
35 days of thrills in Tianjin

author:Blue eyebrows

It's a thrilling story, and it's something that Brother Z didn't dare to recall a long time ago.

Brother Z went to Tianjin with his girlfriend during the summer vacation of his freshman year.

Before going to Tianjin, Brother Z was full of yearning for Tianjin, where there was the sea, the Nankai University he admired, and the Feng Gong he liked, which was a big city, at least bigger than Wuhan.

Brother Z did not plan to go to Tianjin at the beginning, he planned to go directly to Jiaxing in the summer to reunite with his parents.

Going to Tianjin was the girlfriend's idea. Girlfriend Ah Wen has a good relationship with a high school classmate Dapeng, before the summer vacation asked Ah Wen if she wanted to do summer work, Ah Wen felt that it was a good thing and agreed. At first, Brother Z did not approve of Ah Wen running so far, and then could not withstand the persuasion of his girlfriend, so he let his girlfriend sign up for himself, at first the classmates did not agree with Brother Z in the past, saying that there were limited places there, saying that he would apply with his superiors again, so that Brother Z would wait until the next day. The next day, my classmates wrote to me saying that you should come together.

So on a sweltering night in June 2009, Brother Z and Ah Wen bought tickets to Tianjin.

Arriving in Tianjin was the next morning, after getting off the train, the greenhouse called and asked Brother Z and Ah Wen to take the car to Baodi. Two hours later, at the Tianjin Baodi Bus Station, Brother Z and Ah Wen met their high school classmates in the greenhouse, wearing slippers, black and thin. The greenhouse and his colleagues warmly took the luggage, said to go to the dormitory to rest first, so they used a tricycle to take Ah Wen and Brother Z into an alley.

The tricycle stopped at the entrance of a courtyard, the shed opened the door with the key, the luggage was picked up by the enthusiastic guys, Brother Z looked at the yard, only to see that the yard was full of fumes and someone was cooking. On three sides of the courtyard are rooms, the other side is the gate, the gate is locked, there is an iron net covering the dean, there are many familiar faces in the dean, Brother Z is very excited, these are all high school classmates.

In fact, Brother Z is not very familiar with these classmates, but he met his partner in the same window before meeting in a foreign country, and his heart was very excited.

After a while, the door opened, and a few strangers came in, warmly greeting Brother Z and Ah Wen.

While eating, Brother Z saw everyone sitting on the floor, two large basins, one filled with black rice and one full of black unnamed dishes.

Brother Z wanted to go with the customs, so he sat down to eat with everyone, and while eating, he thought that this part-time work day was really uncomfortable.

After eating, several classmates stayed behind to talk to Ah Wen and Brother Z, and someone asked Brother Z and Ah Wen if they wanted to charge the mobile phone. Ah Wen and Brother Z handed over their mobile phones and began to chat with everyone again.

After a while someone proposed to play cards, Brother Z played cards with everyone for a while and found that the time was more than three o'clock, and these students did not go to work, Brother Z said that the time was not early, let's go to the factory area to see it, one of the students said, don't worry, rest today, go tomorrow. Brother Z said yes.

Played cards until dark, there were strangers coming in one after another outside, Brother Z found that the time was not early, so he wanted to call his parents to report safety, but he couldn't find the phone, Brother Z asked his classmate where the mobile phone went, a classmate said that the mobile phone was charged in that room, Brother Z and Ah Wen said they wanted to take the phone to call, the classmate said that the room was locked, the person had not returned, and it might be very late to come back.

To Tianjin a day, has not called home to report safety, Z brother and Ah Wen feel inappropriate, so said to go out to make a public phone, when they want to open the door to go out found that the door was locked, Ah Wen shouted classmates to open the door, the classmates smiled and said that they had no key, Ah Wen doubted, Brother Z also felt wrong, righteous words said to go out to call, several classmates laughed and giggled on brother Z and Ah Wen's shoulder and said that Tianjin is too chaotic, this time it is not safe to go out again, it is recommended to go tomorrow. As he spoke, he dragged Brother Z toward the house.

