
rare! Zhejiang fishermen accidentally caught a golden big fish, weighing 7 catties worth 35,000 yuan, what is a big yellow croaker? The current status of the yellow croaker The value of the yellow croaker

author:Pocket 365

The ocean is the most extensive body of water on Earth, accounting for 71% of the Earth's surface area and 97% of the total water on Earth. The vast sea not only determines the climate development of the earth, but also brings people rich fishery resources.

rare! Zhejiang fishermen accidentally caught a golden big fish, weighing 7 catties worth 35,000 yuan, what is a big yellow croaker? The current status of the yellow croaker The value of the yellow croaker

As the saying goes: rely on the mountains to eat the mountains, rely on the water to draft water! People who live by the sea mainly live by going out to sea to fish. In recent years, with the influence of various reasons, the fishery resources in the sea have been much scarcer than before, and some coastal waters have even reached the point where there are no fish to catch. To catch more and bigger fish, fishermen have to go farther and deeper into the ocean.

rare! Zhejiang fishermen accidentally caught a golden big fish, weighing 7 catties worth 35,000 yuan, what is a big yellow croaker? The current status of the yellow croaker The value of the yellow croaker

Recently, the fishermen of Shipu, Xiangshan, Zhejiang Province, have gone out to sea to fish as usual, but this time the seemingly ordinary going to sea has brought them unexpected surprises, and other fishermen have been envious...

rare! Zhejiang fishermen accidentally caught a golden big fish, weighing 7 catties worth 35,000 yuan, what is a big yellow croaker? The current status of the yellow croaker The value of the yellow croaker

This time, the sea they fished in was near Jeju Island, and after arriving at their destination, they cast their nets, waited, lifted their nets, and fetched fish, all in order. Suddenly, a large golden fish attracted the attention of the fishermen, and the fishermen recognized it as a large yellow croaker at a glance, but it was still relatively rare for a wild yellow croaker to be so large. Out of curiosity, the fisherman immediately took a photo and sent it to the circle of friends.

rare! Zhejiang fishermen accidentally caught a golden big fish, weighing 7 catties worth 35,000 yuan, what is a big yellow croaker? The current status of the yellow croaker The value of the yellow croaker

On their way back, the fishermen received a call from a buyer asking for a high price for the wild yellow croaker. In order to "grab" this big yellow croaker, the buyer even came to the Shipu wharf early to wait for the return of the fishermen.

rare! Zhejiang fishermen accidentally caught a golden big fish, weighing 7 catties worth 35,000 yuan, what is a big yellow croaker? The current status of the yellow croaker The value of the yellow croaker

Weighed, this wild yellow croaker weighs 7 pounds, and both fishermen and buyers say that such a large wild yellow croaker is extremely rare. It is estimated that the purchase price of this wild yellow croaker is more than 5,000 yuan / catty, and the market price will be difficult to estimate.

rare! Zhejiang fishermen accidentally caught a golden big fish, weighing 7 catties worth 35,000 yuan, what is a big yellow croaker? The current status of the yellow croaker The value of the yellow croaker

The growth rate of wild yellow croaker is relatively slow, the first year can grow seven or eight two, two or three years after can grow to more than 2 pounds, after the growth rate will be slower, to grow to more than 7 pounds, at least more than ten years, during which to avoid man-made hunting and large fish hunting. In 2016, at an auction in Zhoushan International Aquatic City, Zhejiang Province, a 4.1-kilogram wild yellow croaker fetched a sky-high price of 29,800 yuan.

rare! Zhejiang fishermen accidentally caught a golden big fish, weighing 7 catties worth 35,000 yuan, what is a big yellow croaker? The current status of the yellow croaker The value of the yellow croaker

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="37" >What is yellow croaker? </h1>

Yellow croaker, also known as yellow croaker, cucumber fish, golden dragon, etc., is a fish of the totoaba family and yellow croaker genus, with multiple columns of luminous particles on the ventral surface of the body. It often inhabits the middle and bottom waters of the coastal and offshore sandy mud bottom, and also enters the estuary area, where small fish, shrimp and crabs, diatoms, etc. are their food.

rare! Zhejiang fishermen accidentally caught a golden big fish, weighing 7 catties worth 35,000 yuan, what is a big yellow croaker? The current status of the yellow croaker The value of the yellow croaker

Map of the distribution of the giant yellow croaker

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="39" > the current status of yellow croaker</h1>

Giant yellow croaker was once an important economic fish species in China's ocean, and there are traditional spawning grounds for yellow croaker in The Coastal Areas of China, such as The Lvsiyang of Jiangsu Province, the DaiquYang of the Huaijiang River, and the East China Sea and the Yellow Sea. Once, China's large yellow croaker resources are abundant, only in 1974 the output reached more than 200,000 tons, yellow croaker, small yellow croaker, striped fish, cuttlefish was once listed as China's "four major marine fisheries".

rare! Zhejiang fishermen accidentally caught a golden big fish, weighing 7 catties worth 35,000 yuan, what is a big yellow croaker? The current status of the yellow croaker The value of the yellow croaker

Overfishing has led to a rapid decline in the resources of the yellow croaker, which has been listed on the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species – Critically Endangered in order to protect the yellow croaker. China has also taken many remedial measures, but to this day, the resources of the yellow croaker have not been effectively restored.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="41" > the value of yellow croaker</h1>

Yellow croaker has a very high edible value, medicinal value and high economic value, the meat is tender, rich in protein, not only fresh food, but also can be deep processed. Fish maw can be dried to make "fish belly", is a valuable food, but also can be made into traditional Chinese medicine "fish maw gum beads", for digestive ulcers, kidney stones and so on has a certain therapeutic effect.

rare! Zhejiang fishermen accidentally caught a golden big fish, weighing 7 catties worth 35,000 yuan, what is a big yellow croaker? The current status of the yellow croaker The value of the yellow croaker

As the supply of yellow croaker outstrips demand, so does the price. Nowadays, some places have realized artificial breeding, due to high technical requirements, it has not yet been possible to achieve large-scale still breeding.

rare! Zhejiang fishermen accidentally caught a golden big fish, weighing 7 catties worth 35,000 yuan, what is a big yellow croaker? The current status of the yellow croaker The value of the yellow croaker

The ancients still knew that we should not "exhaust ourselves and fish", but now many people are blinded by interests. Nature is generous and selflessly gifts all that is good to mankind. Fear nature, recklessly take it, and in the end it is human beings themselves who pay for it.

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