
From "Little Devil Head" to "Old Soldier", listen to the 91-year-old man tell the story of the Beacon Age

author:Lightning News

This is an old backpack with grass green, there are holes and patches on it, but the 91-year-old Grandpa Li Shubian sews and mends, and he is always reluctant to throw it away...

From "Little Devil Head" to "Old Soldier", listen to the 91-year-old man tell the story of the Beacon Age
From "Little Devil Head" to "Old Soldier", listen to the 91-year-old man tell the story of the Beacon Age

Grandpa Li Shubian's bag has been available since he became a soldier in 1946, because it took too long, Grandpa Li made up for it himself.

There are some small books in the bag, which record some important information.

There are also many commemorative medals, including the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea, the Battle of Crossing the River, the Long Live Peace Medal, and the Battle of Huaihai. For Grandpa Li, each one is precious.

From "Little Devil Head" to "Old Soldier", listen to the 91-year-old man tell the story of the Beacon Age
From "Little Devil Head" to "Old Soldier", listen to the 91-year-old man tell the story of the Beacon Age

In 1946, Li Shubian, 16, joined the army at the age of 16 in Juxian County, and was approved to join the Communist Party of China the following year. At that time, he was young and small, and was assigned to the "little ghost class".

From "Little Devil Head" to "Old Soldier", listen to the 91-year-old man tell the story of the Beacon Age

Grandpa Li said that when he first arrived at the battlefield, he was very scared, and as soon as the bullet sounded, he would lie down, and the old soldier would comfort him not to be afraid, and slowly Grandpa Li was not afraid, and his courage grew.

At that time, Li Shubian, who was still the "little devil's head", followed the old soldiers, shuttled through the rain of bullets and bullets, and fought in many places, and the battles of all sizes he participated in were almost uncountable.

From "Little Devil Head" to "Old Soldier", listen to the 91-year-old man tell the story of the Beacon Age

Li Shubian of Mujiagou Village, Jushan Town, Juxian County, said: "Hao Pengju, who first fought, then drove 350 miles to Xintai Laiwu, then fought the Fourteenth Division, and later fought the Battle of Menglianggu, and after two seven days and seven nights, he attacked Gaomi and Zhucheng. ”

After the liberation of Shandong, he followed the large army south, fought all the way through the Yangtze River, and finally stationed in Fujian.

From "Little Devil Head" to "Old Soldier", listen to the 91-year-old man tell the story of the Beacon Age

The more difficult the environment, the more able to temper the will, the "little devil head" Li Shubian on the battlefield grew rapidly, and in the Battle of Huaihai, he also made a personal third-class merit. At that time, there was a wounded man on the battlefield, and no one else dared to rescue him, so Grandpa Li ventured to stand up and carried this comrade back in the rain of gunfire!

From "Little Devil Head" to "Old Soldier", listen to the 91-year-old man tell the story of the Beacon Age
From "Little Devil Head" to "Old Soldier", listen to the 91-year-old man tell the story of the Beacon Age

After the victory in the War of Liberation, Li Shubian took part in the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea. After three years of fighting in Korea, it was not until 1956 that Li Shubian was demobilized and returned home.

Ten years of military career, he has been a correspondent, artillery, can be in the gunfire and bullets rain and retreat, Grandpa Li is lucky, but the war is cruel after all, many times, life and death are actually in an instant.

From "Little Devil Head" to "Old Soldier", listen to the 91-year-old man tell the story of the Beacon Age
From "Little Devil Head" to "Old Soldier", listen to the 91-year-old man tell the story of the Beacon Age

Grandpa Li said that he was hit by a bullet when he was a correspondent, but it was blocked by documents, and two pieces of paper were penetrated;

When fighting with the enemy, when he hit the trenches, he was buried in the soil by the whole person, and the comrades-in-arms pulled him out when they saw something wrong;

At that time in North Korea, Grandpa Lee carried a cannonball to explore the terrain, next to the cliff, almost fell, fortunately the branches blocked...

When Grandpa Li had many thrilling moments, but he was lucky enough to dodge them.

From "Little Devil Head" to "Old Soldier", listen to the 91-year-old man tell the story of the Beacon Age
From "Little Devil Head" to "Old Soldier", listen to the 91-year-old man tell the story of the Beacon Age

Although nine deaths in his life were thrilling, Grandpa Li recalled his comrades who died in those years and felt that he could return to his hometown alive, which was already a great happiness.

Whenever he thought of those sacrificed comrades-in-arms, Grandpa Li always couldn't help but shed tears, and then fell into a long silence...

From "Little Devil Head" to "Old Soldier", listen to the 91-year-old man tell the story of the Beacon Age
From "Little Devil Head" to "Old Soldier", listen to the 91-year-old man tell the story of the Beacon Age

In 1956, the 26-year-old Li Shubian was demobilized and returned to his hometown, married and had children, and gave birth to labor.

He rarely talked about his experience on the battlefield, but as a Communist Party member, there was dirty work in the village, and he always silently rushed to the front.

From "Little Devil Head" to "Old Soldier", listen to the 91-year-old man tell the story of the Beacon Age
From "Little Devil Head" to "Old Soldier", listen to the 91-year-old man tell the story of the Beacon Age

When the farmer is idle, the younger generations of the family will always surround Grandpa Li and beg him to tell the story of that year...

At this moment, he is a respected elder, but also a hero of tall and mighty shores...

From "Little Devil Head" to "Old Soldier", listen to the 91-year-old man tell the story of the Beacon Age

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