
After watching "The Hidden Corner", do you still believe that human nature is good at the beginning?

author:Sci-fi witch
After watching "The Hidden Corner", do you still believe that human nature is good at the beginning?

During the epidemic last year, the theater was forced to close, making the usual hot big screen summer slot into a bubble, the public can only turn more attention to the major video platforms, the dark horse network drama "The Hidden Corner" unexpectedly won a hot discussion, the story in the play is also slowly unfolding in a summer vacation, screening in a coincidental time, injecting a touch of vitality and vitality into the summer when the reality is full of epidemic haze.

This vitality and vitality is not because of the conventional fresh healing style, but because of its suspenseful dark style, which is different from the shooting techniques of traditional dramas and adapted from the wonderful original novel "Bad Boys" on the one hand, and on the other hand, it comes from the deep thinking that the characters and plots bring to the people, especially the themes of "juvenile delinquency" and "family education".

1 Love has drifted away, and sin is sprouting

The story has two main lines, one is about the perverted evil of the adult protagonist, and the other is the blackening of the underage protagonist.

At the beginning of the episode, a few short shots were filmed, which explained the desperate situation of the adult "bad guy" Zhang Dongsheng. Son-in-law, unable to have children, looked down upon by his father-in-law and mother-in-law, and did not have much achievement in his career, nearly middle-aged, he was just a substitute teacher in the Children's Palace. On the outside, he was a professional, well-known, humble and upright math teacher in the mouths of his students and parents, and as soon as he returned home, he was the humble, flattering, disrespected, rejected, abandoned incompetent husband.

After watching "The Hidden Corner", do you still believe that human nature is good at the beginning?

In order to "save" the marriage, lock the body and mind of his wife, and eliminate the "accomplices" of the divorce, he calmly and cruelly pushed his parents-in-law off the cliff to death. Then found that his wife had already betrayed him, had an affair, and firmly wanted to divorce, Zhang Dongsheng's last bottom line in the marriage could not be kept, and he stole drugs and let his wife die of swimming and drowning.

Long-term patience to please, three low breath, what he got was a completely desperate response, he broke the boat, desperate, since he could not get it, he was destroyed, in the face of a divorce certificate, he was more able to accept the yin and yang of his relatives, maintain the name of "husband" and "son-in-law", and also occupy all the family wealth.

After watching "The Hidden Corner", do you still believe that human nature is good at the beginning?

Zhang Dongsheng's killing of his parents-in-law was accidentally recorded on camera by three teenagers who were touring the scenic spot, and the main line of blackening of Zhu Chaoyang's classmates began.

Zhu Chaoyang is the "child of others" in everyone's eyes, with good academic performance, calm and quiet, and strong self-care ability in life. Just didn't fit in at school and had no friends. Orphaned as a pair, through complex friends to turn to, began his unusual holiday life. Driven by friendship and righteousness, in order to raise medical expenses for his friend's brother, he gave up calling the police and participated in extortion of Zhang Dongsheng.

After watching "The Hidden Corner", do you still believe that human nature is good at the beginning?

If it is friendship that makes Zhu Chaoyang a criminal bystander, then family affection is the driving force that makes him become a criminal party. Zhu Chaoyang's parents divorced since childhood, and he sentenced his mother Zhou Chunhong. Zhou works in the scenic spot of the distant suburbs (that is, the scenic spot where Zhang Dongsheng killed his parents-in-law), it is inevitable that there is a lack of companionship for the child, she takes care of Chaoyang's life and study as much as possible, and xueba son is her only spiritual dependence and comfort, and because of this, she is full of control over Chaoyang's love, not only controlling her son's behavior, but also controlling his son's cognition. She often instills in her children that as long as you study well, nothing else matters. Even if her son's class teacher kindly reminds her of her son's social problems at school, Zhou feels that it doesn't matter, let alone intervene; even if Chaoyang has grown up enough to understand and accept her remarriage, when she can grasp the rhythm of eating and drinking, she will feel that she is not needed and her emotions are out of control. From time to time, he also projects the faults of his ex-husband on the children.

After watching "The Hidden Corner", do you still believe that human nature is good at the beginning?

