
The mysterious prophecies of the ancient Greek prophets, two fulfilled and one more will happen! Hermes prophesied

author:Brain hole utopia

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In Greek mythology there is a god who is known as the messenger of God. Historically, this god has been embodied as a specific figure. He is said to be the originator of alchemy, occultism, magic and astrology. On top of that, he left several mysterious prophecies for humanity, one of which are now being fulfilled. Today we will talk about Hermes's prophecy.

The mysterious prophecies of the ancient Greek prophets, two fulfilled and one more will happen! Hermes prophesied

Before we begin to talk about prophecy, we must first understand the background of Hermes.

As we all know, Zeus in Greek mythology is not only the lord of the gods of Mount Olympus, but also known as the god of flowers. See which goddess of great appearance, even the human woman, wants to take it for herself. One day Zeus met the mountain fairy Meia on Mount Courène, and for a moment he could not control his own heart. They seduced Maia in a cave on Mount Courène, where their son Hermes was born. Hermes grew extremely fast, and within a few hours of his birth, the little doll could run and jump, and he was extremely intelligent. Taking advantage of his mother's inattention, he sneaked out of the swaddling and stole 50 sacred cows from his brother Apollo, the sun god, at the ranch of the gods.

In order not to be discovered, he tied reeds and branches to the legs of the cattle, so that as the cattle walked forward, the bundled branches on the legs swept away the footprints left on the ground. He herded the cattle to a mountain, first killed two cows to sacrifice to the gods, and then managed to make the cattle walk backwards into the cave, so that it looked like the cattle came out of the cave instead of entering the cave. After doing all this, Hermes quietly slipped back to the cradle, wrapped in a quilt, and pretended that nothing had happened. Apollo, who found that the cattle had been stolen, was furious and came to the door to question the whereabouts of Hermes's cattle, but Hermes still pretended to be innocent and denied the fact of stealing.

The mysterious prophecies of the ancient Greek prophets, two fulfilled and one more will happen! Hermes prophesied

An enraged Apollo went to Zeus the Father and asked Zeus to do justice. Unexpectedly, Hermes also said innocently in front of Zeus, "Look at a child like me, who has the ability to steal 50 cows, I can't even touch the nose of the cow." Of course, Zeus saw all this very clearly, but still smiled and said, you little children quarrel, don't need me to take care of it, or solve it yourself. Look for the cows again. Little Hermes was also very sensible, he knew that the father God Zeus was giving himself a step down, so he immediately accepted the advice and turned around and left. Hermes also understood that Apollo would one day find the cattle, so he confessed that he had stolen the cattle and promised to return them to him. When Hermes took Apollo to the cave where the cow was hidden, he took advantage of Apollo's cattle to drive the cattle and played a lyre made of turtle shells and cowhide at the mouth of the cave, and the beautiful sound of the piano echoed throughout the valley, instantly intoxicating Apollo. Apollo offered to trade his 50 cows for Hermes's lira, which Hermes gladly accepted. This incident later deepened the brotherhood between Hermes and Apollo. The word liraqin lyre gradually evolved into liar (liar). Hermes is also believed to have invented the art of deception.

Zeus saw that Hermes was so clever at a young age that he made him a messenger to the gods, passing on messages among the gods. Not only that, but Hermes, as one of the twelve main gods of Olympus, represented wisdom and sophistication, and people regarded him as the patron saint of merchants, travelers, competitors, and even thieves and thieves. Hermes is also the initiator of the undead, helping all dead souls to reach the underworld, and is the only god who can travel unhindered in the underworld except hades and Persephone, the queen of hades. He is depicted wearing a hat with wings on his head, flying shoes on his feet, and a wand in his hand, walking like a fly.

The mysterious prophecies of the ancient Greek prophets, two fulfilled and one more will happen! Hermes prophesied

The English name Hermes of the famous luxury jewelry brand Hermes is actually Hermes, so in the strict sense, Hermes can also be translated as Hermes. What is even more brain-wrenching is that Hermes is actually just the name of this god in Greek mythology. In Roman mythology is also a messenger of the gods, whose image is identical to the symbol and hermes hermes in Greek mythology. However, in Roman mythology, this god is called Mercury, the son of Jupiter, king of the Roman gods.

The mysterious prophecies of the ancient Greek prophets, two fulfilled and one more will happen! Hermes prophesied

Later, it was discovered that Hermes and the ancient Egyptian wisdom (Thoth) also had striking similarities. They all have amazing wisdom, master the hidden knowledge that is not known to others, and also play an important role in the underworld. Therefore, more and more people regard Hermes in Greek mythology and Thoth in Egyptian mythology as the same god, and may also be the same in the mythological stories of various countries.

The mysterious prophecies of the ancient Greek prophets, two fulfilled and one more will happen! Hermes prophesied

Later, "Hermes-Tut" was even embodied as a figure who really lived in the land of Egypt, and was considered a great philosopher, Egyptian priest and king. It was he who taught the Egyptians navigation, architecture, weapons, and philosophy. So many of the mysterious works that followed, such as the Corpus Hermeticum, and the Emerald Tablet, the earliest alchemical document introduced to Europe, were written by him.