Even a fool should know that there is a big problem inside, Brother Z feels that things are not good, a dizziness, but still pretend to be calm, Ah Wen took the lead in arguing with his classmates, saying that he must go out today, and cried excitedly as he spoke, Brother Z saw the pain and hugged Ah Wen and said don't worry, he will go out.


Things are always going to be a showdown.

These people are doing pyramid schemes, and this is one of their dens.

Brother Z looked at the big iron gate and the iron net above his head, and he thought that he would not be able to get out in this life.

Brother Z and Ah Wen stayed together without eating dinner, the classmates did not call them, and in the evening came a group of people one after another, there were men and women, they warmly greeted these two newcomers, chatted, but did not get a response, and it was not until the end that Brother Z and Ah Wen saw their leader ~ a tall man in a suit, everyone enthusiastically called him Li Zong.

Mr. Li came to see the two of them and said that he was doing a formal business, let them investigate well, don't be afraid, study hard, and finally do it all by themselves. Hearing Li Zong say this, Brother Z and Ah Wen breathed a sigh of relief.

At night, sleeping on the floor, someone moved a lot of quilts and sheets from another room and spread them directly on the floor, and everyone fell asleep side by side, men and women. Brother Z looked at the exaggerated scene, his heart was vaguely anxious, he couldn't get the mobile phone, he couldn't go out, and then he thought of the worry that his parents couldn't contact them, and Brother Z couldn't sleep in a hurry.

Brother Z didn't fall asleep that night, and he guessed that Ah Wen couldn't sleep either. While going to the toilet in the courtyard, Brother Z saw that the room with the mobile phone was still locked.

The next day, before six o'clock, someone began to wake up, and everyone got dressed very sharply and got up to get up and line up to wash up. Everyone shook hands and greeted each other with a good morning, and everyone was required to wear slippers, including Brother Z and Ah Wen.

The meal was the same as yesterday, everyone sat on the floor, there were special people serving dinner, someone played a song before the meal, everyone sang along with it, after singing, Li Zong, who was sitting in the main seat, spoke, first of all, he took the lead in applauding and welcoming the arrival of Brother Z and Ah Wen, and let Brother Z and Ah Wen introduce themselves.

After a night of mood swings, at this time Brother Z has sobered up and calmed down, he introduced himself very seriously, and Ah Wen seems to be still immersed in anger and nervousness, without saying a word, and finally under the hint of Brother Z, Ah Wen introduced himself with great dissatisfaction.

After the introduction, Mr. Li took the lead in applauding, and then said that our team is getting bigger and bigger, and there are more and more college students, there are Wuhan University, Mei Jie there is also Northwest University, HuanGe there is still a big people's congress, as well as pilots, doctors, professors, indicating that our industry is getting more and more people's recognition.

Brother Z listened to all this with a suspicious face.

After Mr. Li finished speaking, he ordered the meal to be served.

Brother Z found himself hungry, and when he picked up the bowl, he found out what kind of porridge it was, which was batter, with an inexplicable taste.

Brother Z can't manage so much, three times five divided by two to eat, after eating ready to come back to another bowl, found that everyone put the bowl underneath, so Brother Z was not embarrassed to put down the bowl chopsticks.

After eating and began to understand the industry, a small girl picked up chalk and drew on the blackboard, while painting while speaking, the girl said that after the reform and opening up, Deng introduced seven major industries, namely... Our industry is in the process of being tested by the state, so it is relatively secret to do...

To this day, Brother Z still remembers the content, because this set of content will appear repeatedly in the days to come.

After the speech, the girl asked Brother Z and Ah Wen how they felt, and the sleek Brother Z agreed with the content of the speech and said that he wanted to study hard. Ah Wen, who has a strong personality, is still listless.

After eating at noon, I still play cards until dark. Later, Brother Z learned that in addition to the class here is to play cards, the reason for playing cards is to completely occupy your time, do not want your brain to have the slightest space to think about things.

That night, the sleepy and tired Brother Z quickly fell asleep.

