
8 brain-burning suspense | reversal | reasoning movies After watching the addictive 1 sharp blade out of the sheath 2 invisible guests 3 mirage 4 tuner 5 deadly ID6 deadly magic 7 manslaughter 8 evil house

author:MoXi movie

A must see at home! Worth watching repeatedly! Guess the end and count me lost! If you like it, you can collect it~

<h1 class= "pgc-h-center-line" >1 sharp blade out of the sheath</h1>

8 brain-burning suspense | reversal | reasoning movies After watching the addictive 1 sharp blade out of the sheath 2 invisible guests 3 mirage 4 tuner 5 deadly ID6 deadly magic 7 manslaughter 8 evil house

Cinema two brush movie, the best suspense drama movie in recent times! Reverse plot call OMG! In the movie, N foreshadowing, don't desert! Everyone has a "story", this family drama of fighting for inheritance to find the "real culprit", especially the "Captain America" acting skills is a highlight of the movie, it is really wonderful!

< h1 class= "pgc-h-center-line" > 2 invisible guests</h1>

8 brain-burning suspense | reversal | reasoning movies After watching the addictive 1 sharp blade out of the sheath 2 invisible guests 3 mirage 4 tuner 5 deadly ID6 deadly magic 7 manslaughter 8 evil house

Favorite suspense and reasoning movie, the plot is advancing layer by layer, and the darkness of human nature is constantly revealed. The last half hour kept reversing! Unlimited brain-burning! Don't watch spoilers!

<h1 class="pgc-h-center-line" > 3 mirages</h1>

8 brain-burning suspense | reversal | reasoning movies After watching the addictive 1 sharp blade out of the sheath 2 invisible guests 3 mirage 4 tuner 5 deadly ID6 deadly magic 7 manslaughter 8 evil house

Another suspense blockbuster directed by "Invisible Guest"! Two hundred percent complexity! Always reverse and reverse! The logic is meticulous, and the thrill of solving the puzzle continues until the last second!

< h1 class= "pgc-h-center-line" > 4 tuners</h1>

8 brain-burning suspense | reversal | reasoning movies After watching the addictive 1 sharp blade out of the sheath 2 invisible guests 3 mirage 4 tuner 5 deadly ID6 deadly magic 7 manslaughter 8 evil house

No urine spots throughout! The plot is jaw-dropping! The ending was never expected! Very intriguing! One of the suspense blockbusters not to be missed

< h1 class= "pgc-h-center-line" > 5 fatal ID</h1>

8 brain-burning suspense | reversal | reasoning movies After watching the addictive 1 sharp blade out of the sheath 2 invisible guests 3 mirage 4 tuner 5 deadly ID6 deadly magic 7 manslaughter 8 evil house

One rainy night, 10 people were admitted to the car hotel, one by one died, and when everyone racked their brains to suspect the murderer, the suspects died one after another... The most unlikely person is always the most likely

<h1 class= "pgc-h-center-line" > 6 deadly magic tricks</h1>

8 brain-burning suspense | reversal | reasoning movies After watching the addictive 1 sharp blade out of the sheath 2 invisible guests 3 mirage 4 tuner 5 deadly ID6 deadly magic 7 manslaughter 8 evil house

What you see is not necessarily the truth! What you see is just what the director wants you to see! Would highly recommend

<h1 class="pgc-h-center-line" >7 Manslaughter</h1>

8 brain-burning suspense | reversal | reasoning movies After watching the addictive 1 sharp blade out of the sheath 2 invisible guests 3 mirage 4 tuner 5 deadly ID6 deadly magic 7 manslaughter 8 evil house

The original version of manslaughter was remade 3 times in two years ~ the male protagonist carefully planned the scam, escaped from death, invincible brain burning!

<h1 class= "pgc-h-center-line" > 8 House of Sin</h1>

8 brain-burning suspense | reversal | reasoning movies After watching the addictive 1 sharp blade out of the sheath 2 invisible guests 3 mirage 4 tuner 5 deadly ID6 deadly magic 7 manslaughter 8 evil house

An unexpected discovery of one, unexpectedly good-looking! Each shot in the opening film is exquisite and beautiful ~ falling into the abyss, constantly downward, anti-logical thinking god film ~