Zhu Chaoyang was under the control of his mother, suppressing his sensitive and delicate thoughts, in addition to being able to relax with those two friends, he was looking forward to the periodic reunion with his father, and wanted to get the support of his father's love. However, after the father remarried and formed a new family, with a wife and a young daughter, the care for Chaoyang seemed to be very perfunctory, and the aunt and half-sister were very excluded from him, often sneering, which made Chaoyang sow the seeds of jealousy and anger in his heart. In the Children's Palace, this proud and arrogant sister spoke out and provoked the feelings of Chaoyang and her father, perhaps after seeing how Zhang Dongsheng pushed down his parents-in-law, Zhu Chaoyang saw his sister who fell from the upper floor more panicked than sad. After the death of his sister, he thought that he could enjoy his father's love exclusively, but he thought that his father had secretly hidden a voice recorder to test Chaoyang, and as a result, after the thoughtful Chaoyang found out, he was disappointed in his father while calculating the plan.

The mother's love is too heavy, the father's love is not strong, in order to keep the secret of his sister's fall, he borrowed a knife to kill people and eliminate his friends.

After watching "The Hidden Corner", do you still believe that human nature is good at the beginning?

Most of the highly intelligent geniuses in the artwork are accompanied by loneliness and sensitivity, cold and obedient. Neither the adult Zhang Dongsheng nor the teenager Zhu Chaoyang escaped this setting. Putting aside the criminal skills deliberately set by the plot and the mediocre police to solve the case, looking at the experience of these two protagonists alone, they are also mathematical geniuses, thoughtful, the same repressive personality, good at disguise, the same sensitivity, eager for love and recognition, helpless to lose emotional sustenance. Under the intertwined influence of the surrounding events, ignoring the constraints of morality, trying to use the disappearance and destruction of time and again as the prelude to a new life, weaving one lie after another, and falling into the abyss of sin step by step.

Most viewers lamented what happened to the protagonist. The series uses many metaphors and details to echo the dark corners of human nature in the original work, and the real non-fairy tale ending. Although Zhang Dongsheng's parents are not told in the series, his handling of family feelings as an adult is so extreme, which also reflects the serious defects in his original family education. So, with that popular comment on the Internet: From Zhu Chaoyang to Zhang Dongsheng, I became you when I grew up.

2 Evil has no age, and the shadow of childhood becomes the root of cold-bloodedness

After watching this play, I remembered the psychology master Adler's sentence that "lucky people are healed by childhood all their lives, and unfortunate people are curing childhood all their lives." In his heart, he couldn't help but guess backwards, Zhang Dongsheng's road had been completed, and what would Zhu Chaoyang's future look like?

In recent years, there have been more and more film and television works at home and abroad that pay attention to the growth of teenagers, such as "Young You" focusing on school bullying, and "Dog Thirteen" focusing on parental suppression of hypocritical education, focusing on the cruelty and crying of youth. Compared with the introverted domestic film and television, Japan, which is good at shooting social marginal themes, although the plot design is exaggerated, it can also deeply reflect the evil of human nature and the current situation of family education, such as the movie "Confession", as well as the adaptation of Keigo Higashino's masterpiece "White Night", readers and audiences prefer to use "White Night" and "Bad Boy" to compare.

After watching "The Hidden Corner", do you still believe that human nature is good at the beginning?

In addition to today's popular films and televisions that evoke people's thinking through intuitive pictures, more than half a century ago, some great writers also nakedly exposed the evil of human nature and the crimes that originated from the shadows of childhood through their words.

In 1954, nobel laureate William Golding's novel "The Lord of the Flies" was published, causing a huge sensation in the British literary world. The story takes place in a nuclear war in the future Of World War III, in which a plane took a group of children between the ages of six and twelve from home to the south to evacuate. The plane was shot down and the children's cabin landed on a secluded, deserted coral island. Stranded on a desert island by a plane crash on the way to retreat, at first they were able to work together and live in harmony, because they still carried the habits and imprints of civilized society, and they were able to run their "small society" according to reason and order, but the good times were not long, order soon turned disorderly, the power struggle intensified, the conflict of desire and responsibility intensified, the children split into two factions, the evil nature swelled, killing each other, tragic results occurred, and the instinctive authoritarians overwhelmed the rational democrats.

After watching "The Hidden Corner", do you still believe that human nature is good at the beginning?

Witnessing the bloodshed of World War I and World War II, Golding's ten-year teaching career made Him understand the nature of teenagers very well, and he wrote this philosophical novel, using the innocence of children to explore the serious theme of the evil of human nature. The Lord of the Flies is of Hebrew origin and is regarded in the Bible as the head of all evils. The novel is named after this, not only symbolizing the ugly hanging pig's head, but also representing the deepest dark side of human nature, which is an unavoidable inferiority. Moreover, the evil of human nature is not divided between children and adults.