The next day, still repeating yesterday's road number, getting up early, saying hello, eating, listening to the class, listening to the class, some people went out, leaving only a few people to accompany Brother Z and Ah Wen to play cards, Brother Z felt that Ah Wen recovered some of her emotions. The content of the course is extremely confusing, true and false words and contents, people can not distinguish, Brother Z for a moment felt that what they said may be true.

In the evening, there are enthusiastic partners to help wash everyone's feet, after washing their feet, everyone continues to play cards, perform shows, magic, looks lively and lively, and loves like brothers.

When sleeping, Brother Z began to worry about his parents, thinking that his parents could not contact him for two or three days, Brother Z was overwhelmed, he decided to pretend to cooperate to find a way to gain the trust of the other party, and then see the opportunity to act.

For several days, Brother Z showed particularly proactive, and the clever Brother Z had memorized a whole set of contents and told it to others for the first time, and the others applauded while expressing shock after listening to it. Mr. Li is very happy, he may privately think that he has caught a big fish, there are talents like Brother Z, and the team will not develop and grow in the future.

After two days, several leaders came from outside, they met Brother Z alone in the room, they asked Brother Z to tell them a whole set of content, after listening to it, they asked Brother Z how he was investigating, Brother Z said that the business was very good, but he was lazy and wanted to study at school.

Several leaders were shocked while scolding Brother Z, believing that the team had not brainwashed Brother Z enough and should strengthen brainwashing.

At noon, there was an accident, a student-like child in the team, rushing out like a madman, banging his head against the iron door, being pulled away by others, Brother Z learned that this guy came a few days earlier than Brother Z, and he had a mental breakdown.

After a few strong men pulled the guy away, they punched and kicked, and the blood flowed from the guy's nose to the neck, which made Ah Wen scream in fright, and then Ah Wen was taken to the house by a woman.

The guy who broke down was locked up, didn't see him for two days, and couldn't stand when he saw him outside.

For Brother Z, the team developed a new method, Brother Z stayed here, and a few strange girls accompanied, while Brother Z was taken away and taken to other dens, and Brother Z and Ah Wen were managed separately.

Brother Z looks white and clean, Sven, with glasses, wearing a white shirt, a campus Prince Charming dress, the strange girls who come over all praise Brother Z for being handsome, Brother Z hates these girls very much, and he knows that this praise may also have other purposes.

These girls are inseparable from Brother Z, they will wash Brother Z's feet, they will make Brother Z happy, play cards with Brother Z, and their personality is the same as that of their relatives.

Brother Z knew they were about to use the Beauty Meter.

After not seeing Ah Wen for several days in a row, Brother Z was vaguely worried that she knew that with Ah Wen's strong personality, she would suffer losses.

One day, when everyone was sleeping on the floor at noon, Brother Z heard someone outside open the door, and he heard Ah Wen calling out to her. As soon as Brother Z came out, he saw a boy grab Ah Wen's arm and pull it out, pulling and saying that you promised me to look at it and leave.

Ah Wen screamed that you hurt me, after saying that you were going to push the man, the other party was ashamed and angry and directly threw Ah Wen to the ground, Brother Z flew over with an arrow to help Ah Wen up, Ah Wen scolded each other, at this time two boys came from the house, one directly pulled Ah Wen, the other raised his hand to give Ah Wen a slap, Brother Z saw the situation and directly swung his fist over, all of a sudden everyone in the room came out, some people held up stools, some people held iron rods, walked towards Brother Z, Ah Wen shouted to break free and block in front of Brother Z. At this time, a leader-like person came out and stopped everything.

Ah Wen saw that the crowd stopped and squatted on the ground and cried bitterly. Brother Z looked at half of Ah Wen's swollen face and hugged Ah Wen to shed tears together.

Brother Z wiped his tears and secretly said, I will take you out.

The next day, Brother Z had a showdown with the biggest leader inside, Brother Z said what you want, I asked the family to call money over, you let us go.

The leader-like person said, either you quit school and work with us, or you take out 69999 yuan and pull 8 people, otherwise you will never want to go out and stay here until you die.

The leader said they had ten thousand ways to deal with Brother Z.

Brother Z knew that it was not easy to go out.

