
Chat Zhai: Some people have bad thoughts and forget the old saying that friends and wives cannot be deceived, how do they repent later?

author:Famous book tea party

In the early years of the Qing Dynasty, There were a pair of good friends in Dengzhou, Shandong, one surnamed Wang, called Wang Wanli, and one surnamed Zeng, named Zeng Xiaoqi. The two grew up together, personality, and when they grew up, they became a good family, almost anything in the family can be shared, and they never thought about who took advantage of each other and who lost.

Chat Zhai: Some people have bad thoughts and forget the old saying that friends and wives cannot be deceived, how do they repent later?

After becoming an adult, Zeng Xiaoqi married a beautiful wife and was a famous beauty in Dengzhou Capital. But Wang Wanli was not so lucky, he was married twice, his wives were all plain-looking, and they did not live long, and only gave Wang Wanli a daughter, not even a son.

Wang Wanli really admired Zeng Xiaoqi's friend, especially for that beautiful sister-in-law. At the beginning, I also strictly adhered to the ancient precept that a friend's wife should not be deceived. But a person who has lived for a long time can't resist the evil fire in his heart after all, and occasionally thinks about how to kiss Fangze.

Chat Zhai: Some people have bad thoughts and forget the old saying that friends and wives cannot be deceived, how do they repent later?

Later, there was an opportunity, Zeng Xiaoqi went out to do business, was taken hostage by the robbers to the mountain, Wang Wanli took this opportunity, secretly sent some money and goods to the governor of Dengzhou, saying that Zeng Xiaoqi and the robbers had long been in contact.

As a result, Zeng Xiaoqi became a thief who could not return home, and later the officers and soldiers broke through the cottage, and Zeng Xiaoqi was also beheaded.

After Zeng Xiaoqi's death, Wang Wanli initially wanted to find a matchmaker to go to the Zeng family to propose to him and give his widowed sister-in-law Xu to himself. But soon he suddenly realized that his actions were improper, it could be said that it was harmful to nature, so he stopped the idea of continuing to harass the widow, and pondered how to make up for his mistakes.

Chat Zhai: Some people have bad thoughts and forget the old saying that friends and wives cannot be deceived, how do they repent later?

After pondering for a long time, Wang Wanli thought of the Buddhist family's words "When is the time to repay the wrongs of wrongs" and remembered that after Zeng Xiaoqi's death, orphans and widows were left behind, as well as elderly parents who had no one to rely on, so he went to Zeng's house to take them all to his home and provided for them as relatives.

Wang Wanli also asked Zeng Xiaoqi's parents to be safe in the morning and evening, and he was also respectful to Zeng Xiaoqi's wife, just as Zeng Xiaoqi was still alive.

Just like that, after a few years, Zeng Xiaoqi's parents, wives and children lived very peacefully in the Wang family, but Wang Wanli's burden was heavy, and the family wealth was almost half consumed.

Chat Zhai: Some people have bad thoughts and forget the old saying that friends and wives cannot be deceived, how do they repent later?

Zeng Xiaoqi's parents really didn't want to go, so they thought that their daughter-in-law was still young, and Wang Wanli was also single, whether to give his daughter-in-law xu to him, then it would become a real family.

However, zeng Xiaoqi's parents' proposal just touched the "pain" in Wang Wanli's heart, so he resolutely refused, but it was still the same for them as before.

After another three or two years, Zeng Xiaoqi's mother fell seriously ill. During his illness, Wang Wanli did not understand the service of taking medicine, just like honoring his mother. But the great-mother's illness still did not improve, and she was about to swallow her breath when she saw it.

Before dying, the great-mother repeatedly thanked Wang Wanli, saying that since Zeng Xiaoqi's death, our family has been taken care of by you, and the only way to repay in the next life is to be a cow and a horse.

Chat Zhai: Some people have bad thoughts and forget the old saying that friends and wives cannot be deceived, how do they repent later?

Wang Wanli saw that there was no one else around, only Zeng Xiaoqi's old father sitting next to him, so he knelt down in front of his great-mother's bed and frankly said all his deeds from many years ago, hoping that his great-mother would be able to explain a few words after seeing Zeng Xiaoqi when he arrived in the underworld.

Zeng Xiaoqi's parents were also generous people, and besides, over the years, Wang Wanli's filial piety to himself was even far greater than that of his own son, and people's hearts were all flesh, so they agreed to Wang Wanli's request.

Zeng Xiaoqi's father also wrote a letter and put it in his great-mother's sleeve, so that after his wife arrived in the underworld, if she saw her son, she would show him this letter, and if she still had any resentment against Wang Wanli, then her father would not see him after his death.

Chat Zhai: Some people have bad thoughts and forget the old saying that friends and wives cannot be deceived, how do they repent later?

After the death of his great-mother, Wang Wanli devoted himself to handling funerals for the elderly, and also bought a feng shui tomb to bury, and even personally supervised the work. One day, Wang Wanli felt a little tired when supervising the craftsmen, so he took a break next to the cemetery, and when he sat down, he fell asleep, and in his dream he saw Zeng Xiaoqi and said loudly to him:

The feud between you and me is over, but don't you still have a daughter who is not married, have you forgotten?

After such a fuss, Wang Wanli suddenly woke up frightened, and when he woke up, he felt that his whole body was drenched in cold sweat, and when he returned home, he consulted with Zeng Xiaoqi's father and the widowed widow.

Chat Zhai: Some people have bad thoughts and forget the old saying that friends and wives cannot be deceived, how do they repent later?

The children of both families have grown up, and they have reached the time to start a family, are they kissing each other and marrying their daughters to Zeng Xiaoqi's son?

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Of course, Zeng Xiaoqi's father and wife had no reason to oppose, so Wang Wanli asked someone to choose a zodiac auspicious day and marry his daughter to Zeng Xiaoqi's son in a beautiful way, and the two families became the sons and daughters.

Chat Zhai: Some people have bad thoughts and forget the old saying that friends and wives cannot be deceived, how do they repent later?

Later, Zeng Xiaoqi's father also died of old age, and Wang Wanli and Zeng Xiaoqi's wife were also old, but the Wang family really did not have any vicious retribution, and the family wealth gradually became substantial.

After some years, Wang Wanli's daughter gave birth to twins, and she passed on a son to Wang Wanli as a grandson, which was also considered to be the incense of the Wang family. Zeng Xiaoqi and Wang Wanli, a good friend, although after several twists and turns, in the next generation, they really became "brothers".

Chat Zhai: Some people have bad thoughts and forget the old saying that friends and wives cannot be deceived, how do they repent later?

This story also warns people that they should not be lucky in life, and they must keep the bottom line of that true feeling. Just like Wang Wanli, who has a momentary greed, but needs to spend a lifetime to atone for his sins, it is enough to become the head of those who have hidden hearts.