Hermes in human form is revered as "Hermes Trismegistus", or "Triple Great Hermes". He is said to be threefold great because his knowledge is divided into three branches: alchemy, astrology, and sorcery, which are also considered to be the three aspects of cosmic wisdom.

The mysterious prophecies of the ancient Greek prophets, two fulfilled and one more will happen! Hermes prophesied

In 1460, Cosimo Medici of the Medici family, a prominent European family, received a Greek copy of the Corpus Hermeticum from a monk. The manuscript is the long-lost work of Hermes. 1463 Cosimo transmits the manuscript to the scholar Marcio Ficcino. At the time, Marcio Ficcino was translating the Complete Works of Plato. Cosimo Medici said, "Don't mess with Plato, look at the book first." So Marcilio Ficcino opened the door to a new world.

Although the manuscript of the Hermetic Collection is in Greek, the examples discussed and cited in it all take place in Egypt, even before Egypt, and many of the descriptions are based on life in the Nile Valley. Therefore, archaeologists believe that the Hermetic Anthology should belong to ancient Egyptian philosophy, but it has long been lost and cannot be verified. The Hermes Anthology formed the basis of hermesism in the later Renaissance. The book explores the divine, the universe, the mind, and nature. Alchemy and astrology and their related concepts are also covered. The earliest document on alchemy, the Jade Record, is considered by many scholars to be the general chapter of Hermeticism and a shortcut to the stone of the sages.

The mysterious prophecies of the ancient Greek prophets, two fulfilled and one more will happen! Hermes prophesied

The Philosopher's Stone (Stone of the Philosophers) is a mythical substance, the holy grail that alchemists have long sought. Legend has it that it can turn stones into gold and create elixirs for immortality. So far, no one has actually seen or refined the "Sage Stone". The text of the Jade Record, though short, is rather obscure. By penetrating the mysteries of the Jade Book, one can grasp the mystery of the Sage Stone and even the birth of the universe, and the Jade Record and Hermesianism are in the same vein.

The mysterious prophecies of the ancient Greek prophets, two fulfilled and one more will happen! Hermes prophesied

● Hermesianism

At the heart of Hermetic's philosophy is that the universe is spiritual, and that all matter and energy are in fact forms of "vibration" of different frequencies. There is a supreme ultimate being in the universe, the "God," called "The All." But it does not exist in the universe in which human beings live, so it is invisible and untouchable. Under the worldview based on "vibration", Hermes's philosophy believes that there are 7 truths in everything in the world, namely: idealism, correspondence, vibration frequency, bipolar binary, melodic cycle, cause and effect, and gender yin and yang.

The mysterious prophecies of the ancient Greek prophets, two fulfilled and one more will happen! Hermes prophesied

● Idealism

It refers to the concrete phenomenon that everything in the world is manifested by the ultimate existing "God". It is omnipresent, omniscient, and undefinable. And this god is not a god in the religious sense, nor does it need to be worshiped by people, it is just a concept. Everything that represents the universe begins with the heart. The universe itself is the "function of the mind," and the whole universe exists in the "mind of the Creator."

● Correspondence

The original text is "Below is as above; above it is as below." ( "as Above, so Below; As Below, so Above." ) this passage is actually a copy of Jade Record, but missing the next sentence "The miracle of such an achievement of Taiyi". This means that there is a correspondence between the manifestations of different levels of phenomena. The small universe is a microscopic state of the large universe; matter can correspond to the mind, and the mind can correspond to the spirit. Using this law, we can infer the unknown from the known, because the known can correspond to the unknown. Astrology applies this law to infer the unknown future from the movement of known stars.

The mysterious prophecies of the ancient Greek prophets, two fulfilled and one more will happen! Hermes prophesied

● Vibration frequency

It means that everything in the world is in a state of vibration, even from a macroscopic point of view, they are stationary. It's like a stone that looks immobile. But the microscopic atoms that make it up are still vibrating all the time.

Whether it is matter, mind, or spirit, it is manifested through different vibration frequencies. Matter is the lowest vibrational form of the spirit, spirit is the highest vibrational form of matter, and mind is the bridge between the two. Applying this rule, practitioners can change representations by transforming different frequencies. This is how alchemy works.

● Bipolar binary

It means that everything has a positive and negative side. So only half of the truth is correct, and half of the paradox is adjustable. Some concepts that appear to be "opposites" are essentially the same. For example, cold and heat are not opposites, but the temperature is different. Light and darkness are not opposites, just different in brightness. Black and white, hard and soft, high and low, noisy and quiet, etc., are not opposites, but only different degrees. By changing the frequency of vibrations, people can turn dislike into like, hate into love, and negativity into positive, which is the basis of "mental alchemy." Mental alchemists are free to transform mental states, not only to influence their own minds, but also to change the emotions, personalities, and hearts of others. Experienced mental alchemists are even able to control matter, nature, change the weather, and treat patients.