The other party thinks that the brainwashing of Brother Z is not thorough enough, one day took Brother Z to another big den, listening to lectures, the big den is like a classroom, there are many people, but the doors and windows are all sealed, everyone sits below to listen, learn to sing their songs, there are a few strong men at the door, and there are several women and men in suits on the stage who take turns in class.

After class, Brother Z was taken back. After going back, Brother Z saw that there were several new students in the den, sitting on the ground playing cards, just like when he first came.

For the next few days, there were new people coming in, and every day the ghosts of the new people who were beaten cried wolf.

Brother Z thought that his parents had not been able to contact him for nearly twenty days, and he thought of a way, he found one of the small leaders and said that he had to contact his parents, but he would not say more, the whole process was watched by them, otherwise his parents did not know whether they were dead or alive, and he could not stay here to study.

The little boss agreed after asking the big boss above, Brother Z got the mobile phone, saw that the mobile phone has more than a thousand missed calls, there are family members, friends and classmates, there are teachers, and high school teachers, Brother Z knows that he has been missing for more than twenty days, and everyone is looking for him.

Brother Z called his father, his father asked where you were, Brother Z said well, earn money outside, father asked when to come back, Brother Z said to earn money to go back, don't worry. Father asks if there is anyone next to you, and Brother Z says hmm. The father said he knew, so he asked Brother Z to pay attention to safety and hung up.

Brother Z hung up the phone and began to cry, he heard his mother's anxious cries on the other end of the phone, but he was also relieved, at least he let his father know that he was safe.

After a few days, the classmate came back to tell him that Ah Wen had agreed to withdraw from school, and asked Brother Z what he meant, and the classmate laughed while talking, saying that Ah Wen had a good relationship with a man over there. Brother Z knows that they are going to stage a divisive plan, it is not easy to get two people at the same time, since it is impossible to get it, then divergence, at the same time, Brother Z also knows that with Ah Wen's strong and fierce personality, it is impossible to be brainwashed.

After a few days, Brother Z was taken to another den, which was a large courtyard with a high wall, but no Skynet cover. At this den, he saw Ah Wen, and they looked at each other without speaking, but from Ah Wen's eyes, Brother Z felt Ah Wen's worry, and they still retained a surprising tacit understanding.

When I don't go to class, I still play cards, like a family, there are three boys next to Ah Wen, and three girls next to Brother Z watching, and they can't get close to each other.

On this day, another newcomer was punched and kicked and had a mental breakdown because he did not listen to the lecture well.

Brother Z understood that there was only one way to get out, that is, to escape, and from this day on, Brother Z began to plan his own escape path.

In the gap between preparing to play cards after a meal, Brother Z quickly came to Ah Wen and bowed his head and said, You wait for me, I will escape, and then come back to save you. Ah Wen was shocked and said that if he was caught back, it would be a dead end, Brother Z put a deck of cards in Ah Wen's hand and said, tell me your father's phone, with the number on the card, Ah Wen understood the meaning and quickly put out 139..., Brother Z quickly wrote down the number, put away the card and pretended to be ready to play cards, and then Ah Wen took a folding small scissors from the keychain and handed it to Brother Z, Brother Z put the scissors in his pocket, he knew ah Wen's meaning.

After that day, Brother Z would pretend to go to the toilet many times a day, he observed the movement in the house, while surveying the terrain of the yard, he looked at the courtyard wall is about three meters high, the toilet is built against the wall, about two meters, and Brother Z's own height net worth is 176, if it takes about five seconds to get from the house to the toilet, if there is something to pad, it takes four seconds to climb to the toilet, and then climb from the toilet to the courtyard wall, it takes about three seconds, which means that as long as he is given more than ten seconds, he can escape, he calculates, A cold sweat flowed from one side.

That night, Brother Z was very gracious and said that he wanted to wash everyone's feet, and after washing everyone's feet, he deliberately put the chair on a corner of the courtyard corridor.

The next day, Brother Z was inactive, and he was still observing the daily characteristics of the men.

