
How to do lean fitness muscle gain? 5 tips to stay away from being thin and make your body stronger

author:Vest line fitness number

With the improvement of living standards, people's diets are becoming more and more abundant, coupled with poor eating habits and work and rest habits, resulting in an increase in obese people, and more and more people who lose weight. It is said that fat people have many troubles, because weight loss is particularly difficult, but thin people also have troubles, because muscle gain is very difficult, especially for men, if the figure is too thin, then it will lose its own charm, at the same time, it will also hit self-confidence and reduce the quality of life.

Some people are easy to fat physique, eat something will be fat, and some people are easy to thin physique, how to eat is not fat, easy to thin physique is particularly popular with girls, but the male figure is still relatively strong as well.

How to do lean fitness muscle gain? 5 tips to stay away from being thin and make your body stronger

Although fat people have troubles and envy thin people, thin people also have troubles, and if they are too thin, their overall figure is not good. So what if a thin person wants to gain muscle? Today to bring you the advice of how to increase the muscle of thin people, let's take a look at it!

1, to become confident, do not feel that it is too difficult to gain muscle

Many particularly thin people are very inferior, because they are too thin, so they become unconfident. Therefore, in the process of muscle gain, I feel that my body cannot become stronger, and I have not even started fitness because I feel that I can't do it.

Thin people want to gain muscle, they must be confident, work hard to exercise, persevere, and believe that they will be able to make their bodies stronger. Only with sufficient confidence can we make anything easier and more effective.

How to do lean fitness muscle gain? 5 tips to stay away from being thin and make your body stronger

2. Insist on hard work

Some people think that this is nonsense, muscle gain may insist on hard workouts, but hard workouts are very important, so this must be said. Because of the hard workout, insisting on fitness is not an easy task, not only to pay time, but also to pay sweat, and for thin people, the process of muscle gain will be very difficult.

No matter how difficult it is, as long as you stick to it and work hard, you will definitely be successful!

How to do lean fitness muscle gain? 5 tips to stay away from being thin and make your body stronger

3. Make a fitness plan and do more strength training to gain muscle

In the gym we can often see, whether fat or thin, most people go to the gym to practice on the treadmill, and in the strength area rarely see fat and thin, often are better muscular men. Thin people should pay special attention during muscle gain, be sure to make a fitness plan, and reduce aerobic exercise (running is aerobic exercise), because aerobic exercise will lead to serious muscle loss, and you may be thinner while running.

For thin people, strength training is the most important, do more squats, hard pulls, bench presses, pull-ups and other compound actions, and constantly increase weight and strength, in order to promote muscle gain efficiency.

How to do lean fitness muscle gain? 5 tips to stay away from being thin and make your body stronger

4. Eat less and eat more meals

Lean muscle gain pays special attention not only to exercise, but also to diet. Thin people should eat more, and eat more healthy foods during muscle gain, and consume more protein to facilitate muscle growth. Many thin people are because of gastrointestinal problems, or their digestion ability is relatively strong, and what they eat is not completely absorbed by the body and is excreted. Therefore, it is recommended that thin people eat fewer meals and reasonably match nutrition when gaining muscle, in order to promote muscle gain efficiency.

How to do lean fitness muscle gain? 5 tips to stay away from being thin and make your body stronger

5. Get enough sleep

Many people have the habit of staying up late, whether fat or thin, staying up late will lead to muscle gain or fat loss. Because staying up late will lead to disorders in hormone secretion in the body, reducing the efficiency of muscle gain and fat loss. Therefore, if thin people want better muscle gain, it is very important to maintain adequate sleep. Falling asleep before 11 o'clock every night and ensuring more than 8 hours of sleep a day will be good for muscle gain.

How to do lean fitness muscle gain? 5 tips to stay away from being thin and make your body stronger