
Strange man takes away 3-year-old girl! The female employees of the gas station rode a bicycle to follow the successful rescue

author:Beijing Daily client

At about 14:00 on October 2, a 3-year-old girl in Guiyang County, Hunan Province, was taken away by a strange man wearing a mask while playing in Beiguan Street, the county seat. The girl's mother quickly reported to the police after finding the girl missing, and posted a search notice in the WeChat circle of friends, hoping that everyone would help forward the search for the child.

  In the afternoon of the same day, this search notice spread rapidly in the WeChat circle of local residents. At the same time, after receiving the alarm, the Guiyang County Public Security Bureau quickly organized police forces to mobilize some "Skynet" video surveillance in Guiyang and Chenzhou and conducted a search.

  At more than 9:00 a.m. on October 3, Zhu Yanlin, a staff member of the Zhongzheng Petrochemical Lingjiang Gas Station in Guiyang County, was at work when he found a man leading a girl through the gas station, and Zhu Yanlin paid special attention to the girl, who was the missing girl forwarded in the WeChat circle of friends.

  Zhu Yanlin immediately rode on an electric car to follow all the way, after seeing the man take the girl to the bus, she quietly told the bus driver the origin of the matter, the driver cooperated with her to close the car door and reported to the police, a few minutes later, the police who rushed to arrest the man suspected of abducting the girl. After examination by the hospital, the girl had no obvious wounds on her body and had returned home safely.

  After interrogation by the police, it was learned that the suspect Liu Mou was 31 years old this year, a native of Lingjiang Town, Guiyang County, claiming to be unmarried and childless because he was in his thirties, and when he saw that the girl looked cute, he wanted to take it home and raise himself. At present, Liu Mou has been criminally detained, and the case is being further investigated.

Source Beijing Evening News according to CCTV

Process Editor Wu Yue

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