
No, call for this "sensitive drama"

author:American Theater Line

Costumed rotten country lily drama, take you to see the first person in British history Lace -

"Gentleman Jack"

Gentleman Jack

No, call for this "sensitive drama"

The series is based on the historical real character Anne Liszt.

She was a famous 18th-century Yorkshire entrepreneur, traveler, and diary writer, but she had another identity.

The first modern lesbian in Britain.

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Because of her tough appearance, strong style, and her sexual orientation, she was jokingly called "Gentleman Jack" by her neighbors.

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What is more interesting is that Anne wrote a diary of about 4 million words in her lifetime, which not only recorded the customs and customs of 18th century Britain and the history of mining development.

It also restores the romantic details of her relationship with her lover with delicate brushstrokes, and is written in algebraic and ancient Greek encryption.

It was not until the 20th century, after several turns, that the diary was finally deciphered, and the BBC made a documentary based on it, called The Secret Diary of Anne Liszt.

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Perhaps in order to continue Annie's unfinished love affair and better show her legendary life, the BBC and HBO have joined forces again to bring this "Gentleman Jack" to the audience, and the current Douban rating of the drama is 8.9.

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The story begins with an unfortunate accident.

Ann Walker (Sophie Landow), a rich young lady whose parents have died, takes a carriage back to her family's estate with her aunt.

On the way, a speeding carriage drove down the road, not only crashing into Ann's vehicle, but also knocking a child down the hill.

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The incident was sudden, and the boy was not lightly injured. For this reason, everyone had to ask for help from the nearest Shebden manor, the Liszt family.

At Shebden Manor, not only the boy was treated, but the frightened Ann Walker and his aunt were also cared for by the host family.

The only regret is that the hostess Anne Liszt (Suran Jones) is not at home at the moment.

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So what is Anne doing at the moment?

- Catching a car.

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In the Victorian era, when women had to wear countless layers of pleated skirts to go out.

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She, in place of the coachman with dislocated arm, brought a cart of people back to Halifax.

The master drives the carriage, the maid sits in the carriage...

Anne Liszt, what a cool girl.

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Interestingly, judging from the descriptions of Anne's aunt and sister, Anne was never a lonely person.

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She has always been deviant, and in life she rarely wears serious women's clothes, but instead wears a top hat, steps on leather boots, carries a pocket watch, and oils her hair, just like a man.

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He loves to travel, has traveled to France, Italy and many other European countries, and lived in Hastings some time ago.

From Anne's tired and disgusted expression, we can also see her disdain for life in the small town:

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What was it that made a woman so independent and self-reliant suddenly turn home?

Emmm..... Of course, it's because of the emotional injury.

She lives in Hastings because Anne is in love with a lady from the local Hobart family.

As a result, one day, Miss Hobart, whom she regarded as her true love, chose to give in to society and agreed to the man's marriage proposal.

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Surprised? Never despair?

Seeing that the other party's heart had been decided, Anne had to return to her hometown with a broken heart.

However, Saion lost his horse and knew that it was not a blessing.

Heaven took away one of your girlfriends, maybe it was to give you a better one?

Anne, who had just returned home, immediately heard from her aunt about Miss Ann Walker.

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Good looking, shy personality, the focus is on the death of both parents, there is (horse) car and house.

Just perfect girlfriend with wooden have!

Anne, who was still immersed in the pain of lost love, had a reaction to this:

Not interested.

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Whether he likes it or not, the other party goes to the door to thank you, and Anne, as the hostess, still has to come forward to receive it.

Facts have proved that the law of "true incense" is common all over the world -

At the first sight of Ann Walker, Anne's eyes changed:

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After three minutes, she began to plan whether to court the other person.

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He even reconsidered whether to stay in Shebden and marry Ann Walker.

Yes, you read that right, wife.

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In that era, to achieve this goal, it must be a bloody storm without blood.

