
Impression of oil city - reminiscing about the lost water years

author:To let go is to be at ease

Impressions of Oil City

--- reminisce about the years of the lost water

It has been nearly 20 years since I left oil city, and at first I can still come back often, and then I am gradually drifting away, becoming strangers, and there are only a few old people who can be contacted. Some time ago, I had the opportunity to return to the oil city, take a quick glance, and sigh that the years have created people, and things are not people.

Oil city is derived from oil, the economy is more developed, the financial surplus is rich, in the greening, transportation, municipal construction can be a large distance away from the surrounding cities and counties, far from the modern atmosphere.

I still remember that when I graduated from college, my ambition was to go to Oil City, and when I first came, there was a light rain, the city was quiet, tidy and orderly, and the surrounding counties and cities were withered and chaotic due to economic backwardness, so the initial impression of Oil City was very good.

In recent years, a tourist road has quickly become popular and has become a place for Internet celebrities to punch cards, and the starting point of this highway is Oil City, and the new area it must pass through is particularly prosperous. And the back corner of the back alley, especially near the old factory area, pedestrians are still sparse, a lonely appearance, which has not changed much over the years, but even this secluded place still retains the usual neat urban style. In the years of work here, I have walked this road countless times, leaving my own little bits and pieces of mental journey.

The dormitories of young employees are located at the intersection of the street in front of the factory, where graduates from universities and colleges from all over the world gather, most of them with ambitions to achieve something. The street paving in front of the dormitory, restaurants, game halls, shops, newsstands, and video halls are bustling with activity. There is a reading room and a TV room in the dormitory. Every night, a large group of people crowded in the TV room watching various ball games, and from time to time there was a loud laughter. A small number of young workers who are uneasy about the status quo and enthusiastic about learning are holding books in the reading room to concentrate on studying diligently, thinking that I was also one of them. These many years have passed, colleagues who have worked together have gone their separate ways, gradually drifting away, Xiaodong, who is still in contact, Chen, a classmate who has occasionally contacted, Han, Wang, Mo, Meng ,..., who have not been in contact with han, Wang, Mo, Meng ,..., and more colleagues who can no longer remember their names, and a certain girl who is secretly in love, how is it now? Are you okay?

Passing by the dormitory, where you have lived for eight years, you can faintly identify the room where you once lived. Now, just over a decade, the dormitory is also the same as the regional characteristics, revolving doors, iron railings are the way, and can no longer go back to the original undefended mentality. When I first joined the company, it was the first great development of the oil city refining, the dormitory row was full, each dormitory was 2-3 beds, which could accommodate 4-6 people, and there was a long table in the middle of the bed, idle, several people gathered, fried gold flowers, fighting landlords, yelling five drinks and six. In just a few years of effort, the dormitory young workers have successively become families, moved out of the dormitory, the dormitory is becoming increasingly deserted, I became a family late, sometimes the dormitory sits alone at night, looking at the room lights of the opposite dormitory, which are sparse and fallen like the morning star, and the heart is a little lonely, and a kind of loneliness and loneliness arise spontaneously.

To tell the truth, the work in the oil city in those years was quite unsatisfactory, and it was bitter to recall. However, after working for several years after leaving, there was a period of time when I often dreamed of returning to oil city, dreaming of returning to the dormitory, why? Later, I thought, if nothing else, after all, I spent the best youth in my life here. In fact, whose youth is not unforgettable? Now the green onion years are gone!

The nature of my work is a shift system, about seven or eight hundred meters from the dormitory is a refining canteen. Dormitory-canteen-unit, three-point and one-line monotonous life throughout those years. A canteen, which was originally open and quite grand, is now fenced and looks cramped. I remember that when single employees were becoming scarcer, the canteen also engaged in a variety of operations, and operated a small hot pot at night. One day I asked Gao for a small hot pot, because I can't serve, put out the fire several times, thought there was no alcohol, after asking for alcohol a few times, the canteen guy was impatient, and then he said with a black face that there was no, and then he understood that it was the soup of the small hot pot that extinguished the fire. Although the small hot pot was not enjoyable, however, in the canteen, I watched an impressive Hong Kong video film "Ghost of Qiannu".

