
How much can you get into English jokes?

author:Foreign languages are not difficult to learn

Straight to the subject~

(Translation is only used as an aid, and laughter is not guaranteed)

How much can you get into English jokes?

my shelf my bookshelf

1. Constipation

Have you heard a movie called “constipation”?


It hasn’t come out yet!

Have you ever seen a movie called "Constipation"?


Because it can't come out yet.

2.Mint for feet

What do you call mints for your feet?


What is the name of the mint for the foot?

Mint toes

Tic-tac : Mint brand

Tic-tac-toe: Tic-tac-toe

Toe: Toes

How much can you get into English jokes?

3. Black baby

A Chinese couple gave birth to a baby, but the baby is black. How would the couple name the baby?

Total Ting Wong - Wikipedia

When a Chinese couple gives birth to a black baby, how will they name him?

Sum Ting Wong

Something wrong

4.Fish with no eyes

what do you call a fish with no eyes?


What is the name of a fish without eyes?

Fsh (remove i)

5.Butt talks

What did the one butt cheek say to the other?

Together we can stop the sh-t!

What does one side of the ass say to the other?

Together we can stop all difficulties!

shit: Difficult/shi

6.a scarf (a scarf)

Yesterday I wore something from 5 years ago and it actually fit!

it‘s a scarf, but let’s be positive!

Yesterday I wore something from 5 years ago and it fits so well!

It's a silk scarf, positive!

7. Hard and dry

What goes in hard and dry but comes out soft and wet?


What is hard and dry when it goes in and soft and wet when it comes out?

chewing gum.

8.Vietnamese girl swear word

What’s the Vietnamese girls’ favorite swear word?

What the ‘pho’!

What is the favorite profanity of Vietnamese girls?

PHO is a Vietnamese food, consonant: fxxk

How much can you get into English jokes?

Pho Vietnamese pho

9.steak for cat

How do cats like their steak?


How ripe are the cats that like their steaks?


rare: Raw

Harmonic: Cat call.

10.hesitated bees

What do you call a bee that can’t make up their mind?

May-bee (maybe)

What is the name of a bee that has been unable to make up its mind?

Probably bees.

Harmonic: maybe

11.Nation of your wife )

Which nation is your future wife from?


Which country is your future wife?

Imagine the country.

imagination contains nation

12.Milk bee? (Milk wasps?) )

What kind of bees produce milk?


What bees produce milk?

Breast milk.

boobies: Breasts commonly known

13. Joke about paper

Do you want a joke about paper?

Never mind, it’s tearable (terrible)

Are you going to listen to a paper joke?

Forget it, it's too bad (fragile).

terrible: Oops

tearable: fragile (harmonic)

14.goldfish (goldfish)

Two goldfish in a tank, they say: why is this thing so hard to drive?

Two goldfish in the fish tank, they said: Why is this thing so hard to open?

Tanks: fish tanks, tanks

How much can you get into English jokes?

Tank tanks

15.brown and sticky

What’s brown and sticky?

Steak. (Stick)

What is brown and slimy?


sticky: Slimy

Harmonic: steaky (steak-like)

16. Mexican lost car

How do you call a Mexican who lost his car?

Carlos! (Car loss)

How do you call a Mexican who lost his car?


Carlos: South American name

Consonant: car loss

17. Dentist time (see a dentist)

What time did the man go to dentist?

2:30 ( tooth hurty)

When do men go to the dentist?

2:30 a.m.

Tooth hurty: Toothache

When you have a toothache, you will read it as "2:30".

18. French frog (French frog)

What does French frog eat?

French flies.

What do French frogs eat?

French flies.

French flies: French flies

Harmonic: French fries. (Fries)

How much can you get into English jokes?

French Fries