
Let me help you kids

author:Yunnan Satellite TV

Audience friends who have watched the hit drama "The Legend of the Female Doctor Mingfei" should be familiar with the role of the mighty prairie general "Mondo", this general Mondo's straightforward and generous image has left a deep impression on the audience, and the actor who interpreted this image vividly is named Zuo Jinzhu, who came to the scene of the "Let Me Help You" program today, what exactly does he have?

Let me help you kids

Zuo Jinzhu, also known as Jinzhu Zoro, was born in 1978 in Xuexiang, Wuchang City, Heilongjiang. Before the age of 16, Zuo Jinzhu had never stepped out of the mountains, and after the age of 16, he left his hometown with a dream and successfully entered the Beijing Film Academy. Since 2003, Zuo Jinzhu has participated in more than 40 film and television dramas such as "Qin Shi Mingyue", "The Biography of Female Doctor Mingfei", "Dragon Gate Flying Armor", "Snow Bath Kunlun" and so on, so how is his acting skills? What requirements did the on-site host ask him?

Let me help you kids

As an actor with a thriving career today, Zuo Jinzhu has another identity. That is the image ambassador of the Zhejiang Post-90s Love Group. In 2013, he came into contact with the public welfare organization Zhejiang Post-90s Love Group, and learned that the Zhejiang Post-90s Love Group is a social welfare organization initiated by a group of post-90s caring people, who unite caring people from all walks of life to help the poor and help students, and prove to the society with actions that the post-90s generation is a group of loving, responsible, and dedicated generations. Today, Du Xuda, the founder of the post-90s love group, also came to the scene of the program to tell us how he single-handedly founded a love team of nearly 1,000 people. So, what made Zuo Jinzhu and Du Xuda come to the show scene together? What kind of demands do they have for their arrival?

Let me help you kids
Let me help you kids

It turned out that they came to the show for a little friend named Lu Dingding, who is twelve years old and from Zhejiang. Little Tintin suffers from congenital muscular dystrophy, weak hands and feet, limited mobility, and has always been cared for by his grandparents. Due to physical reasons, every time he went out, he had to be carried on his back. But now the 12-year-old little Tintin also weighs fifty or sixty pounds, making grandpa and grandmother gradually feel powerless. Will Little Tintin's illness be cured? Why didn't he say a word at the scene? Will their demands be met?

"Let Me Help You"

Tonight at 21:20 "Let Me Help You Kids" please tune in!