However, based on the fact that Anne Liszt was a werewolf and never believed in evil, she has never followed the path of others in her life.

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Born with a love of adventure and challenge, and a wide range of knowledge, clear mind, and explosive mobility, she did not hesitate for a moment and happily began the journey of "chasing his wife", and the high level of her means of seducing her sister was breathtaking.

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Although Anne Liszt's emotional life has always been the focus of attention, the show is not limited to that.

Like most of the BBC's historical dramas, there will be a small description and preparation of the historical process at that time, which is also a great pleasure of watching British costume dramas.

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At present, there are already coal mining industry developments that will bring out the era of great steam, the flames of class revolution have flashed, the popularity of voting rights, and so on.

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Of course, more parts are the popular and fast-paced daily life in the English countryside.

Collect rent, visit the door, chew the root of the tongue, manage the manor, comfort and comfort the tenants...

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It is also mixed with stories of various people in the manor, and may also involve the competitive coal mining business ("Poldark" visual sense ~).

Friends who have watched "Downton Abbey" should know that this seemingly idle rural manor life is actually not just about drinking tea and chatting.

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Especially as the manager of this land, you must listen to the eight directions and look at the six roads, and you must also have abundant physical strength and strong mental strength, as well as clear determination and business acumen, otherwise you will only sit on the mountain and eat the sky, or be used by people with ulterior motives.

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I know you don't understand, and the applause is over

Anne Liszt was undoubtedly a good hand, breaking down the divided division of labor barriers between men and women, so her uncle skipped her father and handed over the Shebden Manor to her.

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Whether it is fighting with tenants who owe rent, or dealing with people on the coal mining issue, and the blueprint for the transformation of the manor in her heart, it shows that this is not a woman who is only indulging in love.

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Sexual orientation is only part of this complete personality, and her pattern is larger and more accomplished.

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At a time when female consciousness was just waking up, she was a very convincing pioneer (though she didn't have the heart to do it).

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It is worth mentioning that the play "Jack the Gentleman" never intended to portray Anne Lister as a "perfect person".

Emotionally, she has never been able to get out of the pain brought to her by the failed relationship, while saying that "hurt by love is a young person's business", while shed tears of grief when she received the wedding invitation from her ex-girlfriend.

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At the same time, he did not forget to follow the female "friend" who visited the door and persistently seduced Ann Walker.

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Because the series is based on an diary written by Anne herself, during the performance, It is often seen that Annie breaks the "fourth wall" and says what she thinks directly into the camera.

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For example, she makes no secret of her pursuit of Ann Walker because of the other person's innocence and affluence, not pure romantic love at first sight:

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But because of this, her image is fuller, closer to people in real life, rather than a perfect female model.

I think Anne Lister herself probably didn't care about people judging her selfish side, otherwise why would she have recorded 4 million words and preserved them?

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However, one of the scenes that touched me the most in the series was not an annie crying because of a lost love, or her ease of playing in the business field, but what she said to a friend in the middle of the night.

At that time, friends advised her to marry a man so that she could easily have everything.

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And Anne replied to her: I just want to live with someone who loves me, I just want to spend the night with someone who loves me equally, someone who can talk about everything at any time.

For her, the meaning of life is to follow the heart. She herself has practiced this all her life.

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Friends said she might not find such a lover in her life, but it turned out that Anne Lister had Ann Walker.

Perhaps Anne's approach is an ulterior motive, but in the future plot, I think we can see her being moved by Ann's sincerity and courage, and sincerely walking through life hand in hand with each other.

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Anne Liszt's life was only 49 years short, but she lived such a wonderful and admirable life.

In the 21st century, nearly 200 years have passed since the age of Anne's existence, but the problem we cannot escape is:

Are we living for ourselves with all our might?

ps: Drama is out of the question? Don't be afraid, if you want to see more high-quality British and American dramas, come and pay attention to the public account "American Theater Line" (MJyuanxian), everything you want to see is here!