
wary! These Chinese and Western medicines cannot be combined

author:National Sankei platform
wary! These Chinese and Western medicines cannot be combined

▍Source: Pharmacy people

Chinese and Western medicine are no strangers to everyone

In pharmacies, there are often customers who buy Chinese and Western medicines

Some customers also prefer the combination of Chinese and Western medicine

But from a professional point of view

Not all Chinese and Western medicines can be used together

Today we're going to talk about some of the productions that will occur

Or increase the combination of Chinese and Western medicines with adverse reactions

For your reference and comparison

1. Traditional Chinese medicines and proprietary Chinese medicines with more calcium


Plaster, keel, oysters, pearls, clams, corrugated seeds, etc.

Collocation is contraindicated

Digitalis drugs

Cause: Calcium ions have a synergistic effect with it, increasing their effect and toxicity.

2. Mercury-containing traditional Chinese medicines and their preparations

Cinnabar, light powder, cinnabar anshen pills, RenDan, Purple Snow Powder, Tonic Heart Dan, Magnetic Zhu Pills, etc.

Potassium bromide, tribromo compound, potassium iodide, iodine throat tablets, etc

Cause: The formation of highly toxic mercury bromide or mercury iodide, resulting in drug-induced enteritis or erythrosentery stools.

Coffee bromide compound containing sodium benzoate and preparations using sodium benzoate as a preservative

Cause: Produces drug-derived phenylmercury salts, causing drug-borne mercury poisoning.

Western medicines with reducing properties such as ferrous sulfate and isoamyl nitrite

Cause: It can reduce divalent mercury to monovalent mercury, and the toxicity is enhanced.

3. Chinese medicine containing organic acids

Wumei, dogwood, tangerine peel, papaya, Sichuan root, green bark, hawthorn, female virgin, etc. and proprietary Chinese medicine.

Sulfa Western medicines

Cause: It is easy to precipitate crystals in the renal tubules to cause crystallization and even kidney failure.

Nitrofurantoin, rifampicin, aspirin, indomethacin

Causes: increased reabsorption of these drugs in the kidneys, increased nephrotoxicity.

4. Drugs containing hydrated tannin and having certain toxicity to the liver

Hako, Gobezi, Earth Elm, Four Seasons Green, etc.

Tetracycline, rifampicin, chlorpromazine, isoniazid, etoxithromycin, etc., which are toxic to the liver.

Cause: Aggravated toxicity to the liver.

5. Contains tannin-like Chinese medicine

Knotweed, knotweed, rhubarb, pentagram, etc.


Cause: Tannin can bind to sulfonamides, affecting their excretion, resulting in increased concentrations of sulfonamides in the blood and liver, and toxic hepatitis can occur in severe cases.

6. Traditional Chinese medicine containing alkaline ingredients

Huanglian, locust rice and its proprietary Chinese medicine.

Aminoglycosides: amikacin, etimicin, etc

Cause: Alkaline Traditional Chinese medicine preparations can increase their absorption, increase their drug concentration in brain tissue, and enhance the ototoxic effect.


Cause: alkalinization of urine, increased absorption of quinidine, triggering quinidine poisoning.

7. Traditional Chinese medicine containing belladonna alkaloids and their preparations

Mandala, ocean flower, celestial fairy, belladonna mixture, etc.

Cardiac glycosides

Cause: Belladonna reduces gastrointestinal peristalsis, which also increases the absorption and accumulation of cardiac glycoside drugs.

8. Traditional Chinese medicine containing ephedrine and its proprietary Chinese medicine

Compound Sichuan shellfish essence tablets, Laiyang pear cough syrup, compound Sichuan shellfish loquat pulp, etc.

Cardiotonic drugs: digitalis, etc

Causes: Enhance the effect of cardiotonic drugs, easy to cause arrhythmias and heart failure.

Antihypertensive drugs: digoxin, etc

Cause: Weakening the effect of antihypertensive drugs.

9. Traditional Chinese medicine containing cyanosides

Almonds, peach kernels, loquat leaves, etc.

Western medicine antitussive medicine: pentovirine, etc

Cause: Pentovirine strengthens the respiratory inhibitory effect of cyanosides.

10. Proprietary Chinese medicine containing ethanol

Various medicinal liquors, etc.

Sedatives: phenobarbital, phenytoin, metamizole

Cause: The production of toxic products can inhibit the central nervous system.

Anti-rheumatic drugs: aspirin, sodium salicylate, etc

Why: Ethanol increases its irritation to the digestive tract.

Tricyclic antidepressants: promizine, amitriptyline, clomipramine, doxepine

Cause: Speeds up the metabolism of such drugs, increases their toxicity.

Phenothiazine Western medicines: fluorochlorpromazine, fenazil, fluphenazine, trifluorolazine, etc

Cause: It can inhibit ethanol metabolism, leading to symptoms of alcoholism.

Sulfonamides and furan antibiotics: sulfamethoxypyrimidine, sulfamethoxypyrimidine, sulfaisoxazole, nitrofurantoin, furazolidone, furacillin, etc

Cause: Inhibition of ethanol metabolism.

Antihypertensive drugs: guanidine, reserpine, hydralazine, methyldopa and toplazoline

Cause: Prone to synergistic effects causing orthostatic hypotension.


Cause: Synergistic effect, resulting in a significant decrease in blood pressure.


Cause: increased damage to the liver after homogeneous use.

Antihistamines: chlorpheniramine

Cause: Increased inhibition of the central nervous system.

Insulin and sulfonylureas hypoglycemic western drugs: glipizide, glimepiride, gliclazide, glibenclamide, glibourea, gliquinone and so on.

Causes: The combination can cause severe hypoglycemia, tincture reactions, and even irreversible neurological symptoms.

11. Iodine-containing traditional Chinese medicines containing kelp, seaweed and other iodine-containing chinese medicines and their preparations

Western medicines for the treatment of hyperthyroidism: tabazole, propylthiopyrimidine

Why: Iodine promotes the iodization of tyrosine, which increases the synthesis of thyroxine in the body.

12. Yellow medicine seeds

Western drugs with hepatotoxicity: rifampicin, tetracycline, erythromycin, chlorpromazine, etc

Cause: the combination increases hepatotoxicity.

Disclaimer: The above content is reproduced from the pharmacy manager, and the content sent does not represent the position of the platform.

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