
The nurse's diary in the isolation area made people cry after reading it

author:Bright Net
The nurse's diary in the isolation area made people cry after reading it

Since the outbreak of the epidemic, this Spring Festival is destined to be different for all medical staff in the hospital than in previous years, including Liu Rong, a 38-year-old nurse in the isolation ward of the Infectious Disease Department of my central hospital. Liu Rong and her friends did not go home to prepare simple toiletries and luggage, so they obeyed Corey's arrangement to enter the quarantine area. As of 24:00 on January 31, Gansu has 6 new confirmed cases of pneumonia infected with novel coronavirus, and there are no new severe patients. Zhang Moumou, a patient with a new coronavirus infection confirmed in Jinchang, is currently receiving isolation treatment in the central hospital After the hospital concentrated experts and resources, the patient's cough symptoms have improved significantly, and the blood oxygen saturation tends to be stable and the condition is stable.

The nurse's diary in the isolation area made people cry after reading it

How have the healthcare staff and patients in isolation wards spent the first time since the outbreak began? The diary written by Liu Rong, a nurse in the isolation ward of the Infectious Disease Department of the Central Hospital, describes her days on the front line of epidemic prevention, full of emotion and energy.

The nurse's diary in the isolation area made people cry after reading it

Nurse Liu Rong, Department of Infectious Diseases, Jinchang Central Hospital

Liu Rong first wrote down her original intention of writing a diary when she entered the isolation area of the fever ward: "With the most authentic emotions, with the most simple language, to tell the days when we were isolated, not for performance, not for show off, for future memories... For the tears that flowed... For the hardships to pay. So a little bit of text was recorded. ”

The nurse's diary in the isolation area made people cry after reading it
The nurse's diary in the isolation area made people cry after reading it

The sixth day of our isolation: today I went to the morning shift, ate two eggs in the morning, did not dare to drink water, changed into protective clothing, went to work, came out at four o'clock in the afternoon, I would not pee, and there were bubbles in my mouth. My sister sent an artifact: pull-up pants. Finally tomorrow I can drink some water and go to work. Thinking about so many days of being separated from my family, I thought a lot, if I could... If you can... If...... But everything is only so important after it happens. For so many days, we have shouldered responsibilities and undertaken tasks, because we are angels, there are patients who need to restore health and family reunion more than we do, there are patients who are more hard than us but still give us encouragement, accompany us to lead, and we "fight" together in this war without smoke of gunfire, we have to work hard, we must strictly follow the instructions to do a good job of disinfection and isolation, take care of every patient, we must live up to the trust of the hospital, the patient understands us, and we want to be safely reunited with our families!

The nurse's diary in the isolation area made people cry after reading it

2020.1.30 Lunar New Year Saturday

In these days of isolation, I once again felt my family, my teachers, my relatives and friends and my colleagues' condolences to me, they did things that had never been done before, they wanted to see me again and again, but because of their work duties, they could only look at me from a distance, they never cooked, but for the first time they made me what I loved to eat, boiled ginger tea, and hoped that I would recover my health as soon as possible! Too much touching, too much thanks, made me cry! Thank you! It's nice to have you guys!

For dinner we ate delicious shredded potatoes, took a bath (the courtyard installed a large water heater for us), washed clothes (the courtyard installed a washing machine for us), had hot water to drink (the courtyard installed a water heater for us), we climbed to our bunks, three people on the bed, worked with each other, told each other about the state of today's work, such as me, put on goggles, like a tight hoop spell, headache, nose bridge pain, but must persist enough for ten hours, and I take the class Lu sister to count the most cattle in this team, next year he will retire, But she still fights with us on the front line, no less than working with us, compared to him I look very inferior, often need him to cheer me up, give me a solution, you are the best, my big sister, and you are very happy to work with you, and it is also happy to be scolded. In the dormitory we got, our elderly little sisters told the newly assigned little sisters how to work more rationally, and we sometimes giggled and shouted, and we entertained ourselves and completely forgot about the fatigue of work.

The happiest thing today is that tomorrow I can drink some water to work, I have an artifact, who am I afraid of, there are little sisters and little sisters with fire, you can come to me for the artifact!

Come on, beautiful angels, we will be safe, come on, my dear heroes who went to Wuhan to support, you are more beautiful than us! Pray for us!! We want peace! Edamame pen (edamame, that is, the nickname that Liu Rong's old classmates gave her)

The nurse's diary in the isolation area made people cry after reading it

We recorded the seven days of isolation: today I was the evening shift, took over at four o'clock in the afternoon, last night I did not sleep, and I had diarrhea, and I was uncomfortable to die.

Wake up in the morning to send away colleagues who went to work in the morning, and wait for the colleagues who work the night shift to return safely.

The nurse's diary in the isolation area made people cry after reading it

Friday, January 31, 2020, the seventh day of the new year

Ma Xiaojiao and I did not eat breakfast, I was afraid to go to the toilet, she was still sleepy-eyed, it seemed that she still wanted to sleep, but you got up, she went out, there was no way to sleep well, at this time I wanted to take a pill "escolam".

Every day we have to be nervous, no, is highly nervous, the epidemic is still spreading, we dare not relax, "Didi" work group came to the message again:" "After all the staff who entered the ward came out, wash first, eat thoroughly, including ears and eyes, nail slits, eat to eat, strictly according to the requirements to do a good job of disinfection in various areas, wait for diapers to come, wear diapers on the job." In order to save protective equipment, we have to extend the induction time, the sisters have worked hard, you four loveliest people", the working hours are extended, after the meal time is postponed, we must first wash and brush, our leaders did not use flowery language to praise and encourage us. But I want to say how we feel at this time: I want to cry, I feel sad, but I am a big sister, I can't always shed tears, it seems so fragile.

The nurse's diary in the isolation area made people cry after reading it

I'm not afraid of work, I'm afraid of isolation from my family, it's been a week, we miss our families, our children...

After reading the headlines, the epidemic has increased unabated, Gansu has added two new cases, I want to fight my spirits, when this battle is over, I want to accompany my sick mother and young children as soon as possible, they are the driving force for me to work hard; I want to tell my relatives and friends about my feelings, release my emotions... These are easy to get on weekdays, and now they have become so difficult ~ ~ I would like to say that it is the happiest to be with my relatives, so don't get bored.

Where is it uncomfortable, my usually seemingly "strong" body, now I have to take a pack of miracle drugs and anti-diarrhea pills orally, in order to complete tonight's work, I can't be dirty and pull a few, let the little sisters hate me, do not share the bed with me How to do?!

Finally, let's talk about our versatile beauty nurses, the head and body "SPA" made for me, Bashi very much!

Jinchang come on, we come on! Tonight is safe. Edamame pen (Edamame is Liu Rong's WeChat nickname)

The nurse's diary in the isolation area made people cry after reading it

Text/Photo Reporter Ke Yudong

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