
Li Xiaoming paints grass worms | Butterfly and blue dragonfly coloring techniques

author:Zhou Daoxiang

First, the butterfly coloring technique

Step 1:

Outlined with a very fine gossamer ink line, the antennae are slightly dotted, and the feet are wide, which can be expressed by double hook techniques.

Li Xiaoming paints grass worms | Butterfly and blue dragonfly coloring techniques

Step 2:

Heavy ink filled with black round spots, and then with light ink to dye the root of the wings, and then with medium ink staining, the roots of the large wings with heavy ink, the tip of the wings with light ink slightly stained, the overall cover is dyed orange yellow (Garcinia + Vermilion), and the white marking part is flat coated with light white powder.

Li Xiaoming paints grass worms | Butterfly and blue dragonfly coloring techniques

Step 3:

Use a very dry burnt ink brush to wipe out the pure black markings, and the roots of the forewings are dyed with heavy akewara, all the way to the ink color, not leaving the paper white. The curved pattern at the edges of the wings is also carefully outlined with burnt ink. The white markings are stained with medium white, and the upper and lower parts are light. The chest and abdomen are dyed with medium ink, and the eyeballs are lit with burnt ink dots.

Li Xiaoming paints grass worms | Butterfly and blue dragonfly coloring techniques

Step 4:

Heavy orange + a little white powder, flat coated round striped parts. Ochre ink to dye the legs of the mouthpiece, the eyeballs are repeated with three greens, the head and upper part of the body are stained with heavy ink velvet, and the abdomen is dyed with white powder after heavy white vermicelli. The main vein of the big wing is first relegated with light ink, and then the root of the wing vein is relegated with medium ink. The trivial pattern of the wing tip is carefully outlined with thick ink, and the dark part of the wing root is dipped in a thin pen and the small dots of thick ink are densely broken, and slowly blurred in the direction of the wing tip.

Li Xiaoming paints grass worms | Butterfly and blue dragonfly coloring techniques

Second, the blue dragonfly coloring technique

The line for the eyes should be thin, the line for the wings should be flexible, the line for the back should be thick, and the line for the legs and claws should be changeable. The wing veins are outlined, only the main parts need to be outlined, and the finely broken wing veins are outlined after the coloring is completed.

Li Xiaoming paints grass worms | Butterfly and blue dragonfly coloring techniques

First, it is stained with light ink as a whole, the tail is slightly heavier, the black markings on the chest are filled with ink hooks, the compound eye part is dyed with light ink red, and the root and tip of the wings are dyed with a lighter dark red color. Dark spots on the neck are heavily inked flat.

Li Xiaoming paints grass worms | Butterfly and blue dragonfly coloring techniques

The blue part of the body is monochromatic, and the macular part is coated with a thick pinkish yellow. The roots of the wings continue to be stained with crimson red (vermilion plus moth and rouge). The tail is covered with medium ink. The ink under the eyes is stained, and the legs and claws are stained with light ink.

Li Xiaoming paints grass worms | Butterfly and blue dragonfly coloring techniques

The blue part of the body is slightly more densely stained with three greens, the macular part is stained with vermilion, and the black spot on the body is carefully coated with ink. The roots of the wings are stained orange (Garcinia garcinia plus vermilion) as a whole, the compound eye mask is dyed with light ink, and the underside of the eyeballs is stained with cinnabar. The black spots on the tip of the wings are flat coated with medium ink, the main wing veins of the wings are light ink red compound, and the fine wing veins are carefully outlined with a small pen dipped in clear ink.

Li Xiaoming paints grass worms | Butterfly and blue dragonfly coloring techniques

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