About a kilometer east from a canteen is the Oil Workers' Club, a building with a long history in the oil city, where large events such as the staff congress are held, and have now been transformed into a local history museum (?) )。 I still remember that at the end of a certain year, the unit held a conference, a certain leader from stimulating the sense of crisis of the staff, stimulating the enthusiasm of the staff, vowing that the oil city will soon be connected to the main power grid, if we power plant people do not work hard, the cost of electricity sent out is high, the refinery will not use our electricity, but use the electricity on the Internet, the power plant people will be unemployed. When I heard this, I instinctively rejected the power grid, as if they were going to rob us of our jobs. At that time, I would not have thought that I would work in a grid company in a few years. Now that I think about it, it's a bit funny, maybe it's the leader's trick of control. Remember a trade union leader at the meeting, passionately said, pull coal trucks to unload coal to the coal yard, in fact, can not be unloaded clean, if our power plant people carry forward the spirit of ownership, with a broom sweep, a car will always sweep out two pounds of coal, a day more than a hundred cars can sweep out more than 200 pounds, a month can sweep out XX pounds, a year can sweep out XX pounds ... And all that. Hearing this, I didn't think much about it, I just felt that the leader loved the factory like home, and this realm was not comparable to our low-level minions.

Speaking of the mantra of "little minions", I also learned it from a colleague in the original unit. In the past few years of working in Oil City, looking at the leaders who are morally upright and not angry and arrogant, they will be inexplicably afraid in their hearts, and they will always be respectful and respectful when they see the leaders. And when the leaders at the top see their "obscene" self, they may also have a sense of superiority in their hearts. Every time the unit meets, I am afraid that the leader will criticize him by name, but the leader is very polite to the senior employees. At that time, I was very envious of these old employees, and I thought when I would be able to reach the seniority of old employees. Now that you have mixed up your qualifications, the leaders of the unit are also polite, and the little brothers sometimes say that they envy you the most. Now I would like to say that I envy the youth and vitality of the little brothers. Now I, three or five words must be called "little minions", "leaders", "chair", so the little brothers of the unit must also be called "little minions", which is also the few marks that have been left on me in the years of oil city life.

Although I have only been in the Oil City Power Plant for eight years, according to my past experience, my qualifications are not shallow. He interned at a diesel power station (then called an "old power station"), worked at a power plant in one, and worked at a second power plant. At that time, the old power station was out of operation, only as a backup power supply, and the young people who are now working in the oil city are not very lucky, and what was very impressive at that time was a warm national uncle and a very handsome little sister. A power plant has several turbine generators of only a few thousand kilowatts, and it is estimated that it has now completed its historical mission. The second power plant is a power plant with an installed capacity of about 100,000 kilowatts, which now seems to be nothing more than worth mentioning. After taking a sullen blow at one power plant and shoveling coal for three years at the second power plant, those years were indeed a poignant journey that could not be looked back, and I felt a little depressed and autistic. For many years, he carefully cared for his scars, unwilling to associate with people, for fear that others would accidentally sprinkle salt on his scars. However, during my graduate school years, although I was giggling on the surface, I was extremely sensitive inside and very taboo to talk to others about my past. Once, after a high-level graduate student surnamed Yang went to Oil City, he met me, and a classmate surnamed Yang said to me with a disdainful face: "It turns out that you are not in Oil City!" ...", I was washing clothes in the bathroom at the time, and when I heard this, I was like a lightning strike, like a wooden chicken, silent for a long time, and turned to avoid. How did a classmate surnamed Yang know? Don't think about it, maybe when the wine is hot, a former colleague is half joking and half serious and says: "Oh, is he?" I was swept out of the house." Yu Jie's mentality did not gradually adjust to normal until he left oil city and changed jobs for several years. But now I am finally relieved, "let go is at ease", and will take the initiative to talk to others about their past: "Yes, I shoveled coal for a few years and brushed the toilet." ”