In addition to exposing the evils of human nature, this prophetic story is also actively seeking a way to salvation, as he hoped in his thank-you speech after winning the Nobel Prize:

"Humanity needs more humanity, more love. Some people want some kind of political system to create all this, while others want to create such a system with love. My belief is that the future of humanity lies somewhere in between. It is precisely because of the fraternity between people that people can create a relatively perfect system on the solid basis of this love, and the future of mankind is bright. ”

To say that Golding's overhead dark fairy tale, the environmental background description is still very extreme. That other pioneering work of "non-fiction", the long-form documentary literature "Cold Blooded" created by the famous American writer Truman Capote, is based on a series of murders that occurred in Kansas in 1959 as the material, analyzes the impact of society, family and environment on the lives, thoughts and feelings of young murderers with an objective attitude with journalistic writing techniques, and laments the deformed development of American teenagers with sincere sympathy and prompts people to seriously think about problems.

After watching "The Hidden Corner", do you still believe that human nature is good at the beginning?

The recorded murderer Perry, who had a very miserable life experience, neither felt the warmth of the family nor accepted the indoctrination of moral standards. When he was young, his family was poor, and his father ran all day to support his family, and he had no heart to take care of him. The parents were at odds, and the mother often drank heavily and fooled around with others, which eventually led to their divorce. He then moved to San Francisco with his mother. There, his life did not improve at all. His mother continued to drink heavily and never cared about him. Others in society, like Perry's parents, have injected more wounds on him that cannot be healed. In orphanages, correctional homes, and during military service, they have all suffered physical and mental humiliation. The cold-blooded nature of his family and society in which he lived had planted in his heart the seeds of hostility and rebellion against society.

The writer Capote himself also had a dark childhood, his mother gave birth to him at the age of 17, and then he was sent to a relative's house for foster care, and did not live with his mother again until he was nine years old. As a genius literary teenager who wrote at the age of 5 and won awards in essay competitions at the age of 12, he was also keen on provoking trouble in his youth, and left school at the age of 17 to run into society, with a strange personality and often being regarded as an outlier.

After watching "The Hidden Corner", do you still believe that human nature is good at the beginning?

Similar childhood experiences have left Perry's life with indelible emotions and memories in Capote's heart, Capote said, "We are like children growing up in the same room, except that I came out of the front door and he went through the back door." The vortex of introspection in the creative process made Capote's life full of entanglements, so that in his later years, Capote ended his life in indulgence and alcoholism.

The frequent juvenile crime incidents in real life are also shocking, and the news of sexual assault, robbery, and mother-killing is endless, and how to protect the growth of adolescents while restraining their moral behavior is what the whole society is concerned about.

3 Nurture with the Word of Truth and Love, and never deviate from it in old age

A well-known journalist once said: Never overestimate the goodness of human nature and underestimate the evil of human nature.

There is an evil part in everyone. Because they are in different soils, some people have seizures, and some people are restraining. Look at how many of the things that we, as adults, pursue in the world for the sake of family and work, pursuing lust and pride, have to do with goodness? If there is no transcendent criterion, even the direction of good cannot be found, and the boundary with evil is blurred. As filmed in the Taiwanese drama "The Distance Between Us and Evil", evil is not limited to moral superiority, but also has a degree of awareness of real society and different individuals. It is difficult for people who lack faith to grasp this kind of rationality.

After watching "The Hidden Corner", do you still believe that human nature is good at the beginning?

It is precisely because adults lack cognition and habitual neglect from different angles that children will cope with the world around them in their own way. Children, like adults, as they grow, good and evil will continue to clash in their hearts, and education cannot be blindly optimistic.

Children have never been the private property of their parents. Gibran's poem also reads:

Your children are not your children. They are the children born of life's desire for itself.

You are the bow, and the children are the arrows that shoot from you.

After watching "The Hidden Corner", do you still believe that human nature is good at the beginning?

This is an apt metaphor that admonishes all parents to grasp the scale of raising children, not to give up on the "free-range" without cultivation, nor to control and suppress children in every detail, but to use love to fill them with stable energy and help them fly farther.

The arrow that flies out, how not to deviate, lies in the process of parenting, we should also uphold a set of correct standards, lead by example, walk with children, and grow up is not just a child's business. With such a truth-led, the child who leaves his parents will also be very determined to take the right path and complete his mission in life.

Love is eternal patience and kindness, love is not jealousy, love is not boastful, not arrogant, not shy, not seeking one's own benefit, not easily angry, not counting human evil, not liking unrighteousness, only liking the truth, being tolerant of everything, believing in everything, hoping for everything, being patient in everything, love is never ending.

In marriage and in the family, if we can all practice diligently according to the above definition, then darkness will have nowhere to hide and sin will have nowhere to begin.