
Facebook will build its 3D social network in Europe


Facebook will build its metaspace in Europe. The company announced in a blog post on Monday that it will recruit around 10,000 people from within the European Union over the next five years to fill highly skilled positions working on 3D virtual gaming space Horizon Worlds.

Since acquiring virtual reality headset maker Oculus in 2014, Facebook has been discussing the idea of a metacosm, a computer-generated environment where people can interact using AR, VR and other technologies. Many big tech companies are interested in building metaversms, and developers compare it to the openness and interoperability of the Internet. Just like the internet, companies want to make sure they create their own customized experiences to take advantage of it.

Facebook will build its 3D social network in Europe

Facebook's metaspace project is still in the early stages of development, but earlier this month, the company spoke publicly about its $10 million Creators Fund program to entice developers to work on the project, including building entertainment spaces and games for the Horizon Worlds app.

In Monday's blog post, Nick Clegg, Facebook's vice president of global affairs, and Javier Olivan, vice president of central products, said Europe is an important hub for growing its metaspace because the region is rich in talent and leads on regulatory issues, including the introduction of a digital single market.

As Facebook began its journey to bring metaspaces to life, the need for highly specialized engineers was one of Facebook's most pressing priorities. Facebook looks forward to working with EU governments to find the right talent and the right market to advance this work as part of an upcoming recruitment campaign across the region.

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