A person who has been in a place for a long time will form a mindset. After coming to the provincial capital city, I was also quite uncomfortable for a few years. The oil city is neat and quiet, compared with the provincial capital city is chaotic. In addition to environmental factors, working in the oil city and working in the factory feels like a serious job, able to produce visible products, even if it is invisible and untouchable electricity, it also has the attributes of a commodity. When the graduate student graduated to the current unit internship, when the training teacher of the unit management department said that the product of our unit was the technical report, I was inexplicably surprised, very unacceptable, I felt that the test can be regarded as a serious job? Later, there were more units to go to, although the work is technical service nature, but because the technical content is relatively high, it is still respected by customers, and the self-satisfaction of the profession is much higher than in the past. Over the years, I have been to many units, and the most bad working atmosphere is the thermal power plant. Similar plant structure, familiar machine roar, once you enter the factory building, the whole person feels bad. Perhaps part of the reason is that the bleak life experience left by the power plant at that time has formed a conditioned reflex. Working in the power plant for many years, I have heard and witnessed many personal injuries and fatalities, a harsh working environment, ordinary employees who work hard and complain, leaders with a domineering style, and the low-level employees of the power plant have dedicated their youth, contributed sweat, dedicated health, and even dedicated their lives, however, what they got was a hundred and one. Sometimes I also lament that sentient beings in the underworld must be being manipulated by the hand of fate. When I first worked, I was proud and proud, with the ambition of "not falling into the clouds", however, the cruel reality destroyed the ideals one by one, so I later set my life goal on the last normal class, even if it was a little bitter. However, even this small goal could not be achieved, so fate pushed the willpower not to accept defeat, so that I came step by step to this day, and the time was also fate.

When I left in 2002, the oil industry had a period of low tide, but soon, the oil city ushered in a second major development, known as "ten million tons of refining million tons of ethylene", of course, there are relatively large-scale power stations in the supporting. I was also involved in a small number of operations as a technical service personnel and technical supervisors. It can be felt that the "great development" has stimulated the heartfelt pride of the people of the oil city, but there are also a small number of salesmen who have arrogance and self-esteem. For example, a special person in charge of contacting to do a special experiment, but in a communication but played the prestige of Party A, and then we withdrew from this business, they later learned that this business is not any unit can carry out. Another time, someone confidently asked me, how many power stations can be installed in the whole of Xinjiang? I know that in the past, Xinjiang's economy was indeed very backward, and when the second power plant was first established, the installed capacity could be ranked in the whole of Xinjiang, however, in the past few years, other places have also changed with each passing day, and even if the first and second power plants are added, they have long been wiped out. As early as 2012, I was responsible for the high-pressure test of the country's largest single-unit capacity 1100MW steam turbine generator installed in the province.

Oil City with a stable and rich life, a good living environment is attractive enough. However, it is undeniable that the shortcomings of life in oil city are also obvious, that is, the region is too closed to experience the colorfulness of the external world. When I worked in Oil City, I only had two tolerances. One was to visit and study in MaDian, and the result was also ignored by others; the other was in the Wusu Hot Spring Recuperation, which was actually a big night shift and a rest for two or three days in between. I still remember that recuperation, but I didn't know where It was for many years. Until this time back to the oil city, my friend drove me to this place again, and we know that the name here is "waiting for the monk". Today, I have also been to most parts of the country, and sometimes I also sigh that the world is big, there are no wonders, and everything in the world is really small and insignificant.

In the past few years of working in the unit, I have also had some dealings with the original unit people. There are a few things that are quite impressive, once in about 2013, the unit held a job vocational forensics training class, and as a training teacher, I accidentally met a number of former colleagues of the power plant who came to participate in the training, chatted between classes, and asked: "How many years have you worked in the power plant?" Answer: "Eight years", and asked: "How many years have you been in XXX (current unit)?" Answer: "Oh, eight years, yes, eight years too." Another time, at noon, the office lunch break, turned his head, saw a driver of the original unit passing by, greeted the original coal sample to test, he then said, "X factory director (former factory director, retired) also came to Urumqi, in my car." I clearly remember that when I went through the resignation formalities that year and finally asked the factory director to sign, he stood up and said a meaningful sentence: "Boy, go all the way!" ”。 To this day, I am a little sorry that maybe I still have mustard, and when the factory director came, I did not go to greet him and did not greet him in person. If I had the chance, I would say to him, "Director, thank you!" "Looking back on the past, although the road of life has been faltering and stumbling, but think about it, suffering may be a hurdle in life, step over, life will have a different hole.