
Novel: The Hidden Slayer Fleet escorts the huge Deep Blue and once again embarks on the vast star path of the expedition

author:Star Science Fiction
Novel: The Hidden Slayer Fleet escorts the huge Deep Blue and once again embarks on the vast star path of the expedition

"This, our human civilization does not pay attention to the title, as long as you feel happy, you can call it whatever you want."

"Well, I'll call you big brother, I know it's more affectionate in your human civilization." The future patriarch touched his long ears and said softly.

"Big Brother! , little patriarch, well, just big brother. Hu Yu did not want to go on in the entanglement, and then tangled and estimated that the other party was likely to call the father, grandfather and the like, multiple little brothers is also a good thing, especially the civilization behind this little brother is still a fierce role that was once called the galaxy.

"Big Brother." The little rabbit actually became familiar with himself, identified the eldest brother, and immediately became closer, he jumped on Hu Yu's shoulder and touched Hu Yu's helmet curiously.

"Yan Xue, you must not be rude to the general, and you must not come down quickly." The old patriarch shouted.

"No problem, the little patriarch is lively and active, and he will become a great instrument in the future, and he will definitely be able to lead the Snow Clan back to the peak in the future."

"This child is completely different from other tribesmen, and in him I seem to see the shadow of the clansmen of the glorious times, and they are also like this child, who have all kinds of strange problems every day."

"Patriarch, this is a good thing, don't tie up the nature of the child, our human intelligence is not as good as your snow tribe, so the child attaches great importance to the cultivation of this nature, and expects them to change the future of the population."

"Big brother, stay a few more days in snow."

"No, little patriarch, we have important things, and the fleet cannot stay here." There was no problem with the fleet staying for a few more days, but Hu Yu still felt that although the old patriarch said that he fully trusted himself, he actually did not completely eliminate the gap, which Hu Yu could understand, after all, his own ideas were the same as those of the Snow Patriarch, if the two civilizations could establish trust with only a few words, it was almost impossible, and leaving as soon as possible at this time would increase mutual trust.

The Snow Clan is an investable potential stock, the use of the future may be a powerful help for human beings, the defense mechanism in the heart of the old patriarch has not been revoked, but this small patriarch seems to be extra close to Hu Yu, and just a few words also make Hu Yu very recognized this future patriarch brother.

"Big brother, we are going to separate when we first meet, and it will be difficult to see you in the future." The little patriarch said somewhat reluctantly.

"We will definitely meet again, lead the Snow Clan to become stronger, don't drag the big brother's hind legs, by the way, since you became your big brother, I will also give you a gift."

Hu Yu did not say the technology that the four-dimensional channel technology can communicate at a distance, first, this technology is the result of countless days and nights of hard work by the fleet scientists, and he has no power to hand it over to another civilization to use, and secondly, considering that this small patriarch is too close to himself, it is inevitable that the old patriarch will doubt whether human beings will steal the snow tribe technology through the small patriarch, think twice, or keep it secret.

An engineering ship departed from the third planet, sailed to the second planet at 200 times the speed of light, and reached the orbit of the second planet a few minutes later, and a brand new J-90 fighter flew out of the engineering ship and came directly to Hu Yu's landing ship, and like the landing ship, the J-90 was firmly parked on the distant lake.

"Little patriarch, this fighter is our product more than two hundred years ago, the J-90, although she is very backward, no curvature navigation ability, no powerful weapons, nor thick armor, but it is by relying on the sacrifice of one J-90 after another, we were able to escape from the mouth of the zerg tribe, and then in the first battle with the Sand Python civilization, these J-90s were all destroyed, they were destroyed on the battlefield, and they did not bury the reputation as a fighter, and now our fleet has only preserved two, they are witnesses of history, Now I give you this one, I hope you can be like her, do not bury the reputation of the Snow Clan. ”

"Big brother, you can rest assured, I will definitely lead the Snow Clan to become stronger, and then I will go to you again." The little rabbit said, and there was a splash in his eyes, which was very similar to that of humans.

"I believe you, well, goodbye, it's time for us to go, old patriarch, take care!"

"General take care."

"Big brother, I'll definitely come to you."

Hu Yu turned and walked into the landing ship, and the landing ship took off in the air and ran towards the third planet, and the vast fleet of stealth killers escorted the huge Deep Blue and once again embarked on the vast star path of the expedition.

Snow Star is just a small episode, the big unified model is very precious, but it is also true as the Snow Patriarch said, in less than a hundred or two hundred years, the fleet can also overcome related issues, and now it is a good thing to grasp it in advance, the fleet can design a new defense mode during the voyage, especially anti-gravitational defense, if combined with the force field curved space, the defense of the Stealth Killer and the Deep Blue can be increased several times, even if the star explodes next to it, it is confident that the fleet will be intact.

At a speed of a hundred times the speed of light, the fleet skimmed over the stars, looking for the most suitable planet for transformation, as soon as possible to let the fleet people have a real home, in order to be transformed into a planet suitable for human habitation within a hundred years, the target planet the fleet must have an atmosphere, regardless of whether this atmosphere is suitable for human breathing, the most important thing is that the atmosphere can keep the planet's temperature from changing dramatically, and secondly, the planet needs to have a melted iron-nickel core to generate a magnetic field to protect against harmful rays from the universe at all times. Finally, the planets have to have a gravitational level similar to Earth's.

Other conditions can be completed in a short period of time by technical means. With these three conditions, the fleet can transform the planet into a new Earth, and humans can really live on the ground and enjoy the sunlight from the stars, rather than staying in a sealed base, like scratching the itch of a boot.

It doesn't matter if it's not in the right place, the fleet can pry space to propel the planet to the right position, without water, the fleet can make water, it can also carry the water from other planets, no food or animals and plants is even simpler, as long as there is energy, there is all this.

The fleet traveled into a huge space two thousand light-years long and one hundred light-years in diameter, and examined thousands of rocky planets, either gravity inappropriate or without magnetic fields or atmospheres, and the three appeared at the same time as if they had a vendetta against each other.

"The general, the chief of the general staff, 20 light-years ahead found a suspected target, gravity comparable to Earth, not in the habitable zone, possibly atmosphere, strong stellar interference, we need to be closer to confirm."

Similar to this kind of information, in the past 20 years of voyages have appeared hundreds of times, each fleet approaching the expedition is always for various reasons to give up, the result of these reasons is that the transformation takes too long, at first everyone is still full of interest anxiously waiting for the results, and then everyone is numb, although the number of planets and stars in the Milky Way is similar, it is really not easy to find a suitable for humans, if you want to find a direct human habitation almost non-existent. Even if you go through the whole universe, you may not be able to find a few.

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