
How to protect your privacy in social networks (ii) Carefully adjust the privacy settings of social media platforms when posting photos on social media sitesUnderstand the types of personal data stored and shared by social media sites Please carefully consider what personal details you provide in your profile Note the privacy concerns in the news

author:I know a few things

Social networking sites such as WeChat, QQ, Kuaishou, Douyin, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Snapchat at home and abroad have become digital billboards for Internet users. People like to share their personal opinions and what's happening in their lives on social networks.

But stop and think about it. This information is being published on the Internet (network) (some of which is very private). Who else is watching what you post outside of your trusted circle of friends and family? Cyber bots, hate acquaintances, even cybercriminals...

How do we personally protect our privacy on the Internet? With this in mind, We've put together some tips to help you protect your privacy and maintain your social networking habits.

How to protect your privacy in social networks (ii) Carefully adjust the privacy settings of social media platforms when posting photos on social media sitesUnderstand the types of personal data stored and shared by social media sites Please carefully consider what personal details you provide in your profile Note the privacy concerns in the news

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="2" > be careful when posting photos on social media sites</h1>

Please think twice about posting photos. Even if you don't explicitly post your child's name, you may leak too much information in photos that you think are harmless.

Consider the following scenario: You want to post a digital photo of your child in a new sportswear during a major competition online. What's wrong with that, you ask? If this photo includes the name of the school in the school uniform or background, it will be easy for strangers to track your child's location and identity. If you understand, consider blurring or cropping such photos.

What about your newly purchased expensive tablet pictures, or family photo of a family event full of gifts during the holidays? Spreading the word about their whereabouts can make your home a target for thieves. If you need to share, share your photos privately with a few people you can trust.

How to protect your privacy in social networks (ii) Carefully adjust the privacy settings of social media platforms when posting photos on social media sitesUnderstand the types of personal data stored and shared by social media sites Please carefully consider what personal details you provide in your profile Note the privacy concerns in the news

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="6" > adjust privacy settings for social media platforms</h1>

Each social media platform has different rules to control privacy settings. Before you share your post or picture, it's important to pay attention to who can see, react, or comment.

When understanding the privacy settings of each platform, carefully decide whether you want to let everyone, because friends or friends of friends are likely to see your social media posts and pictures,

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="9" > understand the types of personal data stored and shared by social media sites</h1>

After signing up for a social media site, most users will be willing to provide their name, gender, date of birth, and email address. Some social media sites don't stop there. They continue to collect other information, such as IP addresses or types of things you like, share or comment on. Sometimes, you can choose to use WeChat or Taobao credentials to log in to other third-party applications. While this may be convenient, you may inadvertently allow other apps to access unnecessarily more personal information.

When modifying your privacy settings on any social media platform, look for the Apps & websites option under Settings. Double-check which websites are using your information.

How to protect your privacy in social networks (ii) Carefully adjust the privacy settings of social media platforms when posting photos on social media sitesUnderstand the types of personal data stored and shared by social media sites Please carefully consider what personal details you provide in your profile Note the privacy concerns in the news

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="12" > please carefully consider what personal details you provide in your profile</h1>

When logging in, social media and social networking sites may ask you for additional information. You can usually include your hometown, the school you attended and the time, your current and former workplace, political affiliations and general interests. All this information can be stored and tracked.

Although seemingly harmless, this information can be used to provide you with ads and news. Many sites may also contain access to your friends list, personal preferences, and more in their terms of use.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="15" > pay attention to privacy issues in the news</h1>

When the Cambridge Analytica scandal made headlines, people began to pay more attention to the fragility of their online privacy. Special measures are required to navigate the privacy settings of any social media site to reduce the amount of access to your personal information. It's not just advertisers and data companies that compete for your information. Identity thieves and cybercriminals also want to access your data, or may want to sell them on the dark web.

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