The mysterious prophecies of the ancient Greek prophets, two fulfilled and one more will happen! Hermes prophesied

● Melody cycle

It means that in the midst of the poles, everything is in a state of swing. Everything swings back and forth between the poles and accompanies the cycle. The sun from rise to set, man from birth to death, and even the rise and fall of nations, all belong to this kind of oscillation. Swing is unavoidable, so the melodic cycle repeats itself. This old Chinese saying, thirty years of Hedong, thirty years of Hexi has similarities. It is also the same as the prophecy book based on the I Ching that we shared earlier, "The Imperial Pole Sutra", that the 30 years of human civilization are one life, 360 years are one luck, and 10800 years are one meeting.

● Cause and effect are always

It means that everything happens with one origin. Everything you do in life will have good or bad results in the future. Nothing can escape the law of "cause and effect."

● Gender yin and yang

The original text is "Gender exists in all things; everything has its laws of yin and yang; the laws of gender are manifested at every level." "Gender here does not refer to men and women, but more like the concept of yin and yang in Taoism. There is yang in yin and yin in yang, and the two are balanced with each other.

It is not difficult to find that Hermes's philosophy and Taoist thought have a lot in common. Concepts such as tai chi, yin and yang, and bipolarity can all find a one-to-one correspondence in Hermetic philosophy. These are the seven most basic principles of Hermetic's philosophy, and there are many other things that will not be elaborated upon. By understanding Hermeticism, we can better read the prophecies left by Hermes.

The mysterious prophecies of the ancient Greek prophets, two fulfilled and one more will happen! Hermes prophesied

● Hermes prophecy

The Collected Works of Hermes contains his discussion of the future of mankind. His first prophecy said that in the future, faith would be gone. Children will no longer believe in religion, thinking that those are just empty stories. Devotion to faith remains only history carved in stone. People no longer love the world, no longer believe that there are people or things in the world that are worthy of respect. No one looks up at the heavens, and those who are devout to God are considered neurotic, and those who are disrespectful to God are considered intelligent. Madmen are seen as warriors, and wicked people are considered good people. As for those who continue to talk about the immortality of the soul or the eternity of life, they will be ridiculed.

We have just said that Hermetic philosophy is a typical idealistic philosophy and is "monotheism" It is believed that spirit is the first nature of the world and matter is the second nature of the world. Matter depends on consciousness and is a product of consciousness. The opposite of idealistic philosophy is materialism. Materialism holds that the universe is made up of matter, with matter being the first nature and spirit being the second nature. Matter exists objectively without dependence on our senses. The existence of matter determines consciousness, and man's thoughts are all with matter, and when matter does not exist, ideology does not exist. Therefore, materialism believes that in the universe, there is no spirit, no God, only matter. Man's ideology is only the product of the development of the material world to a certain stage. As human history continued, materialism began to prevail, which led to a second prophecy.

He said that the spiritual world of mankind will collapse and turn into an extreme pursuit of material life, moral values will gradually disappear, and a dark world will be born. It will be a time of chaos where people will be ruled by evil, corrupt and selfish politicians who are only interested in money and power, and darkness will envelop our souls, so that people will not recognize their mistakes. It is true that many people in today's society pursue extreme material enjoyment and neglect spiritual satisfaction. So Hermes's first and second prophecies were considered fulfilled.

The mysterious prophecies of the ancient Greek prophets, two fulfilled and one more will happen! Hermes prophesied

Hermes's third prophecy was that in order to turn one's attention to the spiritual level, nature would be out of balance for some time to come, with wars, plagues, deadly diseases, natural disasters, droughts, and all sorts of disasters ensue. People will suffer the consequences. The Earth is no longer stable, and this may refer to earthquakes. There are no more boats in the sea, which may refer to tsunamis or floods. There will no longer be stars in the sky, the planets will no longer be arranged in orbit, the fruits on the ground will rot, the land will be barren; the air will stop flowing.

Many people think that the current epidemic, fires, locust plagues, may be part of the third prophecy. Indian Boy Abigia. Abhigya Anand also said in his latest prophecy of April 25 that he believes that the human crisis is caused by two reasons, one is the union of the planets, and the other is excessive intervention in nature. The farther away we are from nature, the more we are from our origins, the more struggles we face, the more trouble nature will bring us, and the more sins we will bear. If you are interested in the prophecies of indian boys, you can go back to my previous videos.

The mysterious prophecies of the ancient Greek prophets, two fulfilled and one more will happen! Hermes prophesied

Hermes's last prophecy said that when all this calamity came, evil would be eliminated. The whole world will be restored to good. Everything will be rebuilt. Then a messenger will come to earth and correct all wrongs. This messenger here is not necessarily referring to man, but may also be a new thought, a new theory, leading people to the right spiritual path again. Apparently Hermes' last prophecy had not yet been fulfilled. And all of Hermes's prophecies have no specific year, but are more like an overview of the future picture.

The mysterious prophecies of the ancient Greek prophets, two fulfilled and one more will happen! Hermes prophesied

Hermes is a very frequent word in the history of Western occultism, but few Eastern occultists have systematically introduced Hermeticism. Some people say that Hermeticism is too idealistic, and some people say that Hermeticism reveals the origin of the universe. I don't know what everyone thinks?

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