
It's okay to look at a feature of the hand, the palm of the hand, or hint that there is a plug in the body! Do 3 o'clock and flush away the blood clot

author:Doctor nonsense

  Blood clots are a common disease that occurs in middle-aged and elderly people, and has affected more and more elderly people in recent years. The emergence of this disease not only affects the physical and mental health of patients, but also greatly affects the normal life of patients, if thrombotic patients do not get timely and effective treatment, it may lead to paralysis.

In order to detect this disease in time, we need to know the signs before the cerebral thrombosis. When a blood clot appears, the palm of the hand reveals some signals to us.

It's okay to look at a feature of the hand, the palm of the hand, or hint that there is a plug in the body! Do 3 o'clock and flush away the blood clot

  With such a feature in the palm of the hand, the blood vessels may really be "blocked"

  The hand, as part of the end of the upper limb of the body, is the "small end point" of blood circulation and has a keen understanding of changes in blood circulation. When the body has arteriosclerosis or blood clots, the palms of the hands often feel weak, numb, and even the hands cannot hold a glass of water.

At the same time, because this feature is more obvious, people can detect the health of blood vessels in this way:

  Hold the hand for 30 seconds, then open the palm to carefully examine the changes in the palm. If the palm of the hand quickly returns to a rosy state in a short period of time , it means healthy blood vessels;

Conversely, if the palms of your hands are always pale and your recovery time is very slow, beware of clogged blood vessels.

It's okay to look at a feature of the hand, the palm of the hand, or hint that there is a plug in the body! Do 3 o'clock and flush away the blood clot

  So, how do good blood vessels get blocked?

  1. Unhealthy living habits

  Unhealthy lifestyle habits, including staying up late for long periods of time, always emotional agitation, fluctuating, heavy smoking and drinking, frequent depression, mental stress, obesity, etc., these bad habits can lead to blood vessel blockage.

In addition, high blood lipids can also lead to blood vessel blockage, so the first means of treating cardiovascular and cerebrovascular obstruction is to lower cholesterol and blood lipids.

It's okay to look at a feature of the hand, the palm of the hand, or hint that there is a plug in the body! Do 3 o'clock and flush away the blood clot

  2. Bad eating habits

  Most blood vessel blockages are very closely related to a bad diet, if you ingest too high cholesterol, high fat food, will make the body contain a large amount of low-density lipoprotein, peroxide lipids will also increase, so that more blood can not be discharged in time, resulting in blood vessel blockage, which in turn will lead to stroke, cerebral hemorrhage, coronary heart disease and some other diseases.

It's okay to look at a feature of the hand, the palm of the hand, or hint that there is a plug in the body! Do 3 o'clock and flush away the blood clot

  Remember the following methods to "wash off" the blood clot, away from the blood clot!

  First of all, eat more raw grains in your daily life.

  Raw grains contain a relatively high amount of fiber, after entering the body fiber can not only promote gastrointestinal movement, but also prevent some of the body's cholesterol from being absorbed, so that the human blood lipids are too high, so that the blood clot away from the body, so that the blood circulation better.

It's okay to look at a feature of the hand, the palm of the hand, or hint that there is a plug in the body! Do 3 o'clock and flush away the blood clot

  Second, eat plenty of fruits and vegetables.

  The fiber content in fruits and vegetables is also relatively high, and it also contains high-density proteins, which help dissolve low-density proteins deposited on the walls of blood vessels, keeping the blood flowing unimpeded and effectively eliminating thrombosis.

It's okay to look at a feature of the hand, the palm of the hand, or hint that there is a plug in the body! Do 3 o'clock and flush away the blood clot

  Third, drink plenty of water

  Regular drinking water can help dilute the blood and can also promote blood circulation, which can prevent the blood from becoming too sticky, leading to the production of blood clots, thus avoiding the production of blood clots.

It's okay to look at a feature of the hand, the palm of the hand, or hint that there is a plug in the body! Do 3 o'clock and flush away the blood clot

  In general, the blood clot is not sudden, it is due to the long-term appearance of some small problems in the blood vessels caused by the accumulation of big problems, so in normal times, people should do a good job of blood vessel protection, must take some measures to prevent the emergence of blood clots, some of the methods mentioned in the article can effectively prevent the emergence of blood clots, we can actively try.

Whenever the body is the most important, don't always think that your body is healthy and not pay attention to these things.

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