brought gusts of north wind.

The north wind didn't have that feeling of being fierce, irritable, and cool. It hovered under the dreary sky, roaring out in full cold. The tree swayed left and right, and the branches whine, condensing the grandeur into an old oil painting, interpreting a masculine beauty that could not be insulted.

In the gray sky, the tree swayed in the wind, the only remaining branches and bones, hating the strength of the north wind, the north wind overnight, let people lose the leisure and calm of the past, the steps began to become hurried, but the cold of winter had just begun.

Winter Break (beautiful!) )

4. Snowflakes

Winters without snow are incomplete.

Snowflakes are the eternal theme of winter, the white spirit of winter, and the winter without snowflakes is the loss of snowflakes, the shortcomings of winter, and the boredom of life. She broke the long dullness of the harsh winter, and a snow set off from the autumn caravanserai, crossing the wind and frost along the way, perching on the branches of winter.

The temperature warms day by day, sometimes the snowflakes are accompanied by cold rain, scrawled, far-fetched, absent-minded. Snowflakes are gradually alienating our lives.

"Green ant new wine, red clay small stove," nostalgic for that single, pure, cold color. After the most joyful night of the north wind, open the doors and windows in the morning, the outside is white and covered with silver, and the snowflakes suddenly visit, which makes people caught off guard and the surprise is overflowing.

Ah, the snowflakes bloomed, sometimes violent, wanton, sometimes quiet, gentle, no one could think through her heart, like a timeless little poem, just so self-forgetful, detached from nature, quiet, seriously down, circling in a gentle circle, no trace, no edge, beautiful and poetic, so that the soul has an inexplicable impulse.

When will you be able to step on the snow and find a memory of your own with a poetic creak?

Winter Break (beautiful!) )

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