
2021 exam preparation essay: "_____, my favorite"

author:Language Dream Factory
2021 exam preparation essay: "_____, my favorite"

Title: Please write an essay under the title of "___

Requirements: (1) Please complete the question. For example: Mom, the cat at home, the river in the hometown, Spider-Man... (2) Choose the style you can control the most, write the content you are most familiar with, and express your true feelings. (3) The number of words is not less than 600.

Full score essay 1

Home, my favorite

Putian candidates

The birds that go away, the eternal concern is the old forest; the drifting boat, always worrying about the harbor; the traveler who is running around, the place where the heart is inextricably linked and always worried, is still home.

Home is a warm word, people will have a warm feeling in their hearts when they hear it, but what is home?

Home is a place where a family lives. The happiness of the family depends on each family member to create and work together. And my home is made up of a busy dad, an amiable mom, and a lively and active me.

Lo and behold, my chubby dad is coming back. On his round and kind face, there was always a smile, as if he would never lose his temper; under the thick eyebrows there was a pair of big eyes, shining with spirit; there was a pair of eyes on the high bridge of the nose, anyway, how to see how to make people feel kind. It was not early when he got home, and he was still drunk, but he never forgot to come to visit me every time, and let me feel a strong fatherly love.

When I got home at noon, I could see my mother busy in the kitchen. Behold, her willow-like eyebrows were firmly engraved on her oval face, and her eyes were clear and bright, making people feel that everything in the world was beautiful, without a little dirt. Mom not only had to do housework, but also took care of me. Every time I fail, it gives me encouragement and confidence, and gives me the courage to face the ups and downs in the future.

I grew up under the care of my parents, but my parents grew up a lot older because of me. Their meticulous care for me makes me feel extremely happy, and I will certainly live up to their expectations of me and will definitely learn to repay them.

This is my home. Such as people drinking water, cold and warm self-knowledge. The psychological role of home is like a dress added when the wind rises, just right, but how warm it is only for you to know.

The home is colored. There is green, because the home has the vitality of youth; there is red, because the home has the heat of summer; there is gold, because the home has the harvest of autumn; there is white, because the home has the tranquility of winter; there is pink, because the home is always full of love and expectation.

The home I experienced is like this, a story woven by love, so that people can read for a lifetime, reminisce for a lifetime, and move for a lifetime.


Home is the most familiar and specific place for everyone, the article writes about the family of dad, mom and me, simple and natural, highlighting the strong atmosphere of love at home. However, the lack of vivid details makes the article less touching content, and the empty slogan-style sentences seem to be somewhat pretentious.

Full score essay 2

Music, my favorite

The music of the Qingpin kite, listen to the rhythm of the kite. The kite, transformed into a clear spring in the heart, ripples layer by layer, swinging the most beloved moving notes in the heart...

Walking alone in the video store again, looking through the glass at the kite tape placed high on the shelf, I couldn't help but stop in front of my favorite, and the past flowed through my heart like music.

In the dark of the night, the moonlight spilled into the room through the curtains, but the yellow light covered the entire desk. Sitting alone at the table, the right hand of the tight pen was sweating, and I kept squeezing the inspiration, and the blank composition paper was still in front of me. By chance, my eyes fell on the tape recorder hidden under the dust. Through the somewhat gray silver-white shell, I faintly saw the tape lying quietly inside. So, my hand couldn't help but press down.

On the ground, a song "Mountain Flowing Water" flowed out of the tape like a clear spring, and the sound of the kites swirled and swirled in the quiet air. At this time, my eyes blurred, as if I was in the midst of green mountains and water, through the thin mist, the clear stream, I saw the towering peak, I saw the dressed Yu Boya, his long white whiskers fluttered in the air, and the dexterous ten fingers gently plucked and kissed the strings, as if to tell his inner confidant. Gradually, the sound of the kite stopped, and I was once again facing the paper and pencil in front of me, but inside I was quiet and composed. So I gently raised the corner of my mouth, waved the pen in my hand like an ancient, and sprinkled the piece of truth in my heart on the paper.