At noon on the third day, everyone was asleep on the floor, and Brother Z wanted to carry out the plan, but he knew that someone must be pretending to be asleep, and if he escaped at this time, he would be caught on the spot. So he pretended to go to the toilet, testing the enemy, and sure enough, as soon as he went out, someone followed him, and he went back to sleep after going to the toilet.

Less than half an hour, the time to get up came, everyone went to the toilet one by one, Brother Z deliberately went last, this time everyone else went in, sitting on the ground confused, Brother Z knew that it was almost the last bait, and sure enough, he just went into the toilet and pretended to undress, there was a person who came out to see, that person saw that Brother Z was indeed in the toilet so he yawned and went in.

Here's your chance. Brother Z watched him go in, immediately took the chair he had put last night under the toilet, quickly climbed to the roof of the toilet, and quickly climbed from the toilet roof to the wall, and then quickly jumped down.

A dog was sleeping outside the wall, and the moment he jumped down startled the dog, and then the dog began to bark.

Brother Z thought badly, quickly ran, there was an alley in front of him, Brother Z thought that usually they took Brother Z out to the left, he expected that if those people chased him, they must also chase to the left, so Brother Z quickly ran to the right, ran for a while, Brother Z turned around and did not find anyone chasing him.

Brother Z was wearing slippers when he ran, he took off the slippers and threw them into the trash can, but then he felt that it was not right, afraid that those people would identify their escape route through the slippers if they chased them, so he threw the slippers outside the wall with all his strength. Then use the greatest strength in your life to continue running.

I don't know how long I ran barefoot, Brother Z felt tired and quickly fainted, saw the front to the city, there was a construction bank on the side, he wanted to go to the bank to hide, but he was afraid that those people were buried nearby, at this time he never dared to go to the bus station, he expected those people to set up an ambush at the train station.

So he quickly stopped a taxi and said he was going to the public security bureau, and he deliberately emphasized that it was the public security bureau and not the police station.

When I arrived at the Public Security Bureau, a policeman found slippers for Brother Z, poured him a glass of water, and made a record for him, and Brother Z said that my girlfriend was still trapped inside and could not delay, otherwise they would transfer the den.

Then Brother Z used the police's mobile phone to call his girlfriend's parents, and when he called, her father had collapsed in bed, and her mother had gone to Wuhan to look for her.

Finally, with the help of the police, the den was eradicated, and when the police arrived, they were packing up their things to prepare for transfer, they were intercepted at the door, several leaders were arrested, all four dens were beaten, and 23 trapped people were rescued. One of them had been trapped for up to 4 years and 7 months, and the person had been in a trance.

The girlfriend came out, and Brother Z got his luggage.

In the evening, the girlfriend's brother came from Beijing, they were reunited, and the next day Brother Z's father and uncles came from Jiaxing, and when they saw Brother Z, the old tears flowed.

When he returned home, Brother Z's mother was in a trance, unable to cry or laugh, and with a very weak force, she kept folding her hands and thanking the bodhisattva for sending her son back. Brother Z saw the ashtray on the table, full of a large plate, full of cigarette butts, and Brother Z knew that it was the number of nights that his father had been anxiously smoking.

The next day, several newspapers in Tianjin called to do an interview, but Brother Z refused.

After Brother Z returned home, there were more than 3,000 missed calls and text messages on the mobile phone, and there were thousands of unread messages on qq.

And since then, Brother Z began a nightmare that lasted for three years, and every time he dreamed, he was caught back, especially in the first month of coming home, every night he dreamed of being caught, he shouted in the dream, his mother woke him up, he looked at everything in the house, and after half a day he found that it was not the courtyard in Tianjin.

And Ah Wen is the same, in addition to having nightmares every day, Ah Wen is also afraid to go to claustrophobic and blocked places, and every time there are many people, she is anxious to shout.

Later, Ah Wen told him that he had just flipped out and was soon discovered, and a room full of men put on their shoes and began to chase. Brother Z felt so dangerous that he was glad he ran to the right.

Over the years, Brother Z is no longer nervous, and he can tell the story like a joke.

It's just a pity that two people who have obviously experienced life and death together broke up a year later.

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