The next day, with the joy of his article being recognized by the teacher, he walked home. On the ground, a drunken song "Fishing Boat Singing Evening" came out of the roadside audio-visual shop. The beating notes of happiness played chapters of happiness in my heart, and I rejoiced in my joyful heart after success. I seemed to see the excitement of the fisherman's return with a full load, and I should be equally excited as I was at this time. But who knows? Fishermen are satisfied with the harvest hidden in the "long wind and waves will sometimes" the hardships? And I have to jump over that dry patch of rhetoric before I can win the real american text? Listening to this relaxed kite, feeling the plucking of the strings again and again, I couldn't help but have tears in my eyes, and for the first time, I resonated. Perhaps, this is the real favorite!

Gradually, unforgettable memories flowed before my eyes. I involuntarily stepped into it and easily touched the band that carried my favorite.

Strolling along the path of growth, listening to the kite song coming from nowhere, the waves of favorite love flooded in my heart...

Worthy of being a music lover, the author uses poetic language to vividly and meticulously express the beauty of the kite and the feeling of listening. It can be said that the song is beautiful and the words are true, and the text and song are one. It's just that the title "Music, My Favorite" has a larger scope, while the article only writes about the love of the kite, and some of the inscriptions are different.

Full score essay 3

Lake, my favorite

I love the lake the most, and I love to be close to the lake, because I always feel that the lake has the beautiful focus of those souls.

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Probably because I have lived in Suzhou, the "little bridge and flowing water family" since I was a child, I like to play in the lake the most. I love the clarity of the lake and the endless changes. In my innocent childhood, I felt that water was the most magical, the most magical thing. Therefore, in the process of growing up step by step, there are countless times of dependence with the lake!

The lake is charming! In the spring when the grass is long and warblers fly, or in the autumn when the mountains are full of maple leaves, holding a book in hand, sitting on the shore, and starting a date with the lake. Looking at the turquoise mirror-like lake, I involuntarily relaxed my breathing. Taking a deep breath, I felt the joy of abandoning the cumbersome and cumbersome... The lake, without a ripple, without a sound, like a young girl taking a nap, is too quiet to allow any sound to disturb her, as if between heaven and earth is only me and this quiet lake. Tired, I put down my book and listened to the whispers of the lake; sleepy, I lay in the flowers, feeling the pulse of the lake... Sometimes, I look at the lake silently, as if my life is also integrated into the lake.

The lake is mysterious! On a hazy moonlit night, going for a walk by the lake, I could feel her breathing and see the strange beauty of the lake's life. Even the moon loves the lake so much that she spills tenderness into the lake, and the lake smiles shyly, but I can't read her, like reading the mona Lisa's smile. The ripples of water are the amorous and beautiful smiles of the lake, and everything is so harmonious, like the music played from the strings. I smelled her fragrant breath again from the slight breeze, and my heart was intoxicated.

What about the waves of the lake on weekdays? He is mischievously drawing beautiful arcs, dancing cheerfully, leading white foam. Twisting his head, attaching ripples, lapping at the reef, when he touched the reef, the waves were stirred up into a cloud of white blooming flowers, unfolding piece by piece, and there was a slight sound of breaking in the silence. Where did it come from? Where to go? ...... The laughter of the children drowned out these whispers. On holidays, I go boating alone to get close to the lake. Thus, the lake became my confidant. In the face of her, I don't need to be pretentious, I can face my soul without scruples. Succeeding, I told the lake and let her share my joy; failed, and I went to see the lake and pour out my sorrows to her; tired, I went to the lake and let her soothe my heart... Facing the lake, I felt my own smallness.

Gradually, I felt that I understood the lake, and the lake also understood me. Lakes also have life and soul. The lake was deep, that was her maturity; the lake was clear, it was her frankness. She is subtle but passionate, she can embrace all things, but she does not protect all things. She is selfless, and she unreservedly shows her truth to whomever she is; she is still peaceful, and whoever speaks of sorrow or pours out joy to her will tell you: "Do not rejoice in things, do not grieve with yourself." The heart is as quiet as water, and the heart is as clear as water. ”

I love the lake because it shows the true meaning of life. To be a human being, it should be like a lake.

This is a reasonable article, the author's lake, not only the charm and mystery of the lake, but also the maturity, frankness, tolerance and peace of people. The words are soft and delicate, giving people a sense of immersion. At the end, it is the finishing touch, with the lake metaphorically, the human lake is integrated, and it is full of fun.

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